High School American History I: Pre-Columbian - Civil War

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Teacher: Vicie
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 973

Course Introduction

0 Course Introduction 04:00

This course covers early American History from Pre-Columbian America through the Civil War.

This course contains 12 Units of Study covering the major political, social, economic and intellectual changes throughout early American history.  Each lesson features an activity to review and refine learning.  These activities include but are not limited to: graphic organizers, art projects, document based questions and short readings.  Each activity also includes a review video!

This course is special in that the very first lesson focuses on skills that are important to any history or humanities course: document analysis and categorizing information.  Throughout the course we analyze and categorize documents and notes to help students retain information and make causal connections.

Any highschool student learning about American History should buy this course!  It is an amazing survey of the first 300 years of our nation's history.

Thank you again for taking the time to visit my course!  I hope you are willing to come with me on an adventure through time to learn more about where we came from so we can better chart our future!!



Social Studies 101

1 Social Studies Skills 21:45

Picture of Social Studies Skills

This lesson will cover the Document Analysis tool as well as give students time to practice the tool with primary sources.  This lesson will also go over SPRITE - the primary way to categorize events and terms in history to help with study skills and essay writing.  Students will also learn the difference between primary and secondary sources.

2 Social Studies Skills Practice 16:33

Picture of Social Studies Skills Practice

In this lesson we will analyze documents using the Document Analysis Tool Cheat sheet as well categorize each document according to their SPRITE category.  This lesson includes the KEY to the handout made available in the Social Studies Skills lesson and a video explaining how to apply the tools learned in said lesson.

Unit 1: Pre-Columbian America

3 Native American Diversity 13:00

Picture of Native American Diversity

We will explore Native American Diversity in this lesson by exploring the types of civilizations that existed in MesoAmerica and North America before the arrival of Europeans.  Students will complete a graphic organizer using secondary sources.

4 Native American Diversity Activity Review 07:00

In this lesson we will review the activity introduced in the first lesson and SPRITE the categories.

5 Native American Diversity Reading Review 17:10

In this lesson we will discuss the definitions of primitive and civilization.  We will also complete an assignment in which students will assign the terms primitive or civilization to a set of statements.  Students will then place statements about Native Americans into the appropriate SPRITE category.  We will go over both handouts and conclude the unit with a few bullet points.

Unit 2: The Age of Exploration

6 Causes of Exploration 24:30

Picture of Causes of Exploration

In this lesson we will cover important terms associated with the Age of Exploration and the Three Gs - major causes of the Age of Exploration.  We will also take our first set of graphic organizer notes and explore the causes and effects of exploration by completing a Cause and Effect Organizer using a chart.

7 Causes of Exploration Activity Review 08:00

In this lesson we will review the compare and contrast activity for the Age of Exploration.  We will go over each section of the graphic organizer via video lecture.

8 The Explorers 10:00

Picture of The Explorers

In this lesson we will go over the major explorers of the Age of Exploration by completing trading cards for each explorer.  In the video I will cover the directions - all necessary materials including explorer information and the trading card template are availabe in the documents section.

9 The Explorers Activity Review 10:30

Picture of The Explorers Activity Review

In this lesson we will complete a short reading activity in which we discuss whether explorers were heroes or villains.  This is a great lesson to introduce students to a more diverse view of history and allows them to engage in historical thinking.

10 Comparing Colonization 20:00

Picture of Comparing Colonization

In this lesson we will use an informational chart to compare and contrast the characteristics of colonies established by France, England and Spain.  We will SPRITE each characteristics as we go over them.  We will also cover terms to know for this lesson using a printout and the table used in previous lesson.

11 Comparing Colonization Activity Review 18:00

In this lesson we will go over the activity in which we compare and contrast the colonization efforts of the Spanish, French and British.

12 Triangular Trade and Columbian Exchange 08:45

Picture of Triangular Trade and Columbian Exchange

In this lesson we will complete two different maps while watching a lecture.  We will define the Columbian Exchange and Triangular Trade as well as discuss what things came from what part of the world and how the world changed as a result.

