High School Electives: Argument and Debate

Teacher: Alicia
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2845

Course Introduction

-1 Course Introduction and Welcome Video 01:46

Course Description

Welcome to Argument and Debate with Miss Lyons!

This is a course that is designed to teach students the foundations of argumentation, and how to put those elements into real-life work; whether it is being applied to persuasive writing or in oral debating. The level of this course is advanced (honors/accelerated level) and I have had students tell me in the past that this course helped them on the writing section of the SAT test, and also that they felt more prepared as topics discussed in this course helped them construct their essays and arguments in other courses. 

This is a course that is split into two main sections. Section one covers argumentation theory, how to construct an argument, and argumentative writing. The second section puts the learned argumentation into action and teaches the student how to construct a debate, as well as how to debate. 

Course Includes

  • 45 Video Lessons
  • 11 Prezi Presentations (including direct link to Prezi and printable skeleton (follow along) notes)
  • 8 Study Guides
  • 8 Practice Tests
  • 10 Digital Tests (answer keys in resource tab)
  • 4 Digital Quizzes (answer keys in resource tab)
  • 8 Exercises/Activities (downloadable)
  • 2 Speech Rubrics
  • 1 Essay Rubric (capstone assignment)


Course Map

Section 1:

  • Module 1- Foundations of Argument
  • Module 2 - Stories in Argument
  • Persuasive Techniques
  • Module 3 - Knowing Your Audience
  • Module 4 - Language of Argument
  • Module 5 - Argumentation and Critical Thinking
  • Module 6.1 - Types of Argument
  • Module 6.2 - Types of Argument
  • Module 7 - The Grounds For Argument
  • Module 8 - Ethos, Logos, Pathos


Section 2:

  • Module 9 - Debate 101: Constructive Speeches
  • Module 10 - Debate 101: Brief Writing
  • Module 11 - Public Forum Debating
  • Module 12 - Lincoln Douglas Debating
  • Free Capstone Assignment - Argumentative Essay and Rubric



*All Prezi material cited from University of Pittsburgh's COMM 0500.


Module 1: Foundations of Argument

0 Lesson 1 (Intro to Symbols and Argumentation) 09:11

Prezi Link: http://prezi.com/sumni0xryjgg/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

In this lesson, students will learn about symbols and how they play in an important role in argumentation.

1 Lesson 2 (Argument 1 and 2, and Marketplace of Ideas) 07:58

Prezi Link: http://prezi.com/sumni0xryjgg/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

In this lesson, students will learn about Argument 1 and Argument 2, and what the Marketplace of Ideas has to do with argumentation.

2 Lesson 3 (Values and Ethics) 11:44

Prezi Link: http://prezi.com/sumni0xryjgg/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

In this lesson, students will learn about values and ethics, and how every person has a unique set of values that lay the foundation for his or her claims and beliefs.

3 Values Exercise 03:29

After watching the video directions, students will complete the exercise on values, and analyze how they differ for two very known people. Then, students will assess how values shapes an arguer's claim.

4 Study Guide, Practice Test, and Test 00:00

Students may download a study guide, practice test, and take a test on Module 1.

Persuasive Techniques

5 Lesson 1 (Intro to Persuasive Techniques) 08:08

Link to Prezi: http://prezi.com/saegez938uez/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

In this lesson, students will learn persuasive techniques such as appeals, and why they are needed in argumentation.

6 Lesson 2 (Formal Language, Jargon, and more PT) 09:28

Link to Prezi: http://prezi.com/saegez938uez/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

In this lesson, students will learn persuasive techniques such as jargon and formal language, and why they are needed in argumentation.

7 Lesson 3 (Imagery, humor, and final PT) 05:14

Link to Prezi: http://prezi.com/saegez938uez/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

In this lesson, students will learn persuasive techniques such as imagery, humor, and why they are needed in argumentation.

8 Persuasive Techniques Exercise 00:00

Students will complete the exercise (download the word document) to apply persuasive techniques to a claim.

9 Study Guide, Practice Test, and Test 00:00

Students may download a study guide, practice test, and take a test on Persuasive Techniques.

