Write Stellar Paragraphs (Middle and High School)

Teacher: Leyla
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 3130

Course Introduction and Overview

1 Course Introduction 03:13

Picture of Course Introduction

We'll discuss the purpose for the course and what you'll learn as you move through it.

2 Course Introduction Worksheet Review 01:14

Review of the Course Introduction Worksheet.

3 Paragraph Overview 04:38

Picture of Paragraph Overview

In this lesson, we'll go over the basic contents of a paragraph and its overall structure.

4 Paragraph Overview Worksheet Review 00:52

Examine a Paragraph, Outlines, and Paragraph Structure

5 Paragraph Example Examination 08:11

Picture of Paragraph Example Examination

When you look closely at model paragraph, you'll be better able to create solid paragraphs of your own in the future.

6 Paragraph Example Examination Worksheet Review 00:53

Paragraph Example Examination Worksheet Review

7 What is Wrong with This Paragraph? 03:50

Picture of What is Wrong with This Paragraph?

After identifying problems with a paragraph, you'll be able to restructure it so that it is clearer.

8 What is Wrong with This Paragraph Worksheets I and II Review 03:16

What is Wrong with This Paragraph Worksheets I and II Review

9 How to Write an Outline 08:02

Picture of How to Write an Outline

Each paragraph needs a plan so that it is clear and easy to understand. An outline is a quick tool to use to help your paragraphs be organized and understandable.

10 How to Write an Outline Worksheet Answers 01:09

How to Write an Outline Worksheet Answers

11 Breakdown of Paragraph Structure 06:31

Picture of Breakdown of Paragraph Structure

We'll go over the individual pieces of a paragraph (topic sentence, supporting information, and conclusion) and how they fit together.

12 Breakdown of Paragraph Structure Worksheet Review 00:43

Breakdown of Paragraph Structure Worksheet Review

Baseline Paragraph Activity

13 Baseline Paragraph Activity 03:37

Picture of Baseline Paragraph Activity

This activity is to serve as a baseline to which you can compare future paragraphs. You will revise the paragraph that you write in this activity a few times throughout the course.

14 Baseline Paragraph Activity Worksheet Review 01:27

Baseline Paragraph Activity Worksheet Review

Topic Sentences and Introductions, Sentence Fragments

15 Topic Sentences 08:23

Picture of Topic Sentences

Topic sentences are crucial to any good paragraph. You'll learn how to they are effectively used.

16 Topic Sentences Worksheet Review 00:54

Topic Sentences Worksheet Review

17 Making Intros and Topic Sentences Interesting 06:26

Picture of Making Intros and Topic Sentences Interesting

"Comma, comma, and," questions, and interesting facts are three ways you can make your topic sentences and introductions interesting.

18 Making Intros and Topic Sentences Interesting Worksheet Review 01:15

Making Intros and Topic Sentences Interesting Worksheet Review

19 Making Intros and Topic Sentences Interesting II 08:06

Picture of Making Intros and Topic Sentences Interesting II

In this lesson, you'll learn about quotations, dialogue, and suspense can be used to make introductions and topic sentences more engaging.

20 Making Intro sand Topic Sentences Interesting II Worksheet Review 01:20

Making Intro sand Topic Sentences Interesting II Worksheet Review

21 Revise Introduction and Topic Sentences 04:22

Picture of Revise Introduction and Topic Sentences

Revision is one of the most important steps in writing. In this activity, you will use what you learned about writing better introductions and topic sentences to improve the baseline paragraph that you wrote.

22 Revise Introduction and Topic Sentences Review 00:52

Revise Introduction and Topic Sentences Review

23 Sentence Fragments 06:10

Picture of Sentence Fragments

Sentence fragments are used in writing all the time, but they are only used for specific purposes. You'll learn how to identify sentence fragements, how to correct them, and when the best times are to use them in your writing.

24 Sentence Fragments Worksheet Review 01:05

Sentence Fragments Worksheet Review

Supporting Information

25 Supporting Information Overview 06:16

Picture of Supporting Information Overview

In this lesson, we discuss supporting information and explanations. This information relates directly to the topic sentence. We talk about reasons, details, and facts, and what types of paragraphs to use them in.

26 Supporting Information Overview Worksheet Review 00:37

Supporting Information Overview Worksheet Review

27 Reasons and Explanations 09:13

Picture of Reasons and Explanations

Supporting information comes in the forms of reasons, details, and facts. We'll talk about how to most effectively use reasons and how to explain them in this lesson.

