Forensic Science

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Teacher: Kristi
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2013

Preview of the course

0 Course Introduction 04:00

Introduction of myself and the course

Introduction to Forensic Science

1 Laws that Pertain to the Criminal Justice System 25:00

This lesson gives a fast and brief overview of the laws that pertain to the criminal justice system. Law vocabulary and terminology that will be referred to during this course will be discussed as well.

2 Laws that Pertain to the Criminal Justice System Worksheet Review 05:29

Video explaining correct answers to lesson 1 worksheet

3 Laws that Pertain to the Criminal Justice System 15:00

Continuation of Laws

4 Laws that pertain to the Criminal Justice System Worksheet Review 04:21

Video explaining correct answers to review worksheet

5 History of Forensic Science 26:54

What is Forensic Science? How did Forensic Science first begin? What scientists were involved in the history of forensic science and what significant things did they do or prove that led the path for forensic science today?

6 History of Forensic Science Worksheet Review 03:52

Video explaining correct answers to lesson 3 worksheet

7 History of Forensic Science Continued 11:56

Continuation of history of forensic science

8 History of Forensic Science Continued Worksheet Review 05:26

Video explaining correct answers to lesson 4 worksheet


9 Deductive Reasoning 07:16

Teacher will think through a forensic activity on deductive reasoning to figure out who did it.

10 Deductive Reasoning Worksheet Review 13:26

Video explaining the deductive reasoning exercise and correct answers to the activity

11 Observation Skills 26:40

Students will see what type of observation skills they have and will learn how important observation skills are and how they are used with evidence.

12 Observation Skills Worksheet Review 03:45

Video reviewing correct answers to lesson 6 worksheet

13 Observation skills continued 17:28

Continuation of observation skills

14 Observation Skills Continued Worksheet Review 02:46

Video explaining correct answers to lesson 7 worksheet

15 OJ Simpson Case 09:04

We will discuss the famous OJ Simpson case and the types of evidences and what made this case significant from the eyes of a forensic scientist.

16 OJ Simpson Case Worksheet Review 05:30

Video explaining correct answers to lesson 8

Types of Evidence

17 Types of Forensic Evidence 21:09

This lesson goes through the different types of evidence collected at a crime scene.

18 Types of Evidence Worksheet Review 04:24

Review explaining correct answers to lesson 9 worksheet

19 Continuation of Types of Forensic Evidence 19:58

Continuation of the types of forensic evidence

20 Continuation of Types of Forensic Evidence Worksheet Review 04:37

Review explaining correct answers to lesson 10 worksheet

21 Documents 18:59

Students will learn about the different types of documents used and examined by forensic scientists.

22 Documents Worksheet Review 02:55

Review explaining correct answers to lesson 11 worksheet

23 Documents Continued 20:46

Technology and handwriting, court cases, tests used for handwriting analysis

24 Documents Continued Worksheet Review 03:25

Review explaining correct answers to lesson 12 worksheet

25 Test 00:00

Test over units 1-3


26 Fingerprints part 1 35:02

Students will learn about fingerprints, the biology of fingerprints, and how fingerprints are analyzed by forensic scientists.

27 Fingerprints Part 1 Worksheet Review 03:00

Review of correct answers to lesson 14 worksheet

28 Fingerprints part 2 18:28

continuation of fingerprints

29 Fingerprints Part 2 Worksheet Review 02:21

Review of correct answers to lesson 15 worksheet

30 Fingerprints part 3 15:00

Techniques used to collect and analyze different types of fingerprints, patent and plastic, latent, preservation

31 Fingerprints Part 3 Worksheet Review 03:00

Review of correct answers to lesson 16 review worksheet


32 Types of Impressions 37:02

Students will learn the different types of impressions and how they are made.

33 Types of Impressions Worksheet Review 06:08

Explain correct answers to lesson 17 worksheet

34 Test 00:00

Test over Impressions and Fingerprints

Blood, Blood Spatter, and Blood Basics

35 Basics of Blood 26:04

Discussion of what is blood, blood types, antibodies, antigens, and donors and receivers of blood, what happens when you get the wrong type of blood, rH factors and blood

36 Basics of Blood Worksheet Review 02:39

Explains the correct answer to lesson 19 worksheet

37 Blood Spatter 35:13

Blood patterns and blood pattern analysis at the crime scene

38 Blood Spatter Worksheet Review 03:15

Explains correct answers to lesson 20 worksheet

39 Blood Test 00:00

Test over Blood


40 DNA Basics 32:01

Basics of DNA and how forensic scientists use DNA evidence.

41 DNA Basics Worksheet Review 04:18

Explains correct answers to lesson 22 worksheet

42 DNA Profiling 21:03

How to look at DNA profiles and analyze DNA.

