Grades 8 & 9: The Vietnam War

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Teacher: Deborah
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2444

Module 1: How Did We Get Here? Geography/Background, Beginning

0 Course Introduction 03:47

Picture of Course Introduction Introduction to this course. My approach to teaching about the Vietnam War. What can students expect?

1 Sun Tzu Quote & Maps 17:19

Picture of Sun Tzu Quote & Maps

Sun Tzu has some wisdom to share from his milltary exploits. Born in China in 545 BC, his knowledge would be helpful to the soldiers in the Vietnam War, and especially to the leaders of the soldiers who will enter the battle.


These maps will be important references for us as we discuss the war. Climate, geography, food production, elevation, and access to population centers are all important factors in war. Supply lines will be critical. Keep these maps handy, and print out any that you want to have as a quick reference. Posting them on a board near your work area is a great idea, or keep them bookmarked on a browser tab.

2 The Roots of the Conflict 12:45

Picture of The Roots of the Conflict

What do the Vietnamese want? What do they care about? What will they fight for? 

What does the U.S. want? What do they care about? What will they fight for?

Understanding the political history of Vietnam is critical as a precursor to the Vietnam War. This lesson takes us from the long conflict with the French to just after World War II and the changing Vietnamese relationship with the U.S.

3 Cold War Context: Truman Doctrine 17:34

Picture of Cold War Context: Truman Doctrine Understand President Truman's philosophy and how it relates to the Vietnam Conflict.

4 Cold War Context: Bay of Pigs & Cuban Missile Crisis 1 10:26

Picture of Cold War Context: Bay of Pigs & Cuban Missile Crisis 1 How did the containment philosophy contribute to the U.S. actions in the Vietnam War? We have to understand the context.

5 Cold War Context: Cuban Missile Crisis 2 14:51

Picture of Cold War Context: Cuban Missile Crisis 2 The actions of John F. Kennedy in the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis contribute to his choices in the Vietnam "brush fire".

6 The Roots of the Conflict Part 2 13:43

Picture of The Roots of the Conflict Part 2

Ngo Dinh Diem is installed as leader of South Vietnam. Preisdent John F. Kennedy takes the middle route after he finds out more about his options. How will these relationships be maintained or destroyed? The conflict deepens within Vietnam.

7 Advisors, Tonkin Gulf, Escalation Part 1 13:12

Picture of Advisors, Tonkin Gulf, Escalation Part 1

There several groups fighting each other with guerilla tactics. Clarify who is who. 

What are the pressures on JFK in the context of the Cold War and historical events that preceded this time period? 

8 Advisors, Tonkin Gulf, Escalation Part 2 14:49

Picture of Advisors, Tonkin Gulf, Escalation Part 2

1963 and 1964 bring big changes and shifting sands in both Vietnam and in the U.S..

How will Lyndon Johnson react when torpedoes are fired?

9 Advisors, Tonkin Gulf, Escalation Part 3 12:55

Picture of Advisors, Tonkin Gulf, Escalation Part 3

Tonkin Gulf Incident and President Johnson's response. Congress gives authorization for forces to protect South Vietnam.

Module 2: Escalation, Ia Drang Valley Battles 1965

10 Guerrilla Tactics & Insurgency 16:26

Picture of Guerrilla Tactics & Insurgency

The North Vietnamese supply the Viet Cong communist fighters. The VC use hit and run guerrilla tactics to try to get the Americans to give up in a war of attrition. Check out the elaborate tunnel systems and techniques the VC use to keep themselves hidden.

11 Like Fish Through the Sea 16:08

Picture of Like Fish Through the Sea

A diffcult ground war in Vietnam. Search and destroy tactics, booby traps, land mines, tunnels. And the VC and NVA would move through the Vietnamese peasants "like fish through the sea".  How do the U.S. Marines and Army forces handle this kind of war?

12 Combat - Search and Destroy vs. VC Stamina 15:30

Picture of Combat - Search and Destroy vs. VC Stamina

During combat, the Americans are using search and destroy tactics. Will they work? They did not count on the stamina of the VC, who are fighting for their very existence. Per Westmoreland's directive, is body count a valid measure of winning this war of attrition?