28 Reasons as Supporting Information Worksheet Review 01:15

Reasons as Supporting Information Worksheet Review

29 Details and Explanations 06:07

Picture of Details and Explanations

Details and examples can be used to make your paragraph more understandable to your readers. You'll work through a couple of exercises to help you use details and examples as explanations in your supporting senteces in this lesson.

30 Details as Supporting Sentences Worksheet Review 01:25

Details as Supporting Sentences Worksheet Review

31 Facts and Explanation 07:07

Picture of Facts and Explanation

Number and statistics of all kinds facts make your paragraph more interesting and impactful to your readers. You'll learn how to use facts to support your topic sentences in this lesson.

32 Facts as Supporting Information Worksheet Review 04:30

Facts as Supporting Information Worksheet Review

33 Revise Paragraph with Supporting Information 02:15

Picture of Revise Paragraph with Supporting Information

How can you improve your supporting sentences and explantions in your baseline paragraph? We'll go over some specific ways to do just that in this lesson.

34 Revise Paragraphs with Supporting Information Worksheet Review 00:52

Revise Paragraphs with Supporting Information Worksheet Review

Linking Words

35 Linking Words 08:31

Picture of Linking Words

We will talk about the purpose of linking words, the different types of linking words, and how to choose them when you are writing a paragraph.

36 Linking Words Worksheet Review 00:55

Linking Words Worksheet Review

37 Linking Words Practice 04:48

Picture of Linking Words Practice

In this lesson, you'll select the correct linking words for a paragraph and then identify their functions by categorizing them.

38 Linking Words Practice Worksheet Review 01:44

Linking Words Practice Worksheet Review

39 Adding Linking Words to a Paragraph 03:49

Picture of Adding Linking Words to a Paragraph

We discuss a checklist to help you decide if your baseline paragraph uses linking words appropriately. You'll have the opportunity to revise your baseline paragraph to add or adjust linking words and phrases as necessary.

40 Adding Linking Words to a Paragraph Worksheet Review 01:07

Adding Linking Words to a Paragraph Worksheet Review

Word Choice and Writing Clearer Sentences

41 Word Choice 05:32

Picture of Word Choice

Impactful words convey your message more strongly and memorably to your readers. You'll learn how to identify the best words to use for your paragraph and how to use them effectively in this lesson.

42 Word Choice Worksheet Review 01:29

Word Choice Worksheet Review

43 Improving Word Choice in a Paragraph 04:18

Picture of Improving Word Choice in a Paragraph

Now, you'll have the opportunity to revise your baseline paragraph to include better word choice. This will make your paragraph more impactful and interesting to your readers.

44 Improve the Word Choice in Paragraph Worksheet Review 01:18

Improve the Word Choice in Paragraph Worksheet Review

45 Writing Clearer Sentences 06:18

Picture of Writing Clearer Sentences

Writing clear sentences is essential to writing a good paragraph. We'll go through several ways to do just that in this lesson, such as avoiding too many prepositional phrases and nominalizations.

46 Writing Clearer Sentences Worksheet Review 01:36

Writing Clearer Sentences Worksheet Review


47 Conclusions 07:10

Picture of Conclusions

Conclusions wrap up a paragaph and give the reader something to think about, and we'll talk about how to do that in this lesson with several examples.

48 Conclusion Worksheet Review 01:18

Conclusion Worksheet Review

49 Writing a Conclusion for Your Paragraph 02:33

Picture of Writing a Conclusion for Your Paragraph

Is your baseline paragraph ready with a great conclusion, or do you still need to revise it? In this lesson, you can take a bit of time to revise your paragraph's conclusion.

50 Writing a Conclusion for Your Paragraph Review 00:59

Writing a Conclusion for Your Paragraph Review

Identifying Paragraphs with Errors

51 Identifying Paragraphs with Errors 07:19

Picture of Identifying Paragraphs with Errors

Through closely examining three paragraphs, you'll be better able to identify and correct errors in your own paragraphs.

52 Identifying What is Wrong with Paragraphs Worksheet Review 02:31

Identifying What is Wrong with Paragraphs Worksheet Review

53 Rewrite Paragraphs with Errors 04:35

Picture of Rewrite Paragraphs with Errors

Using your notes from the previous lesson, you'll have the opportunity in this lesson to rewrite the paragraphs without the errors that you identified before. This gives you the chance to practice what you've learned about the mistakes commonly made in creating paragraphs.

54 Rewrite Paragraphs with Errors Worksheet Review 01:47

Rewrite Paragraphs with Errors Worksheet Review

55 How Could Your Paragraph be Better at this Point? 02:28

Picture of How Could Your Paragraph be Better at this Point?