13 Triangular Trade and Columbian Exchange Activity Review 04:00

In this lesson we will complete and go over a worksheet to review the Columbian Exchange.

Unit 3: The 13 Colonies

14 Foundations 06:30

Picture of Foundations

In this lesson we will cover the men and joint stock companies that explored and created the original 13 colonies.  This lesson will help us gain an understanding of the beginnings of each colony that will feed into future lessons about the development of the United States.

15 Foundations Activity Review 14:00

In this lesson we will go over the foundations of the original 13 colonies.

16 Comparing Colonial Regions 22:00

Picture of Comparing Colonial Regions

In this lesson we will compare the 3 colonial regions: New England, Middle and Southern.  This lesson piggybacks on what we learned in the previous lesson on the Foundations of the Original 13 Colonies.

17 Comparing Colonial Regions Activity Review 09:00

In this lesson we will review the answers to the Colonial Regions graphic organizer.

18 Colonial Overview 17:50

Picture of Colonial Overview

In this lesson we will cover major events of the colonial period such as Bacon's Rebellion, the Glorious Revolution, the Colonial Wars. The Salem Witch Trials and the Trial of John Peter Zenger.  We will fill out SPRITE notes for these events and discuss how they had changed the British colonies.  This lesson is imperative to understanding the coming American Revolution we will cover in the next unit.

19 Colonial Overview Activity Review 10:00

Picture of Colonial Overview Activity Review

In this lesson we will look at Native American relations with the British colonists in more detail.  To do that we will complete a reading.  Please access the key for the reading in the Documents section. This is designed to be an independent practice activity.

20 Slavery and Racism in the Colonies 07:00

Picture of Slavery and Racism in the Colonies

In this lesson we will have a brief lecture on slavery and indentured servitude in the American colonies.  We will then take a closer look at the interrelated concepts of slavery and race specifically in the colony of Virginia after Bacon's Rebellion.  

21 Slavery and Racism in the Colonies Activity Review 07:00

In this lesson we will review the reading on Bacon's Rebellion.

Unit 4: The Road to Revolution

22 The Enlightenment and Great Awakening 15:00

Picture of The Enlightenment and Great Awakening

In this lesson we will define and describe the Englightenment and Great Awakening as well as complete a set of document based questions to gain a complete understanding of the changes in American political thought during the 1700s.

23 Enlightened or Awakened Review 07:00

In this lesson we will compare and contrast the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening.

24 The French and Indian War 10:00

Picture of The French and Indian War

In this lesson we will cover the causes and effects of the French and Indian war by completing graphic organizer notes via lecture.

25 French and Indian War Activity Review 03:30

In this video lesson we will be analyzing the political cartoon "Join or Die."

26 The Road to Revolution 15:00

Picture of The Road to Revolution

In this lesson we will look specifically at the social, political and economic causes of the American Revolution.  We will complete graphic organizer style timeline notes via lecture and complete a SPRITE handout with several accompanying documents.

27 The Road to Revolution Activity Review 11:00

Picture of The Road to Revolution Activity Review

In this lesson we will read excerpts from an article from the National Archives explaining the Declaration of Independence and how and why it was written.  Students will have the opportunity to read through the article excerpts and answer questions this is meant to be an independent assignment.  A key is provided for students to check their answers.

Unit 5: The American Revolution

28 Art of the American Revolution 45:00

Picture of Art of the American Revolution

In this lesson we will look at several pieces of art created during and immediately after the American Revolution.  This will serve both as an art history lecture and also a great way to cover the events of the Revolution.  There is a fill in the blank note handout available to help students follow along with the lecture.

29 American Revolution Activity Review 05:00

In this video lesson we will be completing and reviewing a reading on the Franco-American Alliance.

Unit 6: The Articles and the Constitution

30 The Articles of Confederation 10:00

Picture of The Articles of Confederation

In this lesson we will take notes on the Articles of Confederation.  We will have a lecture and graphic organizer notes.

31 The Constitution 22:00

Picture of The Constitution

In this lesson we will use graphic organizer notes to explain the structure, interpretation and aspects of the Constitution.  We will also learn the system of Federalism and the difference between powers specified to the Federal government, those specified to the States and those shared by both.  

