Course Format

What A Full Course Will Have

    • Sections ("modules" or "units")
    • Lessons (video-lessons or video-lectures)
    • Support Material (practice sheets, exercises, extra material to expand on the subject)
    • Quizzes/Tests
    • Answer Sheets(for parents only)


Remember: With Lernsys, you will never have to correct any quizzes, tests, or homework. You simply upload video-lessons and worksheets!


Simply speaking, "sections" are just clusters or grouped lessons. You can name the sections in your course "Section", "Unit", or "Module". These lessons are somewhat related to each other. For instance, a section can cover "fractions" and the lessons can be adding, subtracting, multiplying fractions, etc. The system will automatically generate these and you will only have to populate them with the lessons you have created.


Each lesson is truly a video-lesson whose duration is between 10 to 30 minutes. The exact length of each video-lesson will vary depending on the age of the target audience and the subject covered. It is recommended that video-lessons for children under the age of ten remain shorter as their attention and concentration span typically tends to be shorter than of older children and adults.

Support Material

Support material consists of files which students will be able to upload as their progress throughout the course. These could be MS Word, Excel, PDF's, Excel sheets, images, audio, etc. If you have been teaching already for a while, you probably have many such files either in digital format or paper format, which you can scan and upload using our system. Support material is an added-value to each lesson. However, we stress on the concept of "quality" over "quantity".

Quizzes and Tests

Creating quizzes and tests is so easy! Our system will provide you an interactive tool to create quizzes and tests. The system will take care of correcting the answers. Quizzes can vary in length. We will leave it up to you to decide how much to ask after each lesson. Questions can be specific pointing to data you just presented, or can be open-ended question to provoke thought and discuss with the student's parents. You can use your following lessons to provide clarity on these questions.

Answer Sheets and Resources

As a teacher, you understand with full clarity the hard work that goes into correcting assignments, quizzes, tests and other work. Parents, many of them with full time jobs or other responsibilities, share the same or greater burden. The "Resources" section of the course, enables you to upload answer sheets to the quizzes, tests and other materials which students go through during the course. With a special log in, parents can then download these materials and easily correct their children's work. The "Resources" tab can also include audio/video files, or other ideas for activities so that parents can become engaged in their children's education, without having to spend hours coming up with new ideas.

Important Tip : The additional content you provide is also what helps differentiate your course from other similar courses, and it is also what helps add value to yours.


Minimum requirements to pass our Course Review Process

Generally speaking, most full academic courses (for example, 5th grade Math, or 6th grade Science) must contain a minimum of: 

  • 30 lessons or more
  • Each video-lesson must be between 10 to 30 minutes long
  • Each lesson must contain at least 1 to 2 support files


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