It's time to take what you've learned about identifying errors with paragraphs and bring it to bear on your own baseline paragraph. You can do one last revision using the knowledge you have so far to make your paragraph the best it can be in this lesson.

56 How Could Your Paragraph be Better at this Point Worksheet Review 00:52

How Could Your Paragraph be Better at this Point Worksheet Review

Different Types of Paragraphs

57 Expository How-To 07:04

Picture of Expository How-To

How-to paragraphs should make it easy for readers to follow the instructions contained in them. You'll learn the ingredients of a solid how-to paragraph and get some guided practice as you write your own.

58 Expository How-To Worksheet Review 03:10

Expository How-To Worksheet Review

59 Narrative Expository Paragraphs 06:26

Picture of Narrative Expository Paragraphs

Narrative paragraphs explain, tell a story, and describe, and you'll learn how to effectively write one in this lesson with some examples and guided practice.

60 Narrative Expository Paragraph Worksheet Review 04:10

Narrative Expository Paragraph Worksheet Review

61 Explanatory and Descriptive Expository Paragraphs 07:20

Picture of Explanatory and Descriptive Expository Paragraphs

Expository paragraphs also explain and describe. Learn how to effectively create one in this lesson.

62 Expository Explanatory Paragraph Worksheet Review 01:54

Expository Explanatory Paragraph Worksheet Review

63 Argumentative Paragraphs I 07:20

Picture of Argumentative Paragraphs I

Argumentative paragraphs can change history, and you'll learn the basics of why they're important and how to contruct one in this lesson.

64 Argumentative Paragraphs I Worksheet Review 00:59

Argumentative Paragraphs I Worksheet Review

65 Argumentative Paragraphs II 07:08

Picture of Argumentative Paragraphs II

Did you know it matters what order you put your arguments in in an argumentative paragraph? it definitely does. We'll talk about one strategy for using your arguments to your advantage and how linking words are commonly used in argumentative paragraphs.

66 Argumentative Paragraphs II Worksheet Review 01:22

Argumentative Paragraphs II Worksheet Review

67 Argumentative Paragraphs III 06:50

Picture of Argumentative Paragraphs III

You'll learn why counterargument sare important in convincing readeres you're thesis is right and how to construct one using reasons, details, facts, and appropriate linking words. You'll also have the chance to practice writing your own counterarguments.

68 Argumentative Paragraphs III Worksheet Review 02:19

Argumentative Paragraphs III Worksheet Review

69 Reassemble an Expository How-To Paragraph 07:13

Picture of Reassemble an Expository How-To Paragraph

This activity will help you identify different parts of a paragraph and put them in the right order of an expository how-to paragraph.

70 Cut Up and Reassempble an Expository How-To Worksheet Review 01:05

Cut Up and Reassemble an Expository How-To Worksheet Review

71 Reassemble an Explanatory Expository Paragraph 06:43

Picture of Reassemble an Explanatory Expository Paragraph

Identifying the correct structure of a paragraph helps you to know how to build one of your own. In this lesson, you'll practice identifying the correct structure of an explanatory expository how-to paragraph.

72 Cut Up and Reassemble a Expository Explanatory Worksheet Review 01:04

Cut Up and Reassemble a Expository Explanatory Worksheet Review

73 Reassemble an Argumentative Paragraph 05:56

Picture of Reassemble an Argumentative Paragraph

When you put an argumentative paragraph that has been disassembled back in the right order, you have a better understanding of how it is structured, how all of the pieces fit together. You'll be better able to build your own argument after this exercise.

74 Cut Up and Reassemble a Paragraph - Argumentative Worksheet Review 01:33

Cut Up and Reassemble a Paragraph - Argumentative Worksheet Review

75 Reassemble a Narrative Paragraph 06:40

Picture of Reassemble a Narrative Paragraph

When you reassemble the narrative paragraph in this lesson, you'll have a better understanding of the inner structure of a narrative paragraph. This will give you the knowledge you need to write a great narrative paragraph of your own.

76 Cut Up and Reassemble a Paragraph - Narrative Worksheet Review 02:08

Cut Up and Reassemble a Paragraph - Narrative Worksheet Review

Revise Baseline Paragraph and Practice other Types of Paragraphs

77 Write a Last Version of Your Baseline Paragraph 04:06

Picture of Write a Last Version of Your Baseline Paragraph

In this activity, we'll talk about many different aspects of paragraph writing we've discussed in the course. Then you'll take a closer look at your paragraph to see if it meets the standards of a solid paragraph.

78 Write a Last Version of Your Baseline Paragraph Worksheet Review 02:14

Write a Last Version of Your Baseline Paragraph Worksheet Review

79 Write Other Paragraphs from Baseline Activity 02:33

Picture of Write Other Paragraphs from Baseline Activity

It's important to practice writing all four types of paragraphs covered in the course. So you'll practice doing that in this lesson.

