Middle School Creative Writing

Teacher: Rebecca
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1577

Section 1: Getting Started with the Basics

0 Introduction 06:29

Picture of Introduction This video is a brief introduction of the course and includes what students will need to successfully complete projects within the course.

1 Figurative Language 10:52

Picture of Figurative Language A review of figurative language and how it's different from literal language.

2 Figurative Language Review 03:46

A review of the figurative language practice activity

3 Using Simile and Metaphor 17:21

Picture of Using Simile and Metaphor A brief overview of simile and metaphor with examples and practice activities.

4 Using Simile and Metaphor Review 06:45

A review of the simile and metaphor practice activity.

5 Personification 13:40

Picture of Personification A brief overview of personification with examples and practice activities.

6 Personification Review 05:33

A review of the personification activity.

7 Alliteration/Tongue Twisters 07:53

Picture of Alliteration/Tongue Twisters A brief overview of alliteration with examples and practice activities.

8 Alliteration Review 03:15

A review of the alliteration practice activity.

9 Hyperbole 12:18

Picture of Hyperbole A brief overview of hyperbole with examples and practice activities.

10 Hyperbole Review 04:30

A review of the hyperbole practice activity.

11 Showing vs. Telling 15:14

Picture of Showing vs. Telling A discussion of "Show Don't Tell", using description, and verbs as our best writing friends.

12 Showing vs. Telling Review 08:25

A review of the showing vs. telling practice activity.

13 Punctuating Dialogue 15:57

Picture of Punctuating Dialogue A lesson on using correct punctuation and grammar when writing conversations between speakers.

14 Punctuating Dialogue Review 05:00

A review of the punctuating dialogue practice activity.

15 Letter to Myself 11:53

Picture of Letter to Myself Our first creative writing endeavor is a personal letter students will write to their future selves.

16 Letter to Myself Review 03:06

A review of the letter activity.

17 Section One Quiz 00:00

A 10 question quiz that reviews simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, and hyperbole.

Section 2: Poetry

18 Personal Poetry: A Poem about Me 12:02

Picture of Personal Poetry: A Poem about Me A poem designed to describe the writer.

19 Personal Poetry Review 03:23

A review of the personal poem writing activity.

20 Haiku 13:02

Picture of Haiku Exploration of the traditional haiku poem.

21 Haiku Part 2 09:00

Picture of Haiku Part 2 Haiku with a twist

22 Haiku Review 03:12

A review of the haiku poem writing activities.

23 Cinquain 14:53

Picture of Cinquain Cinquain poetry and practice

24 Cinquain Part 2 04:55

Picture of Cinquain Part 2 A REAL epic cinquain project!

25 Cinquain Review 04:46

A review of the cinquain poem writing activities.

26 Limericks 10:55

Picture of Limericks Using rhyming patterns and writing limericks.

27 Limericks Review 03:25

A review of the limerick poem writing activity.

28 Free Verse Poetry 14:39

Picture of Free Verse Poetry Free Verse Poetry

29 Free Verse Poetry Review 03:44

A review of the free verse poem writing activity.

30 Concrete Poetry 08:22

Picture of Concrete Poetry An exploration of concrete poems.

31 Concrete Poetry Review 02:34

A review of the concrete poem writing activity.

32 Section Two Quiz 00:00

A five question quiz on types of poetry covered in the unit.

Section 3: Storytelling

33 Basics of Storytelling 10:03

Picture of Basics of Storytelling This lesson and accompanying video will review the basic tenets of storytelling, including setting, character, and plot. There will not be a project associated with this lesson, but it will be referred to in the lessons in the storytelling section.

34 Storytelling Checklist 07:29

Picture of Storytelling Checklist This video and checklist can be used to edit and finalize the first drafts of the stories in this unit. The video describes how to use the checklist

35 Just a Reminder 02:04

A reminder for students before we begin the process of writing stories :)

36 Mad Libs 12:25

Picture of Mad Libs Examples of MadLibs plus how to write stories and create MadLibs from the stories.

37 Mad Libs Part 2 04:55

Picture of Mad Libs Part 2 An impromptu look at another way to Mad Lib :)

38 Mad Libs Review 03:56

A review of the mad lib writing activities.

39 Fish Tales 10:17

Picture of Fish Tales Creating Fish Tales to celebrate accomplishments.

40 Fish Tales Review 05:10

A review of the Fish Tale writing activity.

41 Tall Tales 11:31

Picture of Tall Tales Using hyperbole to create a tall tale character and story.

42 Tall Tales Review 05:13

A review of the tall tale writing activity.

