Middle School Chemistry

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Teacher: Jennifer
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1891

Unit 1: Atoms, Elements, and the Periodic Table

0 Introduction 04:04

This is an introduction to the course that includes an overview of each unit content.  There is a brief discussion of the types of materials involved in the course and a discussion of the labs.

1 Lesson 1: The Atom 08:34

Learn how to define atom and the names, locations, and charges of the subatomic particles.

2 The Atom Notes Review 03:09

In this video, all of the answers to the atom notes are reviewed.

3 Lesson 2: Atom vs. Element 07:43

Learn the definition of element and how it relates to the definition of atom.  Understand that elments differ based upon subatomic particle, which changes their chemical and physical properties.

4 Lesson 3: Periodic Table Blocks 08:58

Learn how to read individual blocks of the periodic table to determine the element name and symbol, atomic number and mass, and numbers of protons, neutrons, and protons.

5 Periodic Table Blocks Practice Review 09:32

Use this video to check to make sure that the answers on the Periodic Table Blocks worksheet are correct and that you are using the blocks correctly.

6 Lesson 4: Electrons and Orbiting 10:53

Through this lesson, you will be able to tell how many electrons orbit in each of the energy levels for the first 20 elements on the periodic table.

7 Review of the Lesson 4 Notes 03:06

Use this short video to check to make sure that you have all of the answers to the notes from lesson 4.

8 Bohr Model Worksheet Review 06:28

Use this video to make sure that you are adding electrons to the different levels properly.  You will be able to check your answers for all of the first 20 elements.

9 Lesson 5: Organization of the Periodic Table 12:36

In this lesson, you will learn key terms that allow you to understand the organization of the periodic table.  You will learn of the 3 main element types and their common properties.  You will also look at a few of the families and begin to learn their common properties.

10 Lesson 6: Families, Reactivity, and Bonding 16:35

In this lesson, you will focus again on the three families from lesson 5 (alkali metals, halogens, and noble gases).  We will look at chemical properties, specifically reactivity and bonding as a result of their valence electrons.

11 Review of the Lesson 5 and 6 Notes 04:55

In this video, you will get the chance to check over your notes from lessons 5 and 6 to ensure the accuracy of your answers.

12 Unit 1 Test 00:00

The test should be printed or answers could be written on separate paper.  The answer key is in the parent resources.  Studying the study guide first will be useful.

Unit 2: Molecular Motion and States of Matter

13 Lab 1: Water 09:35

Students will conduct a lab with three parts to attempt to discover properties of the water molecule.  Most items needed can be found in the home. 

14 Lesson 1: Water Lab Review and Debrief 12:48

In this lesson, you will learn about what you should have seen in the lab and what your observations tell you about water. 

15 Lesson 2 and Lab 2: Thermometer 11:25

In this lesson, you will conduct an experiment in order to help you draw conclusions about how temperature impacts the spacing of atoms and molecules.

16 Lesson 3 and Lab 3: Temperature and Molecular Motion 10:36

In this lesson, you will conduct a lab comparing the motion of molecules in hot vs. cold water.  From you observations, you will draw conclusions about molecular motion in different temperatures.

17 Lesson 4 and Lab 4: Molecules of a Solid 12:56

In this lesson, you will learn about the movement and spacing of the molecules in a solid.  You will then be able to compare the molecules of solid substances to those of a liquid.  This lesson includes a lab demonstration.

18 Lesson 5 and Lab 5: Molecules of a Gas 10:25

In this lesson, you will be able to learn how the molecules of a gas compare to that of a liquid and solid.  You will be able to give examples to explain how you know that gas is matter.

19 Lesson 6: Solids, Liquids, and Gases Review 12:37

In this lesson, students will be given a summary of the learning in unit 2.  In addition, the three states of matter will be compared on a molecular level.

20 Unit 2 Test 00:00

Test should be printed for optimal use.  The answer key is located in the parent resources.  Reviewing the study guide will be useful.

Unit 3: Phase Changes

21 Lab 1: Energy Transfer 05:54

Follow the directions on the lab sheet to see what happens when substances with different levels of energy come into contact.

22 Lesson 1: Conduction 15:59

In this lesson, you will learn conduction and learn about how energy is transferred.  You will also be able to explain equilibrium and the direction of the flow of energy.

