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Teacher: Vellangi
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1302


1 Course Overview 15:59

The instructor goes over the different units that are taught.

2 Value Scale 08:30

Picture of Value Scale

Value -Most drawings are made up a full range of value.Value simply means a drawing is a value drawing with no color. The value scale that you will create is tool that you can use to evaluate different values when observing an object.When values come together in a drawing it naturally creates form.

Ways to make sure that you made a sucessfull value scale.

1) Are there a range of values(Black,greys,and light tones in shading)

2)Are the boxes evenly blended inside the lines (using the blending tool)

3)The changes in value should be a gradule change.

3 Part 1 /Understanding Form 07:34

Picture of Part 1 /Understanding Form

This lesson is an explanation of how light is depicted onto an object and then to a two dimentional paper. This is the first lesson on how to draw an object in a three dimentional form. The lesson explains how to incorprtet the value scale, and how to use it as a guide. There is also a very engaging demo that visually exacutes value onto a three dimentional object. 

4 Part 2/ Demo/Instructor 07:08

Picture of Part 2/ Demo/Instructor

This video gives the student a step by step guide on observing shadows and demos how to apply value to a circle. In the end the instructor shows a finished outcome of the work.The instructor shows the student what tools are used to draw form and how to use different blending methods to create form. This video is a demonstrative video depicting how form is created using a ball to depict the evaluation of where value is placed with in the object.

5 Drawing Technique Part 1 10:11

This video goes in depth about specifically four drawing techniques.They are Hatching,Crosshatching,Scumling, and stippling.The instructor talks about how to intergrate the value scale as a tool as well. Through this video each technique is demonstrated.

6 Drawing Technique part 2 11:01

Picture of Drawing Technique part 2

This video Combines the form and the technique to create a picture. The instructional video ends with a demo on how to use the crosshatch technique. 

7 Introduction to positive Negative space 06:30

Picture of Introduction to positive Negative space

This is a in depth video explaining four different images and how they relate to space. Specifically I talk about positive and negative space. 

8 Japanese Notans 13:30

Picture of Japanese Notans

This video introduces the project. The video explains in detail how to make a japanese notan. A Japanese notan is a craft that uses positive and negative space.This project can be alot of fun,so have fun with it.


9 Composition 1 perspective 18:08

Picture of Composition 1 perspective

The instructor talks about how the eye moves around the canvass.The instructr explains how these elements move around the a canvass and explains that how the eye moves around an image. Some of the types of compositions are:

  • rule of thirds 
  • Triangle
  • L-shape
  • S-shape
  • 0-shape
  • Diagonal

10 Composition Part 2 23:09

Picture of Composition Part 2

This video introduces the project. The project is about composition. The student will be puting together a collage and will be use some of the methods of composition and pick some interesting images to place in the composition using magazines at home and scissors and lastly a glue stick. 

11 Composition Part 3 15:29

Picture of Composition Part 3

This video explains composition and how it realtes to art. The instructor goes into detail about different types of composition and how you as the student can use it in the upcoming project which is the Mandala project. This project goes into further depth about symmetry and line and how it is used in the assighnment.

12 Putting it all Together 11:20

This video introduces the an assignment that brings together vocabulary that has been used up until this point in the course some being.

  • Value 
  • Blending
  • Highlights 
  • Drawing techniques 

13 Drawing The Eye 12:20

This is an in depth tutorial on the parts of the eye.The instructor talks about how to draw the eye and how to see the parts of the eye.

14 Drawing the Nose 09:42

This is a lesson on not only drawing the nose, but shading the nose.

15 Drawing the Lips 17:17

This is a lesson on how to draw lips.

16 Drawing Hair 16:15

The instructor talks about different types of hair and how to draw the different types of hair.

  • Curley 
  • straight
  • short 
  • Long 

17 Drawing The Human Ear 12:20

This is how to draw an ear.

18 Drawing a Full Portrait 21:57

Picture of Drawing a Full Portrait This is a lesson on how to draw a portrait from the shoulders up.


19 Welcome To Painting 23:42

Picture of Welcome To Painting

What this video covers:

  • Kinds of paint 
  • Size Brushes 
  • Different brush marks 
  • Introduction to the first painting assignment 

This video first shows students how to use watercolor, and then shows students how to apply the technique to a painting.

This video also has the instructor introduce a new artist to students named Georgia O' Keeffe. The instructor also talks about a few of her paintings. 

20 POP ART 19:01

Picture of POP ART

This video talks about the pop art movement and discusses art from Andy Warhol.The instructor also presents a new assignment.The instructor brings up a new artist and explains what a water color wash is.