43 Newspaper Stories 11:55

Picture of Newspaper Stories Writing stories that could fill the pages of newspapers.

44 Newspaper Stories Review 02:50

A review of the newspaper story writing activity.

45 What If Stories 06:51

Picture of What If Stories Imagining and creating stories that reveal what would happen if...

46 What If Stories Review 04:42

A review of the What If story writing activity.

47 A Day in the Life 08:35

Picture of A Day in the Life Choose and animal or object, create and personify their character, and tell the story of their life in one day.

48 A Day in the Life Review 03:59

A review of the A Day in the Life story writing activity.

49 Being a Dream Giver 08:37

Picture of Being a Dream Giver What does it mean to give dreams? Create a dream-giving character and tell their story.

50 Being a Dream Giver Review 05:04

A review of the Being a Dream Giver Story story writing activity.

51 Creating a Legend 11:03

Picture of Creating a Legend Creating a legend/hero and tell their story!

52 Creating a Legend Review 03:48

A review of the legend writing activity.

53 Section Three Quiz 00:00

A 5 question quiz on the parts of a story.

Section 4: Creating A Comic Book

54 What Is a Comic Book? 14:18

Picture of What Is a Comic Book? Exploration of the comic book/graphic novel genre with emphasis on understanding the vocabulary of comic books, the difference between comic books and other types of literature, and a discussion of the superhero genre.

55 Creating a Superhero 11:27

Picture of Creating a Superhero This lesson will focus on creating a superhero for and action adventure story and comic.

56 Creating a Superhero Review 03:10

A review of the superhero pre-writing activity.

57 Creating a Super Villain 08:59

Picture of Creating a Super Villain This lesson will focus on creating a super villain and his henchmen for the action adventure story and comic book.

58 Creating a Super Villain Review 03:35

A review of the super villain pre-writing activity.

59 Developing the Story Idea (Plot) 10:41

Picture of Developing the Story Idea (Plot) In this lesson the student will create the plot of their action adventure story and comic book.

60 Developing the Story Idea (Plot) Review 04:47

A review of the plot pre-writing activity.

61 Writing the Story 09:33

Picture of Writing the Story This brief lesson will review the parts necessary for the action adventure story and will give some "things to remember" while writing.

62 Editing and Choosing Good Words 12:32

Picture of Editing and Choosing Good Words Since this is our biggest project of the Creative Writing unit, we will spend some time together reviewing and editing the first copy of the action adventure story to improve word choices and add figurative language.

63 Writing and Editing the Story Review 06:57

A review of the action adventure draft.

64 Writing the Comic Book Script 17:10

Picture of Writing the Comic Book Script This lesson will teach the student how to write a comic book script so that they can use their action adventure story to create a script for their comic.

65 Writing the Comic Book Script Review 02:54

A review of the comic script draft.

66 Creating the Comic Book 17:56

Picture of Creating the Comic Book In this lesson, students will learn different ways they might create a comic book and also be shown how to make a hand-made comic book using basic supplies.

67 Section Four Quiz 00:00

A 5 question quiz on comic book vocabulary words.

Section 5: Creating a Product and Advertisement

68 Creating a Product 07:35

Picture of Creating a Product Students will create a product for their advertisement.

69 Creating a Product Review 03:11

A review of the product details needed before writing begins.

70 Advertising Styles 11:16

Picture of Advertising Styles A brief overview of different types of advertisements so the student can select a style for their ad.

71 Writing the Script, Slogan, and Jingle 10:43

Picture of Writing the Script, Slogan, and Jingle Students will write their slogan and jingle and the script of their advertisement.

72 Writing the Script, Slogan, and Jingle Review 06:11

A review of the script, slogan, and jingle needed before filming.

73 Practice and Film the Ad 09:08

Picture of Practice and Film the Ad Directions for preparing and making the advertisment.

74 Section Five Quiz 00:00

A 7 question quiz on styles of advertising.

Section 6: The Holidays

75 Halloween: Vampire Diaries 13:53

Picture of Halloween: Vampire Diaries Students will write a story in the form of a series of diary entries, as told by a vampire.

76 Halloween: Vampire Diaries Review 03:21

A review of the vampire diaries writing assignment.

77 Halloween: Monster Stories 05:47

Picture of Halloween: Monster Stories Students will invent a monster and tell a scary story about the monster.

78 Halloween: Monster Story Review 05:22

A review of the monster story writing assignment.

79 Thanksgiving: Creating a Thank You Poem 10:28

Picture of Thanksgiving: Creating a Thank You Poem Students will create a thank you acrostic poem designed to be a gift for the holiday.