32 The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution Activity Review 10:00

Picture of The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution Activity Review

In this lesson students will complete a graphic organizer using their notes for the Articles and their notes for the Constitution.  Use the key to ensure you have the correct answers.  The test in this lesson will cover information from the Articles of Confederation lesson and the Constitution lesson.

33 The Federalists and Anti-Federalists 10:00

Picture of The Federalists and Anti-Federalists

In this lesson we will cover the debate over the US Constitution by comparing and contrasting the Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

34 Federalist Anti-Federalist Activity Review 06:00

In this lesson we will read two excerpts that exemplify the differences between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists and further review the debate over the Constitution.

Unit 7: The Federalist Period

35 Washington's Domestic Policy 10:00

Picture of Washington's Domestic Policy

In this lesson we will cover the domestic policy of George Washington and discuss some of his most important precedents.  We will cover the formation of the judiciary and early challenges to the federal government.

36 George Washington's Domestic Policy Activity Review 06:17

In this video we will review the Domestic Policy of George Washington through Document Analysis Practice.

37 Washington's Foreign Policy 10:00

Picture of Washington's Foreign Policy

In this lesson we will cover the foreign policy of Washington's presidency and cover the development of the new nation on the world stage.  We will use the note document from Washington's Domestic Policy lesson.

38 George Washington Foreign Policy Activity Review 05:02

In this video lesson we will review a document from George Washington's administration with a focus on foreign affairs.

39 The Two Party System 10:00

Picture of The Two Party System

In this lesson we will discuss the development of our first two party system and the division between the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans.

40 Two Party System Activity Review 03:05

In this lesson we will review the development of the Federalists and Democratic Republicans by reading an article from PBS.org and answering questions.

41 John Adams 10:00

Picture of John Adams

In this lesson we will be covering the developments of the Adams administration and the further development of politcal parties and foreign policy concerns.

42 John Adams Administration Activity Review 04:46

In this lesson we will review a document from the Adams Administration.  We will practice document analysis skills as well as review the Adams presidency.

43 Thomas Jefferson 10:00

Picture of Thomas Jefferson

In this lesson we will discuss the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson and the continued evolution of federal power in the early American government.  We will also begin a map to trace westward expansion across the continent.

44 Thomas Jefferson Administration Activity Review 05:15

In this lesson we will review the Jefferson administration through document analysis.

45 Mr. Madison and the War of 1812 20:00

Picture of Mr. Madison and the War of 1812

In this lesson we will cover the major developments of James Madison's presidency, most notably the War of 1812.  We will also cover the Adams-Onis Treaty.

46 Madison and the War of 1812 Activity Review 05:05

In this lesson we will review the causes of the War of 1812 through Document Analysis.

Unit 8: The Era of Good Feelings

47 The Presidents: Monroe and Adams 20:00

Picture of The Presidents: Monroe and Adams

In this lesson we will discuss the Era of Good Feelings and the two Presidents who served during the time period: James Monroe and John Adams.  We will discuss the domestic and foreign policies of the era.

48 Monroe and Adams Activity Review 08:00

In this unit we will review the Monroe and Adams administration through document analysis.

49 Nationalism in Literature and Art 11:00

Picture of Nationalism in Literature and Art

In this lesson we will explore how the idea of nationalism was exhibited in American literature.  We will cover new schools of art and literature as well as read excerpts from certain works and critique art from the period.

50 Nationalism in Literature Document Review 05:00

In this lesson we will read and analyze four excerpts and understand how each piece increases nationalism in America.

51 The First Industrial Revolution 10:00

Picture of The First Industrial Revolution

In this lesson we will cover the characteristics of the first Industrial Revolution through a simulation.  We will then have a short lecture on new inventions of the time period and discuss the impact each invention had on America.

52 Industrial Revolution Activity Review 11:40

In this lesson we will review major technologies developed during the Industrial Revolution.