13 Ia Drang Valley Battle, Vietnam in HD Ep 1 1964-1965 12:39

Picture of Ia Drang Valley Battle, Vietnam in HD Ep 1 1964-1965

In the first major engagement of the war between regular U.S. and North Vietnamese forces, elements of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) fight a pitched battle with Communist main-force units in the Ia Drang Valley of the Central Highlands. First hand accounts of battle, and footage from soldiers and journalists who were there.

14 Ia Drang Valley Battle, Vietnam in HD Part 2 13:30

Picture of Ia Drang Valley Battle, Vietnam in HD Part 2

Discussion of the Vietnam HD footage, strategies used, events and circumstances that shaped the war from then on.

Module 3: Who Served?

15 Through the Eyes of a Grunt 12:36

Picture of Through the Eyes of a Grunt The Vietnam War through the eyes of the infantrymen - Army soldiers and Marines on the ground.

16 Profile: Colonel Hal Moore 14:33

Picture of Profile: Colonel Hal Moore

Colonel Hal Moore in LZ X-RAY, Ia Drang Valley and more video clips that will let us in on who he is and the kind of leader he was.

17 Profile: Bill Beck - Their Hearts Beat in Unison 11:44

Picture of Profile: Bill Beck - Their Hearts Beat in Unison

Who is Bill Beck and what was his experience at LZ X-Ray? Read his blog, see his illustrations of those 3 days for him, and answer some questions about him.

18 Profile: Larry Gwin 10:15

Picture of Profile: Larry Gwin

Larry Gwin was at LZ X-Ray and then went to LZ Albany. Learn about this soldier.

19 Veterans Return to Ia Drang Valley, 1993 17:48

Picture of Veterans Return to Ia Drang Valley, 1993

After 28 years, Vietnam veterans return to the scene of the LZ X-Ray battle. What do they remember? How does it feel? What do they see and find? Go with them and find out.

20 Women Serving in the Vietnam War 12:12

Picture of Women Serving in the Vietnam War

What did women experience in the Vietnam War? How did they serve? How were they treated? How was life at home when they returned?

21 Race in the Vietnam War 12:15

Picture of Race in the Vietnam War

Did race play a role in the service of Vietnam soldiers? Find out what the soldiers had to say.

22 Equipment Used in the Vietnam War Part 1 12:58

Picture of Equipment Used in the Vietnam War Part 1

What equipment are the soldiers using as more and more troops are sent to fight? Hueys & pilots

23 Equipment Used in the Vietnam War Part 2 12:12

Picture of Equipment Used in the Vietnam War Part 2

B-52 Heavy Bomber, F-4 Phantom, M60 Machine Gun, M16 Machine Gun, Armored Personnel Carriers, Howitzers

24 Brown Water Navy Part 1: Patrol Craft, Fast 13:09

Picture of Brown Water Navy Part 1: Patrol Craft, Fast Patrol Craft, Fast - what role did it play in the Brown Water Navy in Vietnam?

25 Brown Water Navy Part 2: Patrol Boats, River 12:13

Picture of Brown Water Navy Part 2: Patrol Boats, River

How can the Navy cut off supplies to the Viet Cong, who are a dynamic, cunning force, always adapting to new situations?

Module 4: Continued Escalation

26 Search and Destroy Strategy in Action 20:22

Picture of Search and Destroy Strategy in Action

The strategy is to search and destroy the VC and NVA. What's it like for the troops? Is it working? 

27 Vietnam War in Pictures 14:58

Picture of Vietnam War in Pictures Done in an inquiry style, watch the video to see the images from the war, write down your impression, and then do the related activity.

28 Tet Offensive Jan 30, 1968 17:05

Picture of Tet Offensive Jan 30, 1968

The NVA and VC attack all the cities in South Vietnam all at once on Vietnamese New Year.

29 My Lai Massacre March 1968 12:10

Picture of My Lai Massacre March 1968

An atrocity was committed by Army soldiers on the women, children and old men in My Lai village under Captain Ernest Medina and 2LT William Calley's lead. Why?