Module 2: Stories in Argument

10 Lesson 1 (Stories in Argumentation) 05:55

Prezi Link: http://prezi.com/3hkaackznpbp/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

In this lesson, students will learn why stories are important and how they shape our understanding of the world.

11 Lesson 2 (How Stories Support Argumentation) 05:53

Prezi Link: http://prezi.com/3hkaackznpbp/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

In this lesson, students will learn how to use stories to support their claim in an argument.

12 Lesson 3 (Courtroom Stories and their Power) 06:35

Prezi Link: http://prezi.com/3hkaackznpbp/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy&rc=ex0share

In this lesson, students will learn why stories are used in a courtroom and how they enable jurors and audiences to understand a case in a personal way.

13 Court Case Alternative Test Assignment and Quiz 04:27

After watching the video directions, students will download the two documents and create a court case defense that can be scored and presented at home. 

Module 3: Knowing Your Audience

15 Lesson 1 (Importance of Reaching the Audience) 05:20

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/y-ty-g0pq-_y/audiences-and-fields-of-argument-chp-3/

In this lesson, students will learn about the importance of reaching and crafting an argument towards a particular audience.

16 Lesson 2 (Different Ways to Assess an Audience) 05:34

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/y-ty-g0pq-_y/audiences-and-fields-of-argument-chp-3/


In this lesson, students will begin to learn the different ways to assess an audience.

17 Lesson 3 (Reaching the Universal Audience) 04:40

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/y-ty-g0pq-_y/audiences-and-fields-of-argument-chp-3/

In this lesson, students will learn about the universal audience, how to reach it, and what "presence" is in an argument.

18 "Blackfish" Alternative Test Assignment and Quiz 00:00

Black Fish

Directions: You are to write a 3 page paper, MLA, double spaced, on how the documentary "Blackfish" (AVAILABLE ON NETFLIX) incorporates and identifies with the universal audience. Use the following criteria to help you:

-What persuasive techniques did Blackfish use?

-How did you feel connected as an audience member?

-What demographics were used (age, gender, social affiliation, cultures, education, etc.)?

-What did you take away from this documentary that you could possibly use in the future for your arguments?

-Would the SeaWorld argument presented in the documentary- that the whales were unhappy- pass the universal audience test? Why or why not?

-What stories were told that helped persuade the audience? Which stories had narrative fidelity?

-Was anything repeated?

-Was there presence?

-What did they do the best as far as connecting with the audience?

Module 4: Language of Argument

19 Lesson 1 (Connotative vs. Denotative Meanings) 04:55

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/ct4qu-3p1pqe/chapter-4-language-of-argument/

In this lesson, students will learn the difference between connotative and denotative meanings, as well as how language and words we use have specific meanings to each and every human.

20 Lesson 2 (Avoiding Abstraction) 04:31

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/ct4qu-3p1pqe/chapter-4-language-of-argument/

In this lesson, students will learn more about using specific words in arguments, how to avoid abstraction and confusion, and the three American social types.

21 Lesson 3 (Powerful Types of Metaphors) 05:02

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/ct4qu-3p1pqe/chapter-4-language-of-argument/

In this lesson, students will learn two types of metaphors to aid them in using specific language to reach an audience.

22 Metaphor Exercise 00:00

By downloading the attached exercise, students will be able to apply and use the material learned in this lesson to practice argumentative metaphor writing.

23 Study Guide, Practice Test, and Test 00:00

Students may download a study guide, practice test, and take a test on Module 4.

Module 5: Argumentation and Critical Thinking

24 Lesson 1 (Different Degrees of Formality) 04:02

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/q7eakvjcbobn/chapter-5-argumentation-and-critical-thinking/

In this lesson, students will learn how to properly state a proposition and the different degrees of formality.

25 Lesson 2 (Fact, Value, and Policy Propositions) 03:22

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/q7eakvjcbobn/chapter-5-argumentation-and-critical-thinking/

In this lesson, students will learn how to properly state a proposition and the different degrees of formality.

26 Lesson 3 (Avoiding Specific Propositions) 03:24

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/q7eakvjcbobn/chapter-5-argumentation-and-critical-thinking/

In this lesson, students will learn how to prevent propositions from being to specific and how to reach the universal audience.