Unit 9: The Age of Jackson

53 The Age of Jackson 34:00

Picture of The Age of Jackson

In this lesson we will take notes on the Presidency of Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison and John Tyler.  We will also cover the rise of the second two party system with the formation of the Whig Party and the increase in presidential power.

54 The Age of Jackson Activity Review 06:30

In this lesson we will review the many battles of the Jackson Presidency by reviewing political cartoons from the Age of Jackson.

55 Antebellum Reform Movements 02:00

Picture of Antebellum Reform Movements

In this lesson we will cover the Antebellum Reform Movements including the Women's Rights Movement, the Temperance Movement, The Second Great Awakening, Transcendentalism, Penitentiary Movement, Public School Movement, Abolition and Utopian Societies.  We will discuss their common purpose and their effect on American politics and society.

56 Antebellum Reform Movements Activity Review 06:55

In this lesson we will be reviewing the similarities of the Antebellum Reform Movements.

Unit 10: Manifest Destiny

57 Manifest Destiny 36:00

Picture of Manifest Destiny

In this lesson we will discuss the causes, events and effects of Manifest Destiny and the Presidency of James K. Polk, America's expansionist president.

58 Manifest Destiny Activity Review 04:00

In this lesson we will review the idea of Manifest Destiny by analyzing a painting from the time period.

59 Texas Revolution 07:00

Picture of Texas Revolution

In this lesson we will discuss the causes, turning points and effects of the Texas Revolution.  In addition we will explore the racial aspects of this war in the context of the history of the time and the way we remember the event.

60 Texas Revolution Activity Review 03:08

In this video we will review the Texas Revolution through the painting "The Fall of the Alamo"

61 The Mexican American War 08:00

Picture of The Mexican American War

In this lesson we will be covering the causes, turning points and effects of the Mexican American War.  We will be completing the American Expansion map as well.  Students will need to use the notes for printed in the last lesson in the Texas Revolution.

62 Mexican American War Activity Review 02:00

In this lesson we will complete the American Expansion map and review the impact of the Mexican American War.

Unit 11: The Union in Turmoil

63 The Union in Peril 35:00

Picture of The Union in Peril

In this lesson we will cover major figures, political parties and laws that contributed to the continued division of the US leading to the Civil War.  We will complete guided notes and cover the administrations of the presidents leading up to the election of Abraham Lincoln.

64 The Union in Peril Activity Review 10:00

Picture of The Union in Peril Activity Review

In this lesson we will complete several maps that outline several compromises to deal with the expansion  of slavery in the US and the failure of those compromises to unit a quickly dividing nation.

65 The Election of 1860 10:00

Picture of The Election of 1860

In this lesson we will cover the Election of 1860 and the process of secession.  We will complete outline notes and a map.

66 Election of 1860 Reading Review 06:00

In this lesson we will complete our understanding of the Election of 1860 by completing a reading and answering questions.

Unit 12: The Civil War

67 Civil War Interactive Part 1 10:00

Picture of Civil War Interactive Part 1

In this lesson we will cover the beginning of the Civil War.  We will begin the Civil War Interactive Activity by looking at the strengths and weaknesses of the Union and Confederacy, the decision faced by Lincoln concerning Ft. Sumter and complete a map distinguishing between the Union, Confederacy and Border States.

68 Civil War Interactive Part 1 Activity Review 05:05

In this lesson we will go over the independent research students have conducted using resources for the beginning of the Civil War.

69 Civil War Interactive Part 2 10:00

Picture of Civil War Interactive Part 2

In this lesson we will continue to discuss the social and political affects of the Civil War.  In this part we will discuss the soldiering in the Civil War. We will continue to use the handout downloaded in the first lesson.

70 Civil War Interactive Part 2 Activity Review 15:00

In this lesson we will review research students conducted independently on major political turning points of the Civil War including Abraham Lincoln's evolution concerning race and slavery.

71 Civil War Interactive Part 3 10:00

Picture of Civil War Interactive Part 3

In this part of the lesson we will cover the changing roles of African Americans and women during the Civil War.  We will continue completing the Interactive Handout.