21 Understanding Warm and Cool Colors 18:30

Picture of Understanding Warm and Cool Colors

Through this lesson on tesselation students are discovering an understanding on warm and cool colors. 

22 Introduction to Oil Pastels 18:30

The video has very detailed instruction on different techniques using oil pastels. The instructor goes over six different oil pastel techniques. This video also introduces the assignment.

23 Pointillism Painting project 08:45

Picture of Pointillism Painting project

the innstructor explains using q-tips how to mak a poitillism painting. The instructor also talks about how one would blend there color as well.

24 Understanding Shapes 08:30

This is a in depth lesson on drawing different types of shapes and forms. For example how to draw a cone or a square. This is step instruction on ways to draw these items. 

25 Mixing Color 12:31

This is an indepth video on how to mix tones of color to create different values in color.

26 Action Painting /Splatter Paint 18:25

Action painting -This video shows how to make marks with a brush using just energy

28 Surrealism project 05:08

The instructor talks about the art movement serrealism. the instructor also talks about how this relates tothe assignment as well. The instructor also mentions a new artist named salvador dali. 

43 Impressionism painting 11:02

Picture of Impressionism painting

The insructor talks about the movement impressionism. The instructor shows how to make brush strokes that resemble techniques from the impressionism movement. 


27 Color Theory 08:09

This video talks about how to apply colors to images. 

29 Printmaking Lesson 1 16:29

Picture of Printmaking Lesson 1

The instructor tells the student in detail what materials you need to complete the project.

Linoleum pad




The instructor goes through the entire process from start to finish. 

30 Print-Making Activity 2 19:32

This video is about bringing together two projects in one,notans and printmaking.This is a video that brings together the idea of positive and negative space with Japanese notans.

31 Monochromatic Painting 12:31

Picture of Monochromatic Painting  This is an instructional video on what monochromatic painting.

35 Personality Box 1 15:38

Picture of Personality Box 1 This video is an instructional video how to put the structure of the box together

36 Personality Box 2 37:44

Picture of Personality Box 2

Each panel should say something about who you are or an interest that you may have. Each panel will be a full drawing or painting about you. Think of this as a 3D collage. 

37 Cultural Masks 20:23

Picture of Cultural Masks

The assignment for the mask is to pick a country and create a cultural mask. 

38 Introduction to Photography 15:27

Picture of Introduction to Photography

Through the video the instructor describes different cameras and takes time to talk about diffferent photos 

39 Photography Lesson 2 07:13

Picture of Photography Lesson 2

This project is mixed with a color pencil activity after th ephoto is taken. 

40 Clay 18:10

Picture of Clay

This is a lesson on understand form. Create a bowl with air dry clay.

41 Marble Painting Part 1 30:33

Picture of Marble Painting Part 1

This video describes the materials that are needed to do this project.It is alsoa. step by video on how to create a dynamic photo image through marble painting. 

42 Marble Painting part 2 15:11

This is an in depth look at how to drip painting and how to run the paint down the canvas as an interesting an art form.


32 Art History 1 11:26

Ancient Art 


Medieval Art 







33 Art Critique 1 19:09

This is a video that talks about how to talk about art.The instructor breaks down how to talk about art using a four step formula.Describe, analyze,interpret and evaluate. 

34 Art Critique 2 15:09

This lecture is another lesson on how to criique works of art using the four step formula.

44 Closing Remarks 00:45

This is the last video.This video goes over some of the standards that were covered and inviting you take more art courses.

Course Overview

Welcome To Art Foundations!The art Foundation course is the first course that High School students are introduced to when starting High School. The art Foundation course is a course that gives High School students a basic building block on how to use techniques while exploring new mediums as well as gives them an introduction on art vocabulary that are tied to art concepts. This course later will allow students to later take higher level art courses. All lessons are tied to the elements and techniques of drawing including value, contour line, and perspective will be explored in this course focusing on working from direct observation, and explore self-expression through different materials. Students will develop and understanding expressive drawing and produce works in subject matter such as still life, figurative works, and Communicate ideas through artworks by selecting and applying media techniques and processes subject matter, and themes. Students will communicate ideas through artworks by selecting and applying art elements and principles and respond aesthetically to artworks based upon their personal experience and cultural values Analyze, interpret, and evaluate the quality of artwork through art criticism. Understand the role and functions of art in history and culture. Students will be able to observe art by classifying art works, using accurate vocabulary, knowledge of art history, techniques, and materials. Students will have a chance see modern art, and observe how art is being used in today’s world.