27 Lesson 4 (How to Draw Statis) 03:29

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/q7eakvjcbobn/chapter-5-argumentation-and-critical-thinking/

In this lesson, students will learn how to draw stasis and where/how to attack opposing propositions.

28 Study Guide, and Test 00:00

Students may download a study guide, practice test, and take a test on Module 5.

Module 6.1: Types of Argument

29 Lesson 1 (Intro to Inductive and Deductive Arguments) 04:31

Link to Prezi: https://prezi.com/h-qqrnrjnccn/chapter-6/

In this lesson, students will learn about Inductive and Deductive arguments, and specifically dive in to arguments by example.

30 Lesson 2 (Intro to Arguments by Analogy) 03:33

Link to Prezi: https://prezi.com/h-qqrnrjnccn/chapter-6/

In this lesson, students will learn about Inductive and Deductive arguments, and specifically dive in to arguments by analogy (figurative and literal).

31 Lesson 3 (Intro to Arguments by Casual Correlation) 05:55

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/h-qqrnrjnccn/chapter-6/

In this lesson, students will learn about Inductive and Deductive arguments, and specifically dive in to arguments by casual correlation.

32 Lesson 4 (Intro to Arguments by Casual Generalization) 03:20

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/h-qqrnrjnccn/chapter-6/

In this lesson, students will learn more about deductive arguments, specifically arguments from casual generalization.

33 6 Types of Arguments Exercise 00:00

By downloading the attached file, students will be able to use a the claim below and to apply and practice the newly learned arguments from the Prezi Lessons.

Claim: Animal testing should be abolished.

34 Practice Test and Test 00:00

Students may download a  practice test, and take a test on Module 5.

Module 6.2: Types of Argument

35 Lesson 1 (Intro to Syllogisms) 00:00

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/t9z_f-k842fz/chapter-6-part-2/

In this lesson, students will learn what a syllogism is, how it relates to argumentation, and how to construct a categorical syllogism.

36 Lesson 2 (How to Use and Construct Syllogisms) 05:35

Prezi: Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/t9z_f-k842fz/chapter-6-part-2/

In this lesson, students will learn what a syllogism is, how it relates to argumentation, and how to construct a disjunctive syllogism.

37 Lesson 3 (The Toulmin Model) 00:00

Prezi: https://prezi.com/t9z_f-k842fz/chapter-6-part-2/

In this lesson, students will learn about the Toulmin Model, how it relates to argumentation, and three types of claims.

38 Lesson 4 (How to Apply the Toulmin Model) 05:04

Prezi: https://prezi.com/t9z_f-k842fz/chapter-6-part-2/

In this lesson, students will learn about the Toulmin Model, how it relates to argumentation, and further examples of the model in action.

39 Syllogism Exercise 00:00

After downloading the work sheet, the student will be able to apply the material from this chapter to practice writing an implementing syllogisms into arguments.

40 Study Guide, Practice Test, and Test 05:14

Students may download a study guide, practice test, and take a test on Module 6.2.

Module 7: The Grounds For Argument

41 Lesson 1 (Grounds for Argument) 06:24

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/h4xyprgcivmw/chapter-7-the-grounds-for-argument/

In this lesson, students will specifically focus on the grounds of argument, and what the difference is between personal and cultural knowledge.

42 Lesson 2 (Dangers of Using Premises as Evidence) 05:42

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/h4xyprgcivmw/chapter-7-the-grounds-for-argument/

In this lesson, students will specifically focus on the grounds of argument, why using premises can be tricky (contradictory as evidence), and the two types of statistics.

43 Lesson 3 (Using Credible Statistics) 06:18

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/h4xyprgcivmw/chapter-7-the-grounds-for-argument/

In this lesson, students will specifically focus on the grounds of argument, how to identify credible statistics, and what a margin of error is.

44 Premise Exercise 06:18

After downloading the work sheet, students will apply and use the material from this module to oppose the following claim: It is unethical to keep animals in a zoo. 

45 Study Guide, Practice Test, and Test 00:00

Students may download a study guide, practice test, and take a test on Module 7.