After the death of a much-loved sergeant by a landmine, Charlie Company CaptainErnest Medina told his men to go into the village of My Lai and kill all VC combatants “and suspects”. Accounts differ on exactly what he said, but his men went out and killed men, women and children that day, and later stood trial for it. How did we get to this point? How did Body Count Ratio factor into this mentality?



30 Role of the Press in the War 11:35

Picture of Role of the Press in the War

How did Americans & the world find out what was happening in the war?

Media coverage with platoons under fire, journalists taking risks to get stories with unprecedented access. 



31 Hawks, Doves and Protests at Home 12:12

Picture of Hawks, Doves and Protests at Home

Anti war protests increase, music, counterculture.

As the casualties and death toll from the war increase, so do feelings against it.



Module 5: The End of the War, Deception & Legacy

32 Profile of Richard Nixon 15:32

Picture of Profile of Richard Nixon

What characteristics stand out to you? Are there any life events that you think may have contributed to their actions later in life? Are there any similarities with Richard Nixon?

33 Vietnamization, 1968 Election 12:31

Picture of Vietnamization, 1968 Election

LBJ to Nixon, 1968 Convention in Chicago & Election. Divisions, violence, covert actions in Vietnam.

34 1971 Pentagon Papers: Govt Lied About Vietnam 18:51

Picture of 1971 Pentagon Papers: Govt Lied About Vietnam

1971 Pentagon Papers - Daniel Ellsberg, President Nixon, admins back to Truman had been involved in S Vietnam to varying degrees. Nixon tried to cover his tracks.

35 "Fog of War" Documentary on R. McNamara 21:20

Picture of "Fog of War" Documentary on R. McNamara

What does the former Secretary of Defense say about his advice and the actions of JFK and LBJ in 2003, at age 85? 

36 1972 14:13

Picture of 1972

1972: Nixon administration, Watergate break in, Christmas bombings, relations opened with China and USSR, detente

37 1973-1974 The War Ends? 14:10

Picture of 1973-1974 The War Ends?

Main events of these pivotal years as the war comes to a close- or does it?

Jan 1973 Paris Peace Agreement

1974 Nixon resigns

1975 North Vietnam invades South Vietnam

North unifies Vietnam under Communism

38 April 30, 1975 Fall of Saigon 14:54

Picture of April 30, 1975 Fall of Saigon Saigon, South Vietnam, falls to Northern Vietnamese Communists. Americans rush out, taking some South Vietnamese trying to escape. Why did the U.S. lose the war?

39 The Wall 16:53

Picture of The Wall

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is controversial at first, like the war. How is it regarded now? Construction, dimensions, symbolism.

Architect Maya Lin

Symbolism of the memorial




40 What did we learn? 15:45

Picture of What did we learn? Reconciliation, lasting health effects on veterans

Course overview/Target Audience

What do you know about the Vietnam War? Find out what really happened, & how it still affects us today. See Huey helicopters in action, hear gripping firsthand accounts of men in the fight trying to save their buddies, make connections, & gain a deeper understanding of this controversial war. Analyze primary sources, use your sense of discovery and questioning to guide you, and dive in.

This course is suitable for students in 8th or 9th grade, and anyone interested in learning more about this time period in U.S. History, as well as mature enough to handle the images and information that come along with studying a guerrilla war and the events and conditions associated with it.


This course includes:

40 thought-provoking lessons with 10 hours of video, including many video, audio & text primary sources

42+ activities, with answer keys, to further students’ learning on each topic, spark inquiry, and make thoughtful connections

40 quizzes to ensure understanding of each lesson

Enrichment resources for further study


Materials needed: paper notebook or digital notebook for notes, questions, prompts and activities embedded in video lessons, internet and computer capabilities to watch videos and search for links related to the lesson videos.


Course Goals

Students will understand the reason the U.S. and the North Vietnamese were fighting each other, who assisted each side and why, and learn about communism and the concept of containment and how that relates to the Domino Theory. Students will also understand how and why advisors were sent to Vietnam to assist the South Vietnamese, how the numbers of Americans sent to fight escalated through different presidencies, the goal of each president, and what was shared with the American public. I will address the experiences of the troops, the role of the press in the war, and the effects of front line coverage on the U.S. homefront. Students will understand why there were protests at home, how the war ended, and what Vietnam is like today, as well as reconciliation efforts between the two countries.