23 Lab 2: Evaporation 04:02

This video will show you the materials that you need and how to set up the experiment on evaporation. 

24 Lesson 2: Evaporation 09:50

This lesson will discuss the observations made during the evaporation experiment.  Students will learn the connection between evaporation and energy transfer by conduction.  Evaporation will be discussed on a molecular level.

25 Lesson 3: Evaporation at Room Temperature 12:50

In the lesson prior, students learn how evaporation occurs through conduction of energy.  Students may wonder how room temperature water evaporates at room temperature as conduction is to occur when there is a difference in temperature.  This is explained in the lesson.

26 Lesson 4: Attractive Forces 13:05

In past lessons, attractive forces were mentioned.  In this lesson, students will learn about those forces and the role they play in phase changes.

27 Lab 3: Condensation 05:16

In this lab, students will first watch water form droplets due to condensation.  In the second part of the lab, students will hypothesize about condensation when food coloring is added.

28 Lesson 5: Condensation 11:27

In this lesson, students will learn to define and explain condensation on a molecular level.  Students will be able to explain the role of conduction in condensation.  A discussion of the results of the lab and findings is a part of the lesson as well.

29 Lesson 6: Freezing and Melting 08:53

Learn about how energy transfer plays a role in freezing and in melting and define the terms.  Explain what happens on a molecular level.

30 Lesson 7: Why Water is Different 10:41

Water does not freeze in the same way as most substances.  Learn why this is and why this is an important property.

31 Lesson 8: Sublimation and Deposition 05:28

Learn the definitions of these terms and be able to explain these processes on a molecular level.

32 Unit 3 Review 10:42

Review of the study guide and the concepts in unit 3 in preparation for the unit test.

33 Unit 3 Test 00:00

Test your understanding of the unit 3 concepts.  The answer key is located in the parent resources.  Reviewing the unit study guide will be useful prior to taking the test.

Unit 4: Density

34 Lesson 1: What is Density? 18:13

In this lesson, density will be described on the molecular level. 

35 Lesson 2: Calculating Density and Lab 1 Introduction 13:54

Students will be shown examples for calculating density using the formula.  This will be followed my practice questions to be completed by the student.  Students will also be given an introduction to their first lab of the unit.

36 Lesson 3: Density Calculation Review 05:21

In this lesson, you will go over your practice with calulating density to make sure that you are on the right track.

37 Lesson 4: Density of Water Lab Review 05:14

Review of the density of water lab.  Check the data table and calculations.  Determine if your conclusions are correct.

38 Lesson 5: Volume by Displacement 09:45

For irregularly shaped objects, using water displacement is a useful method to determine volume.  Learn how to use this method.

39 Lesson 6: Density of Liquids Lab Introduction 08:19

This lesson will guide the student through a detailed explanation for how to conduct their second lab of the unit.

40 Lesson 7: Density of Liquids Lab Review 05:29

Students will be given details of the expected results of the lab, including explanations of possible observations.

41 Lesson 8: Temperature and Density 08:02

In this lesson, students will connect what they have learned in prior lessons to that of density.  This lesson will also include a study guide for the student to complete in preparation for the unit 4 assessment.

42 Lesson 9: Unit 4 Study Guide Review 05:46

Students will be taken through the answers to each of the study guide questions.  This lesson will provide a solid review for the unit test.

43 Unit 4 Test 00:00

This is the final test of the unit.  The test is designed to assess understanding of the concepts in the density unit.

Middle School Chemistry

Course Description

This complete middle school chemistry course covers all of the major concepts taught across most schools in North America and prepares students for future chemistry courses. This course is unique as each topic will focus on what happens on a molecular level, allowing students to gain a strong understanding of the basics of chemistry.  A solid background in these topics will allow students to understand more complex topics of bonding and chemical reactions in subsequent courses.

Unlike other survey courses, this chemistry course is designed to allow the student to gain insight into the behavior of atoms and molecules in each state of matter and under different conditions.  In learning introductory chemistry material in this way will allow students to have a solid understanding of the concepts they will need for high school chemistry. 