Module 8: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

46 Lesson on Ethos Logos and Pathos 00:00

What are the three main components to every argument? Well, I'm glad you asked! They are Aristotle's three appeals: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos.



Ethos is an appeal to ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character of credibility of the persuader. A trick for this is ethos = evidence. If you have good ethos, you have good credibility and evidence. Examples of ethos are statistics, expert opinions, facts, and interviews.


Pathos is an appeal to emotion, and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response. Any time you will use imagery, persuasive techniques and general appeals (talked about after Module 1), and any time of information that makes the audence FEEL, that is pathos.


Logos is an appeal to logic, and is a way of persuasing an audience by reason. Any type if inductive reasoning and analogies work for this. So, for example, you may have just listed a statistic in your argument (ethos) to support your claim. Before moving on, you need to use your own logical reasoning to explian your statistic, in your own words, and why that statistic makes sense and supports your argument. Without your own reasoning and explanation, the audience may become lost.


Without each one of these components, an argument can have a flaw and become in danger of losing during a debate. Each appeal is necessary and should be equally weighted, meaning there should be an equal ratio of all three. There shouldn't be 90% ethos in your argument and only 5% oathos and 5% logos.

What I normally tell my students when they are constructing their debates and writing them out is to get three different colored highlighters and to highlight each different appeal so they can visually see how much of each they have, and if all three appeals are used evenly.



48 Ethos, Logos, Pathos Exercise 00:00

 By downloading the attachment, the student will be able to apply and use the material learned in this module to support the given resolutions.

49 Practice Test and Test 00:00

Students may download a practice test, and take a test on Ethos, Logos, and Pathos.

Module 9: Debate 101 - Constructive Speeches

50 Lesson 1 (Beginner Debate Terms) 05:55

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/7oxsopji8wyc/debate-101/?webgl=0

In this lesson, students will learn the beginner terms and elements of debating.

51 Lesson 2 (Constructive Speech Outline) 04:01

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/7oxsopji8wyc/debate-101/?webgl=0

In this lesson, students will learn how to complete an outline for a constructive speech by downloading the outline document.

52 Lesson 3 (Example Affirmative Constructive Speech) 03:29

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/7oxsopji8wyc/debate-101/?webgl=0

In this lesson, students will look at an example constructive speech and break down the different elements.

53 Lesson 4 (Constructive Speech Requirements) and Quiz 03:52

Prezi Link: https://prezi.com/7oxsopji8wyc/debate-101/?webgl=0

In this lesson, students will learn what is needed for a successful constructive speech, and a guide for parents and guardians on how to grade the student's speech.

Module 10: Debate 101 - Brief Writing

54 Lesson 1 (What is a brief?) 02:26

After downloading the attached document, students will learn what a brief is and it's purpose during a debate.

55 Lesson 2 (Understanding the Citation) 02:55

In this lesson, students will learn how to include a citation in a brief, and it's importance.

56 Lesson 3 (Understanding the Responses) 03:11

In this lesson, students will understand what a responses is in a Brief, and how to write one.

57 Brief Exercises and Quiz 00:00

By downloading the attached document, students will be able to practice Brief writing.

Module 11: Public Forum Debating

58 Lesson 1 (Intro to Public Forum Debating) 00:00

Link to Prezi: https://prezi.com/_qgwdhzvos9s/public-forum/

In this lesson, students will learn the different components in a Public Forum Debate.

59 Lesson 2 (Continuation of Public Forum Debating) 07:38

Link to Prezi: https://prezi.com/_qgwdhzvos9s/public-forum/

In this lesson, students will learn continue to learn the different components in a Public Forum Debate.

60 Example PF Debates and Rubric 04:36

61 Public Forum Study Guide and Test 00:00

Students may download a study guide, and take a test on Public Forum Debates.

Module 12: Lincoln Douglas Debating

62 Lesson 1 (What is LD Debating?) 06:49

After downloading the attached word file, students will learn what a value and criterion is, and what function that serves in a debate.

63 Lesson 2 (LD Case Construction Part 1) 04:42

After downloading the word document, students will learn how the value and criteria are implemented in an LD constructive case in two videos.