Course Requirements

Ability to watch videos in their entirety, and to find videos that need to be watched as part of the course (free and online), digital notebook or paper on which to take notes during each lesson, writing utensils, printer to print out map worksheets, ability to use resources and activities to apply the lessons and fully understand all the different factors that led to this difficult, complex and controversial war. A clean, clear dedicated work area will help you stay organized. This is a very serious topic, but I do find a sense of humor and an open mind are good items to pack in any learning situation.


Module 1: How Did We Get Here? Geography, History, the Beginning

Lesson 1: Sun Tzu quote and reference maps: location, geography and climate of Vietnam Video

  • A quote for us to keep in mind throughout all of these lessons, and maps of Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh Trail, bordering countries, topography, population, regions, herbicide map
  • Activity: Label map of Vietnam
  • Activity: Geography of Vietnam - further reading & questions


Lesson 2: The Roots of the Conflict: Political History Part 1 Video

  • Political background of Vietnam and the U.S. and their relationship.
  • Activity: Embedded in the slide presentation:
  • Record vocabulary words, inquiry on Domino Theory, analyze illustrations of Domino Theory, and define vocabulary words given


Lesson 3: Cold War Context: Truman Doctrine 

  • How have recent events in the Cold War affected the U.S.? What does Truman promise to European countries and others after WWII that will directly relate to the Vietnam Conflict?
  • Activity: Read Churchill’s “Iron Curtain Speech” and Truman’s “Truman Doctrine Address” in their entirety and jot down the tone of each and the major points of each. What is the essence of each? 


Lesson 4: Cold War Context: Bay of Pigs & Cuban Missile Crisis Part 1 

  • Background to Vietnam: What was the plan for the Bay of Pigs invasion?
  • How did the outcome affect JFK and his advisors when it came to the Cuban Missile Crisis?
  • Activity: Causes and effects of the Bay of Pigs invasion


Lesson 5: Cold War Context: Cuban Missile Crisis Part 2 Oct. 16-28, 1962 

  • Background to Vietnam: What happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis? How did the outcome inform JFK and future presidents, and affect the relationship between the US and the USSR?
  • Activity: Fill in the blanks with information from the lesson video


Lesson 6: The Roots of the Conflict: Political History Part 2 Video 

  • Kennedy takes the middle route.
  • Geneva Accords
  • Vietnamese nationalists led by Ho Chi Minh + Viet Cong, Ngo Dinh Diem put in as president of South Vietnam with U.S. support Civil War in Vietnam
  • Activity: Create and maintain a timeline of events in the Vietnam War


Lesson 7: Advisors, Tonkin Gulf, Escalation Part 1 Video 

  • Who's who in North v South, JFK and the Cold War pressure
  • Activity Gulf of Tonkin Investigation: Analyze sequence of events & chart


Lesson 8: Advisors, Tonkin Gulf, Escalation Part 2 Video 

  • 1963 and 1964 bring big changes and shifting sands in both Vietnam and in the U.S.. How will Lyndon Johnson react when torpedoes are fired?
  • Activity: Analyze Problems & Advantages of LBJ's Approach


Lesson 9: Advisors, Tonkin Gulf, Escalation Part 3 Video

  • Tonkin Gulf Incident and President Johnson's response. Congress gives authorization for forces to protect South Vietnam.
  • Activity: Gulf of Tonkin incident readings and analysis Chart to investigate readings


Module 2: Escalation, Ia Drang Valley Battles 1965

Lesson 10: Guerrilla Tactics & Insurgency Video 

  • VC use hit and run guerrilla tactics to try to get the Americans to quit.
  • Activity: Vietnam War Communist Guerrilla Tactics and American
  • Counterinsurgency blog - read and answer questions, watch Cu Chi Tunnels video, revisit Sun Tzu quote


Lesson 11: Like Fish Through the Sea Video 

  • Ground war realities for U.S. soldiers.
  • Activity: Compare two videos of soldiers’ reflections on their service - W.D. Ehrhart and Carl Block. Make a chart or write out your answer.