80 Write Other Practice Paragraphs from Baseline Activity Worksheet Review 00:50

Write Other Practice Paragraphs from Baseline Activity Worksheet Review

Reflection and Farewell

81 Reflect on What You Learned 01:25

Picture of Reflect on What You Learned

This is a reflection lesson that encourages you to identify what you learned and what was the most impactful on your learning of how to write stellar paragraphs.

82 Reflection on What You Learned Worksheet Review 01:14

Reflection on What You Learned Worksheet Review

83 Farewell 01:03

Picture of Farewell

Thank you for joining me in this course on how to write great paragraphs!

This course is a fundamental series of lessons in how to construct a paragraph, which is the building block of any essay, letter, email, or story. Students who can write good paragraphs are situated to write clear and effective longer pieces of writing. Students write a baseline paragraph in this course and then revise it several times as they learn new skills related to paragraph writing through scaffolded, guided practice.


This course includes:


  • 12 units.
  • 12 worksheets and reference sheets with answers where applicable.
  • Practice exercises in lessons.
  • 42 video lessons.
  • Nearly 4 hours of instruction.


Course Goals

Students will be able to:


-identify four different types of paragraphs.

-identify the structural elements of a solid paragraph.

-apply what they know about the structure of paragraphs to write their own paragraphs.

-use a thesaurus tool to improve their word choice.

-identify sentence fragments.

-write clearer sentences.


Target Audience         

This course is intended for any student (primarily middle schoolers) of any age who needs to improve their paragraph-writing skills.


Course Requirements

Students taking this course will need to have a solid understanding of how to effectively construct different types of sentences and know how to identify a paragraph in a longer piece of writing, such as in a book.


Course Topics


Section 1: Course Introduction and Overview

Course Introduction

Paragraph Overview


Examine a Paragraph, Outlines, and Paragraph

Paragraph Example Examination

What’s Wrong with This Paragraph?

How to Write an Outline

Breakdown of Paragraph Structure


Baseline Paragraph Activity

Baseline Paragraph Activity


Topic Sentences and Introductions, Sentence Fragments

Topic Sentences

Making Intros and Topic Sentences Interesting

Making Intros and Topic Sentences Interesting II

Revise Introduction and Topic Sentences

Sentence Fragments


Supporting Information

Supporting Information Overview

Reasons and Explanations

Details and Explanations

Facts and Explanations

Revise Paragraph with Supporting Information


Linking Words

Linking Words

Linking Words Practice

Adding Linking Words to a Paragraph


Word Choice and Writing Clearer Sentences

Word Choice

Improving Word Choice in a Paragraph

Writing Clearer Sentences




Writing a Conclusion for Your Paragraph


Identifying Paragraphs with Errors

Identifying Paragraphs with Errors

Rewrite Paragraphs with Errors


Different Types of Paragraphs

Expository How-To

Narrative Expository

Explanatory and Descriptive Expository

Argumentative I

Argumentative II

Argumentative III

Reassemble an Expository How-To Paragraph

Reassemble an Explanatory Expository Paragraph

Reassemble an Argumentative Paragraph

Reassemble a Narrative Paragraph


Revise Baseline Paragraph and Practice Other Types of Paragraphs

Write a Last Version of Your Baseline Paragraph

Write Other Paragraphs from Baseline Activity


Reflection and Farewell

Reflect on What You Learned



  • Teacher: Leyla
  • Areas of expertise: Writing for middle and high school students (especially English as another language students)
  • Education: Tomball College, 2001-2003 Texas A&M University, B.A. Anthropology, 2005 University of Glasgow (Scotland), M.Sc. Development Studies Alternative Teacher License Certification coursework, Adams State College and University of Colorado at Denver, 2013 Texas A&M University - Commerce, M.A. Applied Linguistics - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, 2018
  • Interests: other cultures, reading, writing, learning Spanish, cats, dystopias, teaching English to people who speak other languages first, and spending time with my twins and older daughter
  • Skills: Teaching English to speakers of other languages - I can't cook worth anything, so this is the best thing I have to offer. :)
  • Associations: TESOL
  • Issues I care about: refugee resettlement

I'm Leyla! I am a passionate educator, especially when it comes to helping you learn to write to express yourself so others will listen! Writing is one of the most powerful tools in history to change the status quo, and it's essential that you learn to share your thoughts so that everyone who reads your work clearly understands what you want to share. That is why I am here at Lernsys: to support you in your journey to do just that!

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