65 LD Examples and Rubric 05:36

Please download the attached documents before watching the debate videos.

Links to LD Debates:




66 Study Guide, Practice Test, and Test 00:00

Students may download a study guide, practice test, and take a test Lincoln Douglas Debates.

Free Capstone Assignment- Argumentative Essay Prompt and Rubric

67 Argumentative Essay Prompt and Rubric 00:00

Students may download and complete an argumentative essay (rubric included for checking the essay) that serves as a capstone assignment to put everything that has been learned in this course to action.

Course Description

Welcome to Argument and Debate with Miss Lyons!

This is a course that is designed to teach students the foundations of argumentation, and how to put those elements into real-life work; whether it is being applied to persuasive writing or in oral debating. The level of this course is advanced (honors/accelerated level) and I have had students tell me in the past that this course helped them on the writing section of the SAT test, and also that they felt more prepared as topics discussed in this course helped them construct their essays and arguments in other courses. 

This is a course that is split into two main sections. Section one covers argumentation theory, how to construct an argument, and argumentative writing. The second section puts the learned argumentation into action and teaches the student how to construct a debate, as well as how to debate. 

Course Includes

  • 45 Video Lessons
  • 11 Prezi Presentations (including direct link to Prezi and printable skeleton (follow along) notes)
  • 8 Study Guides
  • 8 Practice Tests
  • 10 Digital Tests (answer keys in resource tab)
  • 4 Digital Quizzes (answer keys in resource tab)
  • 8 Exercises/Activities (downloadable)
  • 2 Speech Rubrics
  • 1 Essay Rubric (capstone assignment)


Course Map

Section 1:

  • Module 1- Foundations of Argument
  • Module 2 - Stories in Argument
  • Persuasive Techniques
  • Module 3 - Knowing Your Audience
  • Module 4 - Language of Argument
  • Module 5 - Argumentation and Critical Thinking
  • Module 6.1 - Types of Argument
  • Module 6.2 - Types of Argument
  • Module 7 - The Grounds For Argument
  • Module 8 - Ethos, Logos, Pathos


Section 2:

  • Module 9 - Debate 101: Constructive Speeches
  • Module 10 - Debate 101: Brief Writing
  • Module 11 - Public Forum Debating
  • Module 12 - Lincoln Douglas Debating
  • Free Capstone Assignment - Argumentative Essay and Rubric



*All Prezi material cited from University of Pittsburgh's COMM 0500.


  • Teacher: Alicia
  • Areas of expertise: Media/Communications: Oral Communication, Argument Theory & Debate, Journalism, Broadcasting, Video Editing
  • Education: B.A. Broadcasting and B.S. Secondary Ed. Communications and English from Point Park University, M.Ed. Secondary Education and Leadership from California University of PA
  • Interests: Music, Videography, Traveling, and Crafting
  • Skills: Advanced experience/knowledge in the following software programs: Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Adobe InDesign, Final Cut Pro 7 & 10, Google Apps
  • Associations:
  • Issues I care about: Education Equality, Bully Prevention

Quote to live by: "I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship." - Louisa May Alcott

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Lincoln Douglas Resolution Topics

Module 2 Digital Quiz Answers

Module 2 Digital Quiz Answers

Module 3 Digital Quiz Answers

Module 3 Digital Quiz Answers

Module 9 Digital Quiz Answers

Module 9 Digital Quiz Answers

Module 10 Digital Quiz Answers

Module 10 Digital Quiz Answers

Module 1 Digital Test Answers

Module 1 Digital Test Answers

Persuasive Techniques Digital Test Answers

Persuasive Techniques Digital Test Answers

Module 4 Digital Test Answers

Module 4 Digital Test Answers

Module 5 Digital Test Answers

Module 5 Digital Test Answers

Module 6.1 Digital Test Answers

Module 6.1 Digital Test Answers

Module 6.2 Digital Test Answers

Module 6.2 Digital Test Answers

Module 7 Digital Test Answers

Module 7 Digital Test Answers

Module 8 Digital Answers

Module 8 Digital Answers

Module 11 Digital Answers

Module 11  Digital Answers

Module 12 Digital Answers

Module 12  Digital Answers

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