Lesson 12: Combat - Search and Destroy vs. Stamina of the VC Video 

  • Search and Destroy tactics by the Americans vs. Stamina of the VC
  • Who should be drafted and why?
  • Activity: Questions about VC attitude, attrition and morale


Lesson 13: Ia Drang Valley Battle, Vietnam in HD Ep 1 1964-1965 Video 

  • In the first major engagement of the war between regular U.S. and North Vietnamese forces, elements of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) fight a pitched battle with Communist main-force units in the Ia Drang Valley of the Central Highlands.
  • Activity: Lesson 10 Answer questions about Ia Drang Valley Battle for LZ X-RAY 1965


Lesson 14: Ia Drang Valley Battle, Vietnam in HD Part 2 Video 

  • Ia Drang Valley - strategies used, what went well, what didn't and why?
  • Activity Lesson 11 Activity - Advisor Question


Module 3: Who Served?

Lesson 15: Through the Eyes of a Grunt 

  • Images of infantryman to examine and consider 
  • Activity: Write a letter home as a grunt.


Lesson 16: Profile: Colonel Hal Moore Video

  • Colonel Hal Moore in LZ X-RAY and other video clips
  • Activity:  Connection Question - make connections to leadership characteristics


Lesson 17: Profile: Bill Beck Video, Their hearts beat in unison 

  • Who is Bill Beck and what was his experience at LZ X-Ray?
  • Activity: Research a veteran who was in Vietnam, profile a Vietnam Veteran


Lesson 18: Profile: Larry Gwin Video 

  • Larry Gwin was at LZ X-Ray and then went to LZ Albany. Learn about this soldier.
  • Activity: What have we learned about the NVA soldiers? Reflection question


Lesson 19: Veterans Return to Ia Drang Valley, 1993 Video 

  • After 28 years, Vietnam veterans we just studied return to the scene of the LZ X-Ray battle
  • Activity - Questions about Hal Moore and other Vietnam Veterans return to LZ X-Ray in 1993


Lesson 20: Women Serving in the Vietnam War 

  • Who served, why, and what were their experiences? What challenges did women face?
  • Activity: Interview with female veterans with WHYY. Read it or listen to it, and write your reaction.


Lesson 21: Race in the Vietnam War 

  • Did race play a role in the Vietnam War? What were the experiences of African American soldiers in the 1960’s in Vietnam?
  • Activity 1 NYT article - read
  • Activity 2 Guardian article - read and analyze points of view using chart 


Lesson 22: Part 1: Equipment Used in the Vietnam War 

  • Bell UH-1 Iroquois & stories from helicopter pilots
  • Activity: Watch raw footage of door gunners in Hueys. 


Lesson 23: Equipment Used in the Vietnam War (Part 2)

  • B-52 Heavy Bomber, F-4 Phantom, M60 Machine Gun, M16 Machine Gun, Armored Personnel Carrier, Howitzer
  • Activity: Watch a lecture by an Air Force History Professor about air power in Vietnam, and answer questions about it


Lesson 24:  Brown Water Navy Part 1: Patrol Craft, Fast 

  • Swift boat/ Patrol Craft, Fast - USS Krishna maintenance crew
  • Activity: Watch, read and listen to primary source material related to PCFs and other types of riverine craft.


Lesson 25: Brown Water Navy Part 2: PBRs, Ambush on river 

  • Patrol Boat, Fast (PBR) combat on rivers. Their use, their adaptations, and the innovation that brought them into war.
  • Activity: Watch “The Great Ships - The Gunboats of Vietnam” and answer questions


Module 4: Continued Escalation

Lesson 26:  Search and Destroy Strategy in action 

  • Vietnam in HD Episode 2
  • Challenges to troops, number of Americans killed increasing
  • “Take Hill 875” The Battle, results, effects back home & on troops
  • Activity: Write situation reports to your superiors about Dak To Hill 875 fight with two different measures of victory


Lesson 27: Vietnam War in Pictures 

  • Inquiry lesson with many photographs from the war
  • Activity: Examine pictures that mean something to you. What gives it meaning? Take a picture of your own. Find more photographs by Vietnam War photographers


Lesson 28:  January 30, 1968 Tet Offensive 

  • The NVA attack all South Vietnam cities at once during Tet, Vietnamese New Year.
  • Part of their grand battle plan to get citizens to rise up and overthrow the S Vietnamese gov’t. Will it work?
  • Activity: Explain how this was a military victory, but a political defeat.