80 Thanksgiving: Creating a Thank You Poem Review 03:07

Review of the Thanksgiving poem writing activity.

81 Thanksgiving: Turkey Escape 05:59

Picture of Thanksgiving: Turkey Escape Students will tell the story from the perspective of a turkey who escapes Thanksgiving and goes on vacation.

82 Thanksgiving: Turkey Escape Review 03:46

Review of the turkey escape writing activity.

83 Winter Holidays: Winter Poetry 09:49

Picture of Winter Holidays: Winter Poetry Students will create winter or holiday poetry.

84 Winter Holidays: Winter Poetry Review 03:21

Review of the winter poetry writing activity.

85 New Year: Resolution Manifesto 15:17

Picture of New Year: Resolution Manifesto Students will reflect on goals they'd like to accomplish for the new year and write a New Year's Manifesto.

86 New Year: Resolution Manifesto Review 03:19

Review of the resolution manifesto writing activity.

87 Valentine's Day: Writing a Poem for a Friend 09:14

Picture of Valentine's Day: Writing a Poem for a Friend Students will write a free verse poem as a gift to celebrate their friendship with someone.

88 Valentine's Day: Writing a Poem for a Friend Review 04:35

Review of the friendship poem writing activity.

89 April Fools: Writing Jokes 10:17

Picture of April Fools: Writing Jokes Students will learn a process of writing jokes using puns.

90 April Fools: Writing Jokes Review 02:47

Review of the joke writing activity.

91 Section Six Quiz 00:00

A 5 question quiz on concepts from the section six projects.

Section 7: Journal Writing

92 Personal Narrative and Autobiography 11:03

Picture of Personal Narrative and Autobiography Exploring writing about the self... personal narrative (informal) and autobiography (formal).

93 Personal Narrative and Autobiography Review 04:40

Review of the personal narrative and autobiography writing activities.

94 Why Journal Writing? 08:13

Picture of Why Journal Writing? This lesson will explore personal/journal writing and offer some topics to get students started with a journal of their own.

95 Section Seven Quiz 00:00

A 3 question quiz on types of personal writing.

96 Course Review 06:28

A quick review of the process of writing.

Course Overview

Middle School Creative Writing is designed for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who are interested in learning creative writing techniques, engaging in the creation of poetry and short non-fiction, or who want to express themselves creatively through writing.

Creative writing is meant to supplement Middle School English/Expository writing by focusing on the creative aspect of the writing process. In addition, students will be challenged to utilize correct grammatical structure, figurative language, and literary devices that are part of a traditional Middle School English curriculum.

This course includes:


Course Goals:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • identify metaphor, simile, alliteration, hyperbole, and personification, and use figurative language in their own creative and imaginative writing
  • correctly structure and punctuate dialogue
  • define and identify the elements of plot, and create their own imaginative writing using the elements of plot including inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution
  • identify and use basic vocabulary of comic book creation
  • correctly write a comic book script
  • identify advertising styles
  • correctly write an advertisement script
  • create an advertisement using one or more advertising styles
  • explore topics for personal writing including personal narrative and journals
  • write various forms of creative and imaginative literature including poetry, short stories, comic books, advertisements, personal narrative, and personal journaling
  • engage in the process of writing: pre-writing, writing a draft, editing and polishing

Target Audience:

This course is intended for Middle School students ranging from 6th through 8th grades.


Course Requirements:

There are no prerequisites for taking this course other than a basic knowledge of reading, storytelling, and writing.

Students will need access to pen and paper or a notebook or a journal if they are interested in writing by hand. Students can also type any of the written pieces.

Coloring supplies may also be used for assignments that can be used as gifts, and for the comic book if students choose to create one from their story and script.

Students will need to record their advertisement. This can easily be done with a phone or webcam.

Course Topics:

Section One Lessons:


Figurative Language

Using Simile and Metaphor


Alliteration/Tongue Twisters


Showing vs. Telling

Punctuating Dialogue

Letter to Myself

Section Two Lessons:

Personal Poetry: A Poem about Me




Free Verse Poetry

Concrete Poetry

Section Three Lessons:

Basics of Storytelling

Storytelling Checklist

Mad Libs

Fish Tales

Tall Tales

Newspaper Stories

What If Stories

A Day in the Life 

Being a Dream Giver

Creating a Legend

Section Four Lessons:

What is a Comic Book?