43 DNA Profiling Worksheet Review 03:22

Explains correct answers to lesson 23 worksheet

44 Continuation of DNA 14:25

Continuation of DNA analysis

45 Continuation of DNA Worksheet Review 06:21

Explains correct answers to lesson 24 worksheet

46 DNA Test 00:00

Test over DNA

Hair and Fiber

47 Trace Evidence 16:13

Introduction to trace evidences of hair and fibers.

48 Trace Evidence Review Worksheet 03:04

Explains correct answers to lesson 26 worksheet

49 Hair and Fiber 14:49

Continuation of Hair and Fibers and how they are trace evidence and used in forensic science.

50 Hair and Fiber Worksheet Review 03:02

Explain correct answers to worksheet for lesson 27


51 Bones 14:25

Introduction to Bones of the Body.

52 Bones Worksheet Review 03:33

Explain correct answers to lesson 28 worksheet

53 Study of Bones 10:00

How forensic scientists study and analyze bones for evidence.

54 Study of Bones Worksheet Review 02:41

Explain correct answers to lesson 29 worksheet

55 No Bones About It 13:01

No Bones About It - We will look at a lab and how we use tables and calculate height of a skeleton per race to determine approximate height of victim.

56 No Bones About It Worksheet Review 10:06

Explain correct answers to lesson 30 No Bones About It Activity

57 Anthropology Test 00:00

Test over anthropology

Drugs Identification & Toxicology

58 Alcohol 32:49

Information on alcohol and effects on the body and evidence of alcohol in the body when found deceased.

59 Alcohol Worksheet Review 02:53

Explain correct answers to lesson 32 worksheet

60 Alcohol and Fame 04:04

Famous lives who have been affected or died from alcoholism

61 Alcohol and Fame Worksheet Review 02:16

Explains correct answers to lesson 33 worksheet

62 Drugs 26:10

Drugs and how they are classified

63 Drugs Worksheet Review 03:45

Explains correct answers to lesson 34 worksheet

64 Controlled Substance Act and Lab Analysis 17:45

Controlled Substance Act of 1970, Lab tests used for analysis and identification of drugs

65 Controlled Substance Act and Lab Analysis Worksheet Review 01:49

Explains the correct answers to lesson 35 worksheet

66 Toxicology 16:55

Introduction to toxicology, toxic vs lethal, poisons, intoxicants

67 Toxicology Worksheet Review 03:23

Explains correct answers to lesson 36 worksheet

68 Metabolism of Poisons 14:00

What are Poisons? How does our body metabolize poisons?

69 Metabolism of Poisons Worksheet Review 03:00

Explains correct answers to lesson 37 worksheet

70 Toxicology Testing 14:56

The body tissues and organs and what forensic toxicologists test for

71 Toxicology Testing Worksheet Review 05:40

Explains correct answers to lesson 28 worksheet

72 Toxicology Test 00:00

Test over toxicology

Ballistics & Firearms

73 Arson 35:37

What is arson and the logistics of arson.

74 Arson Worksheet Review 02:54

Explains correct answers to lesson 40 worksheet

75 Firearms 13:43

What are firearms and how they can be used as evidence by forensic scientists.

76 Firearms Worksheet Review 03:00

Explains correct answers to lesson 41 worksheet

77 Oklahoma City Bombing 28:00

Study of the Oklahoma City Bombing and what occurred and the forensic science behind it. This is a famous case.

78 Oklahoma City Bombing Worksheet Review 02:50

Explains the correct answers to lesson 42 worksheet

79 Boston Marathon Bombing 2013 04:50

Discussion of Boston Marathon Bombing of 2013

80 Boston Marathon Bombing Worksheet Review 02:11

Explains correct answers to lesson 43 worksheet

81 World Trade Center and 9/11 13:38

Discussion of 9/11 and Twin Towers and Attacks on USA

82 World Trade Center and 9/11 Worksheet Review 04:30

Explains correct answers to lesson 44 worksheet

83 Ballistics 43:19

What ballistics is and what it involves.

84 Ballistics Worksheet Review 04:34

Explains correct answers to lesson 45 worksheet

85 Arson, Explosives, and Ballistics Test 00:00

Test over Arson, Ballistics, and Firearms

Death, Dying, and Entemology

86 Death 24:04

Stages of Death

87 Death Worksheet Review 07:11

Explains correct answers to lesson 47 worksheet

88 Decomposition of the Human Body 10:48

Stages of human decomposition after death

89 Decomposition of the Human Body Worksheet Review 03:26

Explains correct answers to lesson 48 worksheet

90 Entomology and Time of Death 11:17

Entomology and Time of Death

91 Entomology and Time of Death Worksheet Review 06:33

Explain correct answers to cases #1 and 2 on worksheet

92 Estimating Time of Death 02:26

Activities with data using formulas and charts on how to estimate the time of death of an individual. - Complete cases #3 and 4 only