Lesson 29: March 16, 1968 My Lai Massacre

  • What happened at My Lai Massacre? How did we get to this point? How did Body Count Ratio factor into this mentality?
  • Activity: Make connections to integrity in humans


Lesson 30:  Role of the Press in the Vietnam War 

  • How did Americans & the world find out what was happening in the war?
  • Media coverage with platoons under fire
  • Activity: Find out the rules for media coverage in wars today.


Lesson 31: Hawks, Doves and Protests at Home 

  • Anti war protests increase, music, counterculture
  • As the casualties and death toll from the war increase, so do feelings against it.
  • Activity: Ken Burns protest songs analysis worksheet


Module 5: Deception & Legacy

Lesson 32:  Profile of Nixon 

  • What kind of person was Richard Nixon? Learn about his background and how he grew up. How could his life experiences have contributed to his presidency, if at all?
  • Activity: Research an historical figure 


Lesson 33: Vietnamization 

  • 1968 Election, Kissinger, “peace with honor”, Nixon - Silent Majority Speech Bombing raids stepped up secretly (Cambodia & Laos)
  • Activity: 1968 Convention & Election. Read background, watch PBS Learning Media links. Answer comprehension questions on the links. Consider all points of view on Nixon’s actions w the S Vietnamese just before the election


Lesson 34:  1971 Pentagon Papers  

  • Daniel Ellsberg, President Nixon, admins back to Truman had been involved in S Vietnam to varying degrees. Nixon tries to cover his tracks.
  • Activity: Comprehension questions from PBS Learning Media using video clips in the lesson.


Lesson 35:  “Fog Of War: Eleven Lessons From The Life Of Robert S. McNamara"

  • Robert McNamara admits the lies that were told about Vietnam and his reasons for withholding the truth
  • Activity: Have you ever had a moral dilemma? What did you decide? Give three specific pieces of information that informed your decision. In hindsight, was it the right decision? Why or why not? What evidence makes you think so?


Lesson 36: 1972 

  • Nixon administration, Watergate break in, Christmas bombings, relations opened with China and USSR, detente
  • Activity: Make a T-chart comparing the positive and negative actions of President Nixon, as you see them
  • Activity: This was another difficult year for the U.S. Think of a formative, important, tough or rollercoaster year for you. What happened? How did you hold on throughout it all? 


Lesson 37: 1973-1974 The War Ends? 

  • Main events of these pivotal years as the war comes to a close- or does it?
  • Jan 1973 Paris Peace Agreement
  • 1974 Nixon resigns
  • 1975 North Vietnam invades South Vietnam
  • North unifies Vietnam under Communism
  • Activity: Finalize map from lesson 1, trace troop movements of NVA into South Vietnam/Saigon.


Lesson 38: April 30, 1975 Fall of Saigon 

  • NVA Communists take all of South Vietnam.
  • U.S. lost the war
  • Activity - Culminating - Why did America Lose?


Lesson 39: The Wall  

  • Remembrance, controversy
  • Construction, design, symbolism
  • Architect Maya Lin
  • Ritual at The Wall
  • Activity: Read about Maya Lin, and what aspect was particularly moving to you and why?


Lesson 40: What did we learn? 

  • Reconciliation between U.S. and Vietnam
  • Lies are uncovered as new documents come to light
  • Agent Orange
  • PTSD
  • “Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien
  • Lessons from Vietnam






  • Teacher: Deborah
  • Areas of expertise: History/Social Studies Grades 7-12, Psychology, Voice Overs
  • Education: Certified Teacher in CT Gr 4-8 and 7-12 Master's of Arts Degree in Education from Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut Bachelor of Science Degree from Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT Concentration in Psychology Additional credits in Theater Arts, Mindfulness in Schools
  • Interests: Movies, sports car racing, Formula One racing, Iditarod, science, space exploration
  • Skills: Mindfulness, Certified Life Coach for adolescents focusing on mindfulness, stress reduction, study strategies, and organization.
  • Associations: National Education Association
  • Issues I care about: The arts, design, environment, sustainable living, tiny homes

I love learning, and I love teaching. I hope you enjoy my courses and get a lot of information from them, and stay open to new ways of thinking about and exploring the world together.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Course Overview for Parents

What to expect in this course and my approach to teaching history.