Creating a Superhero

Creating a Supervillain

Developing the Story Idea (Plot)

Writing the Story

Editing and Choosing Good Words

Writing the Comic Book Script

Creating the Comic Book

Section Five Lessons:

Creating a Product

Advertising Styles

Writing the Script, Slogan, and Jingle

Practice and Film the Ad

Section Six Lessons:

Halloween: Vampire Diaries

Halloween: Monster Stories

Thanksgiving: Creating a Thank You Poem

Thanksgiving: Turkey Escape

Winter Holidays: Winter Poetry

New Year: Resolution Manifesto

Valentine’s Day: Writing a Poem for a Friend

April Fools: Writing Jokes

Section Seven Lessons:

Personal Narrative and Autobiography

Journal Writing


Resource Guides:

How to Plan Time Video

Simile and Metaphor Answer Guide

Personification Answer Guide

Alliteration Answer Guide

Hyperbole Answer Guide

Showing vs. Telling Answer Guide

Punctuating Dialogue Answer Guide

Section One Quiz Answers

Poetry Answer Guide

Section Two Quiz Answers

Storytelling Answer Guide

Section Three Quiz Answers

Comic Book Guide

Section Four Quiz Answers

Advertisement Guide

Section Five Quiz Answers

Holiday Guide

Section Six Quiz Answers

Section Seven Quiz Answers

Storytelling Checklist Video

How to Help Edit Video



  • Teacher: Rebecca
  • Areas of expertise: Middle School Language Arts, Creative Writing, Graphic Fiction and Literature
  • Education: Certificate in Children's Literature, Bachelors of Arts: Interdisciplinary Studies AND Master's of Science: Instruction and Learning
  • Interests: Middle School shenanigans, comic books and graphic art, Star Wars AND Star Trek (Why should I have to choose?), Sci-fi, superheroes of all kinds, fuzzy animals, detective thrillers, music, and all creative pursuits.
  • Skills: Reading, writing, editing, painting, creating, helping kids become passionate about writing and reading.
  • Associations: National Council of Teachers of English, National Middle School Association, National Writing Project
  • Issues I care about: I care about people. I care about justice, equality, and compassion for all living beings.

I love teaching middle school kids! I can't think of a better way than to spend my days helping kids become more confident in their writing or sharing great books with them...it's a dream to share my passion for life, characters, stories, and heroes with the kids who will someday rule the world!

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Simile and Metaphor Answer Guide

Simile and Metaphor Answer Guide for Parents and Teachers

How to Plan Time

This video explains to the caregiver/teacher how to plan for writing time for lessons.

Personification Answer Guide

Personification Answer Guide for parents and teachers.

Alliteration Answer Guide

Alliteration Answer Guide for parents and teachers.

Hyperbole Answer Guide

Hyperbole Answer Guide for parents and teachers.

Showing vs Telling Answer Guide

Showing vs Telling Answer Guide for parents and teachers.

Section One Quiz Answers

Answers for Section One Quiz

Punctuating Dialogue Answer Guide

Punctuating Dialogue Answer Guide for parents and teachers.

Poetry Answer Guide

This guide includes possibilities for answers + how to create each type of poem for the entire unit. It includes a haiku, cinquain, limerick, free verse, and concrete poetry examples as a guide for teachers or caregivers.

Section Two Quiz Answers

Answers for Section Two Quiz

Storytelling Answer Guide

There are no wrong ways to tell a story, but this guide will give basic ideas for the parent or teacher to understand the projects, support the writing process, and help with editing and creating the finished product. Suggestions are given for MadLibs, Fish Tales, Tall Tales, Newspaper stories, What if, A Day in the Life of..., and Dream Giver stories.

Section Three Quiz Answers

Answers for Section Three Quiz

Comic Book Guide

This guide gives resources for generating different kinds of comic books, as well as directions for creating a comic book by hand for the parents and teacher.

Section Four Quiz Answers

Answers for Section Four Quiz.

Advertisement Guide

This resource includes suggestions for helping students when they are stumped on an idea, tips for filming the advertisement, and the notes I provided to the students for easy referral.

Section Five Quiz Answers

Answers for Section Five Quiz

Holiday Guide

This resource includes suggestions for helping support the writing process as well as suggestions for helping with the editing process.

Section Six Quiz Answers

Answers for Section Six Quiz

Section Seven Quiz Answers

Answers for Section Seven Quiz

Storytelling Checklist

This video is provided to students to demonstrate how to get help with editing the drafts of their stories. It is a good resource for teachers/caregivers to understand how to help the student edit.

How to help edit

This video will provide teachers/caregivers with some tips for how to help students with the editing process without helping too much.
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