Course Overview
The Earth Sciences are traditionally divided into four main categories; Astronomy, Meteorology, Geology and Oceanography. In this course we will look at the four categories through their interaction in the four main “spheres” that surround the Earth; Atmosphere (which includes both the inner and outer atmosphere), Hydrosphere, Geosphere and the Biosphere. This approach is being taken since we, as humans, effect each of these spheres in one way or another and a better understanding of how that happens is beneficial to all life-long learners. Earth Science aspires to develop scientifically informed, caring and responsible individuals who can think critically and make informed choices about themselves, their impact on the environment and society.
Intended Outcome
Students will be able to converse and write using the language of science. Students will become scientifically literate in fields of Oceanography, Geology, Meteorology and Astronomy as well in the utilization of the scientific processes in problem solving.
Teaching Method
I believe that all students can learn but that they need to make a choice to be part of the learning process. I believe that when you teach students to appreciate knowledge and teach them to how to learn, they have a better buy-in to their education. I also believe that exposing students to how their classes relate to the real-world helps them appreciate their studies more.
New material will be presented in lecture format through video lessons and will include a short review video to reemphasize the material presented. There are short worksheets for students to reinforce their learning and a short multiple choice answer quiz for each lecture presentation.
This course includes:
- 7 units and 2 appendices on lab work and mathematical processes used in this science and 10th grade mathematics
- 1 video lesson on how to use the online resources from the textbook I am teaching from
- 30 video lessons with 30 review video lessons on content covered
- Each of the 30 lessons comes with a worksheet to reinforce material presented (answers are seen as that lesson review video) and short, multiple choice quizzes
- 17 video lesson on Science & Society and Science & Technology – additional information on how we effect the Earth and where technology has and will take us
- 12 additional lab exercises are listed in appendix A (6 paper and pencil (with answers in the resource file) and 6 computer simulation labs taken from CU-Boulders PeHT website
- 2 review worksheets and 1 computer simulation on mathematics seen in 10th grade in appendix B
Course Topics:
Unit 1 – Introduction to the Earth Sciences and science in general
Sphere’s within spheres and the cycles of the Earth
Scientific Method and Measurements
Models of the Earth and Maps
Unit 2 – Earth’s Matter
Earth’s Formation
Earth’s Rotation and Revolution
Matter & Atoms
The rock cycle
Mineral and Energy Resources
Environmental Issues
Unit 3 – Dynamic Earth
Plate Tectonics
Causes of plate tectonics and growth of the continents
Unit 4 – Changing Surface
Soil and water as natural resources
Natural phenomena analysis
Hazard maps
Unit 5 – Atmosphere and Weather
Water in the atmosphere
The motion in the atmosphere
Air masses and fronts
Forecasting weather
Climate and climate change
Unit 6 – Oceans
El Nino and La Nina
Unit 7 – Space
Solar systems
Star composition
The Sun
Debris and other materials in the solar system
Greenhouse effect on Venus and Mars
Milky Way Galaxy
The universe