About This Course

  • This course is 43 lessons with a trained artist and art educator.
  • The course is designed to teach art concepts,while building on fundemental art skills.
  • Projects that are assigned are in depth,engaging,projects. 
  • Each project that is assigned is designed to have the student to beable to place there own self expression into the creative process.
  •  Hours of step step instructional videos.
  • Videos that explain materials that are nessary to complete projects.
  • Every project is explained and demonstrated. 
  • Documents that have practice drawing sheets that better help understand cocepts of the lesson.
  • Each lesson builds on eachother making it easier to understand bigger art concepts for your student.
  • 5 units that are in depth units connected to art foundation standards.
  • Each modeule has a computerized exame test to check for understanding and completions.


This course is integrated with very strong instructional videos that help students not only be able to create art projects, but successfully achieve techniques while successfully reaching state standards. The course is designed to push technical skills and creative success.

Modules are as follows:

1)Introduction to drawing 

2) Drawing level two 

3)Introduction to Painting 

4)Introduction to mixed media/sculpture 

5)Introduction to critiqueing Art 

Projects Include:

  • Drawing 
  • Collages 
  • Painting 
  • printmaking 
  • sculpture 
  • Clay 

Art Movements/criqueing paintings from various artist 

  • Pointillism 
  • Pop Art 
  • Impressionism 
  • Action Painting 
  • Surrealism 

Standards that are covered:

  • Students will beable to research how art and artist have influenced history and world culture
  • Students will beable to integrate the elements of art and principles of design and use them to evaluate the features of composition. 
  • Students will analyze the effects of media and their associated materials and methods using Elements of Art and principles of design.
  • Students will beable to name art media and associated tools,for multiple art forms and genres.
  • Understands that there are basic ways to organize the Elements of Art in design such as pattern and balance.
  • Is skilled at creating a body of art with a shared message.
  • Is skilled at using 3D techniques,such as,attaching,carving,and modeling. 
  • Understands the outcome of various materials,tools, and techniques and how they work together in multiple art forms.

Documents will include:

  • Practice worksheet 
  • Forms used for critiqueing art 
  • detail instructions for projects ,explaining tools along with the process

Additional resources:

  • Materials List is included so your student can be prepared for every project 
  • Video: Art talks where students hear what artist are doing in todays world.


  • Teacher: Vellangi
  • Areas of expertise: Drawing and painting,I am an artist with a variety of fine arts expertise.I have expertise in photoshop, painting, advance drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography. I have had the opportunity to work with world renowned artist, which from that experience I am able to teach students the fundamental art skills.
  • Education: MFA-Masters in Visual Arts from Jacksonville University. BA from the University of Maine at Augusta.
  • Interests: Going to the beach,movies,theme parks, swimming,traveling visiting new people and cultures.
  • Skills: Trained in american sign language, certified CRMA.
  • Associations:
  • Issues I care about: World hunger,childrens opportunities to grow and learn,Animal rights, Foster care system.

I am an art eduactor that is certified in both Florida and Maine.Being certified to teach art K-12 and college students, I love working with students of all ages.When I am not doing art I spend time with my two boys. When I am not doing art I like to travel go to art museums, and the movies. I am a mixed media artist, which means that I enjoy mixing mediums. I have been told that I make this subject matter come alive for students.My philosophy with teaching is that a good instructor can make a subject come alive for students if they truly have a passion for it.I am trained in teaching all art mediums such as photoshop, drawing all levels, painting all levels, print making and photography.The art foundation course is my favorite course to teach because it is the starting course that introduces students to a wide range of art all in one year. Art is meant to emotionally move people and to inspire. Students take a art adventure when they take this course.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Materials List

This is a detail materials list on what is used in the course.

Georgia O Keeffe

Look through some of her paintings.And read more about her bio.


Cave Art

This video gives students a brief history on cave art, who created it and why its important.It also tells where one can find cave art in the world.

Below is the link:

Healing Sands: The Sand Mandala Project

Better Know: The Starry Night

This is a brief bioography on who Vincent van Goah was as an artist.

Better Know the Great Wave

Printmaking Vildeo. This video depicts a well known Japanese wood block printer.

Seurat Biography

This is a video that shows the artist seurat. His facination with color theory.

Salvador Dali

This is an art museum that displays Salvador Dali paintings,history and his biographical journey and psychology of his painting.

The Case for Jackson Pollock

This is a biography on the artist Jackson pollock who started action paintig.

Rob Forbes

This video is connected to the photography assignment.Below is the video link.


This is the answer key for all five parts of the course.

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