A note before we begin

A note to students before we begin the course.

Timeline Resource For Course

Timeline of Vietnam War

Lesson 1 Label Map of Vietnam: Answer Key

Use this map to check your work on your own map

Lesson 1a Geography of Vietnam Reading: Answer Key

Answer to Activity 1a Geography of Vietnam reading

Lesson 3 Truman Doctrine Activity: Answer Key

What is the essence of the messages from Truman and Churchill after World War II? Analyze their speech transcripts to find out.

Lesson 4 Cold War Context: Bay of Pigs Activity: Answer Key

Complete chart on causes and effects of the Bay of Pigs invasion

Lesson 5 Cold War Context: Bay of Pigs & Cuban Missile Crisis Part 1: Answer Key

Answers to the Cuban Missile Crisis activity

Lesson 6 Timeline Activity: Answer Key

Timeline Activity Answer Key

Lesson 7 Tonkin Gulf Analysis Chart: Answer Key

Lesson 7 Tonkin Gulf Analysis Chart answer key

Lesson 8 Problems & Advantages of LBJ's Approach: Answer Key

Lesson 8 Activity-Problems & Advantages of LBJ's Approach Answer Key

Lesson 10 Cu Chi Tunnels & Bunkers: Answer Key

Lesson 10 Activity Answer Key, Cu Chi Tunnels & bunkers. Answer key.

Lesson 11 Comparing Two Veterans' Experiences: Answer Key

Lesson 11 Activity Answer Key: comparing two veterans' experiences

Lesson 12 Questions About VC Attitude and Body Count

Lesson 12 Activity questions about VC attitude and body count as measure of winning a war of attrition. Answer key.

Lesson 14 Advice to Pres and Sec of State: Answer Key

Advice to president and Sec of State possible answers

Lesson 15 Through the Eyes of Grunts Letter Home: Possible Answers

Letter home from Vietnam - possible answers

Lesson 16 Connection Question: Answer Key

Make connections to leadership characteristics

Lesson 18 Reflection Question on NVA Soldiers: Answer Key

What have we learned about the NVA soldiers? Your thoughts plus mine.

Lesson 21 Article Comparison Chart: Answer Key

Lesson 21 Article Comparison Chart answer key

Lesson 23 Equipment in Vietnam War, Air Force Academy Lecture & Ques: Answer Key

Equipment in the Vietnam War, Air Force Academy Lecture & Questions - Answer Key

Lesson 25 PBR Design Solutions for U.S. Navy: Answer Key

Activity: Questions for video, PBR Design Solutions for the U.S. Navy - Answer Key

Lesson 26 Write Situation Report to Superiors: Answer Key

Write a Situation Report to Superiors (Vietnam in HD Ep2 "Search and Destroy") POSSIBLE ANSWERS

Lesson 28 Tet Offensive Question: Answer Key

How was the Tet Offensive a military victory, but a political defeat? Answer key

Lesson 29 My Lai Massacre March 1968 Question: Possible Answers

Focus on our individual character, integrity, and how to do the right thing in tough circumstances.

Lesson 30 Role of Press in War: Discussion of Possible Answers

Discussion of: What are the rules for press coverage of wars now? Look at conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan and what the rules were in Iraq. How are they different than in Vietnam? Why do you think so?

Lesson 33 Vietnamization, 1968 Election: Answer Key

Vietnamization, 1968 Election Activity Answer Key

Lesson 37 Map of NVA Movements: Answer Key

Map of NVA troop movements into South Vietnam

Lesson 38 Course Culminating Ques, Why did the U.S. Lose?: Answer Key

Lesson 38 Culminating Activity: Why did the U.S. Lose? Answers

Additional Resources to Check Out

Here are some additional resources to watch, read about and explore if you're interested in learning more about the war.

Enrichment Ideas

A few ideas on how to extend the lessons in this course
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