For Pennsylvania learners, this course covers all of the chemistry standards for grades 6, 7, and 8.  The course also covers the physics standards on the topics of heat/heat transfer and energy. This course is also applicable to science students in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

The course consists of 29 content rich video-lessons, 10 exercise and lab review or set-up videos, worksheets, note sheets, quizzes, tests and additional materials and resources which parents will have immediate access to upon purchasing this course. This course includes a number of lab activities to allow students to have hands-on experience with chemistry.  Each of the labs requiring materials uses items that could be found around the home or purchased easily and cost effectively.  Any lab requiring materials that students will likely not have available are done as demonstrations or through videos.

Course Goals

Upon course completion, students will be prepared to move on to higher level chemistry courses. Students will have a solid understanding of the periodic table, bonding, states of matter and changes to those states on a molecular level, conduction, and density.

Target Audience

This video-course is primarily intended for middle school students in grades 6-8 or high school students who may need to review previously taught concepts or strengthen understanding to prepare for a high school-level class.

Course Requirements

Students taking this course are not expected to have prior experience with chemistry concepts.

Course Includes

  • Over 6 hours of video (40 videos) - please allow additional time for quizzes, lab activities, and exercises
  • 29 Video-lessons
  • 10 Worksheet, note, and lab review videos
  • 24 Quizzes
  • 4 Unit Tests
  • Answer "keys" to practice worksheets, quizzes and tests (Additional Resources For Parents)
  • Copies of Presentation Notes (Additional Resources For Parents)

Course Topics 

  • Introduction
  • The Atom
  • Atom vs. Element
  • Periodic Table Blocks
  • Electrons and Orbiting
  • Bohr Model
  • Organization of the Periodic Table
  • Families, Reactivity, and Bonding
  • Water Molecules
  • Temperature and Spacing of Atoms or Molecules
  • Temperature and Molecular Motion
  • Molecules of a Solid
  • Molecules of a Gas
  • Solids, Liquids, and Gasses
  • Conduction
  • Evaporation
  • Evaporation at Room Temperature
  • Attractive Forces
  • Condensation
  • Freezing and Melting
  • Sublimation and Deposition
  • Density Introduction
  • Calculating Density
  • Volume by Displacement
  • Temperature and Density
  • Teacher: Jennifer
  • Areas of expertise: Middle School Science
  • Education: Bachelors Degree - Secondary Education (Biology, Environmental Education, General Science) Masters Degree in Middle Level Science Graduate Certificate in Environmental Science
  • Interests: Hiking, nature study and observation, watching sports
  • Skills: Nature and Environmental Education, TedEd Educator, Science Olympiad Coaching Experience
  • Associations: Pennsylvania Teaching Certificates - Secondary Biology, Secondary General Science, Middle-level Science, and Environmental Education
  • Issues I care about: Learning through inquiry and the scientific process to promote problem-solving and a love of science in all students.

I have loved science and nature for as long as I can remember. I enjoy passing on this enthusiasm and interest for science to my students and my own children. I have taught at the middle school level for 16 years and the elementary level for 2 years. My teaching background includes environmental science, life science, physical science, gifted education, and graduate-level education courses. I have also taught at a nature center where I got to work with a variety of animals including snakes and birds of prey. I coached a middle school Science Olympiad team for 10 years and high school volleyball for 6 years.

Lab Materials

Lab Materials

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

End of Lesson Quiz Answer Keys

The attached document has the answer keys from the end of unit quizzes for all of the units in the course.

Unit 1 Presentation Notes

PowerPoint notes used in the video lessons. 

Unit 1 Answer Keys

Answer keys for various practice items in unit 1 and the unit one test.

Unit 1 Test

This exam will test the understanding of the unit 1 concepts. 

Unit 2 Presentation Notes

Copy of all of the notes used in unit 2.

Unit 2 Test

Comprehensive test of all of the unit 2 concepts.

Unit 3 Presentation Notes

PDF copies of the presentations used for students in unit 3.

Unit 3 Test

Included is a copy of the unit 3 test that the student should take at the end of the unit.  The answer key is also included.

Unit 4 Presentation Notes

PDF files of the presentations given in unit 4.

Middle School Chemistry Unit 2 Lesson 4-Lab 4 Short Clip

Unit 4 Test

Attached are the unit 4 exam and the unit 4 exam answer key.

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