93 Estimating Time of Death Worksheet Review 05:09

Explains correct answers to cases #3 and #4 on worksheet

94 Test 00:00

Test over death and entomology

Famous Cases

95 Heath Ledger 03:42

Discussion of Heath Ledger

96 Heath Ledger Worksheet Review 01:32

Explains correct answers to lesson 52 worksheet

97 Michael Jackson 09:46

Discussion of the death of Michael Jackson

98 Michael Jackson Worksheet Review 02:48

Explains correct answers to lesson 53 worksheet

99 Jon Benet Ramsey 06:20

Discussion of disappearance of Jon Benet Ramsey

100 Jon Benet Ramsey Worksheet Review 02:00

Explains correct answers to lesson 54 Worksheet

101 Marilyn Monroe 01:56

Discussion of Marilyn Monroe

102 Marilyn Monroe Worksheet Review 01:46

Explains correct answers to lesson 55 worksheet

103 George Floyd 2020 06:03

Discussion of George Floyd death of 2020

104 George Floyd Worksheet Review 01:18

Explains correct answers to lesson 56 worksheet

105 Test over Famous Cases 01:06

Questions over Famous Cases

Course Overview

Forensic Science is one of the fasting growing fields in our country and is a vital part of the criminal justice system. Students will learn the history of forensic science, the pioneers who led the way for forensics, how to process crime scenes, analyze lab data, make observations of crime scenes, and utilize all forensic science tools to decipher events that may have taken place at a crime scene.  Students will also study major crimes in history and their significance for the criminal justice system.  Students are taught how to look at crimes without bias and how to look for things that are often overlooked by the general public.

Unit 1: Introduction to Forensic Science and Observations

Unit 2: Types of Evidence

Unit 3: Documentation: Handwriting, Forgery, and Counterfeiting

Unit 4: Fingerprints

Unit 5: Impressions

Unit 6: Blood: Blood Basics and Blood Spatter

Unit 7: DNA

Unit 8: Hair and Fiber

Unit 9: Anthropology

Unit 10: Drug Identification and Toxicology

Unit 11: Ballistics & Firearms

Unit 12: Death, Dying and Entemology

Course Includes:

  • 12 units
  • 48 worksheets with resource answer sheets
  • 48 video lessons
  • 48 exercise review videos (I review each activity one by one from start to finish)
  • 9 online tests with resource answer keys
  • Over 14 hours of video lessons!

Course Requirements:

  • Students take this course will need to have completed high school biology.  Due to the seriousness of the matter of this course, students need to be mature enough to handle the content and graphic content of this course.

Course Goals:

  • Upon course completion, students will have a thorough an deep understanding of how forensic scientists work with law enforcement and will understand the role of the forensic scientist.

  • Upon course completion, students will be able to analyze a crime scene from beginning to end using the scientific method and all the necessary forensic tools to make efficient observations, make a preliminary hypothesis of the crime, and gather evidence using chain of custody.  Students will also be able to determine an approximate time of death.

  • Teacher: Kristi
  • Areas of expertise: Biology, Chemistry, and Forensics
  • Education: Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Master of Arts in Secondary Education, and a Master of Arts in School Administration
  • Interests: I love gardening! I grow corn, tomatoes, green beans, squash, and cucumbers. I also love to fish and to swim. I love summer and anything that has to do with sunshine and water.
  • Skills: I can my own garden vegetables. I cook every day from scratch.
  • Associations: National Association of Biology Teachers, American Chemical Society, National Education Association
  • Issues I care about: I am very passionate about people, their health, safety, and the environment.

I love to teach. I have spent 28 years in the field of education. I have a passion for science and love to share that passion with students. I live in Kentucky and am married and live on a large farm with my husband and two of my adult children. I have 3 grandchildren whom I love very much! I have a young pet dog named Snowball who keeps me busy. I love the outdoors, and I spend alot of time in my swimming pool and garden in the summer months.

Lesson 1 Worksheet Key

The Deadly Picnic Answer Key

Lessons 1 and 2 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 3 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 4 Worksheet KEY

Michael Jackson Worksheet KEY

Heath Ledger Worksheet KEY

JonBenet Ramsey Worksheet KEY

Marilyn Monroe Worksheet KEY

George Floyd Worksheet KEY

Lesson 6 Worksheet KEY

OJ Simpson Case Lesson 8 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 9 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 11 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 12 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 15 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 17 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 19 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 20 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 22 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 23 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 24 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 7 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 14 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 16 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 10 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 26 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 27 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 28 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 29 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 32 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 34 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 35 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 36 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 37 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 40 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 41 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 42 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 43 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 44 Worksheet KEY

No Bones About IT KEY

Maggots and Murder KEY

Lesson 49 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 45 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 47 Worksheet KEY 1-8

Lesson 33 Worksheet KEY

Lesson 48 Worksheet KEY 9 15

Lesson 38 Worksheet KEY

Famous Cases Test KEY

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

History of Forensic Science Test Key

Fingerprint Test Key

Blood Test Key

DNA Test Key

Anthropology Test Key

Toxicology Test Key

Arson, Explosives, and Ballistics Test Key

Death and Entomology Test Key

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