72 Civil War Interactive Part 3 Activity Review 10:00

In this lesson we will go over the Civil War Interactive Part 3 in which we will cover the independent research students completed concerning the social impact of the Civil War.

73 Civil War Interactive Part 4 20:00

Picture of Civil War Interactive Part 4

In this lesson we will complete the Civil War Interactive Handout.  We will discuss major battles and the ending of the war.

74 Civil War Interactive Part 4 Activity Review 18:00

In this lesson we will go over the major military turning points and the surrender terms of the Civil War.  This will be the culminating activity of the Civil War Interactive series of Activities.

Course Overview 

This “High School Level American History I” video course covers all of the content covered in a typical high school American History I course.  The course will emphasize causation (the relationship between cause and effect) as well as historical thinking skills such as document analysis and categorization of sources and facts.  This course covers all Common Core and State standards and goes beyond these standards by preparing students to be successful in future humanities courses including American History II.  This course is typically taught in one semester on the block schedule (90 minute classes) but can also be a full year course.

This course includes: 


43 Graphic Organizers and Note Taking Aids

• 20 Document Based Questions

43 Video Lessons!

43 Review Videos in which I go over the DBQs and other assigned activities.



• 12 Vocabulary Activities


Course Goals 

Upon course completion, students will be able to explain the causes and effects of important events in American History.

Identify, describe and analyze different social and political movements throughout American History.

Analyze and categorize historical  documents. 

Target Audience 

This video-course is primarily intended for High School Students (Grades 9-12)

Course Requirements 

It is recommended that students taking this course have completed middle school social studies curriculums including introductory World and European History.  


 Social Studies 101

Understand how to analyze historical documents.

Understand the difference between primary and secondary sources and be able to identify them.

Practice categorizing documents and historical facts using the SPRITE tool.

Unit 1: Pre-Columbian America

Identify different Native American groups in North, Central and South America.

Compare and contrast these Native American groups according to SPRITE categories.

Unit 2: The Age of Exploration

Understand the causes of the Age of Exploration.

Identify major explorers, which country they sailed for, where they went and what they did in those locations.

Compare and contrast the colonization patterns of the French, Spanish and British.

Identify and explain differing views of the explorers.

Define the terms Triangular Trade and Columbian Exchange and identify the impact of both on the New World and the Old World.

Unit 3: The 13 Colonies 

Understand how and why the original 13 Colonies were founded.

Identify, compare and contrast the three colonial regions.

Identify the causes and effects of major events in Colonial History.

Unit 4: The Road to Revolution 

Define, compare and contrast the Enlightenment and Great Awakening.  Identify the impact of the Great Awakening and Enlightenment in the context of the American Revolution.

Analyze the causes and effects of the French and Indian War.

Understand the causes of the American Revolution and identify the timeline of events.

Unit 5: The American Revolution 

Analyze the Declaration of Independence.

Identify and explain the major turning points of the American Revolution.

Unit 6: The Articles and the Constitution 

Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution.

Analyze the debate over the Constitution (Federalist v. AntiFederalist)

Unit 7: The Federalist Period 

Understand the importance of George Washington’s presidency.

Identify foreign and domestic policies.

Understand the causes of the original two-party system in the US.

Compare and contrast the original two parties in the US (Democratic Republicans and the Federalists)

Understand the major turning points of the Adams administration.

Understand the major turning point of the Jefferson administration.

Identify the ways in which the federal government grew during the Federalist Period.

Understand the federalism debate during the Federalist Period.

Identify the causes, major turning points and effects of the War of 1812.

Define the Era of Good Feelings.

Unit 8: The Era of Good Feelings 

Understand the major turning points of the presidencies of James Monroe and John Adams.

Define the term nationalism and understand how nationalism was developed through art and literature through the analysis of sources.

Identify the causes and effects of the First Industrial Revolution.

Unit 9: The Age of Jackson 

Appropriately define the Age of Jackson.

Understand the major turning points of Andrew Jackson’s administration.

Identify and describe major social movements in the Age of Jackson.

Compare and Contrast the ante-bellum reform movements.

Unit 10: Manifest Destiny 

Define the term Manifest Destiny.

Accurately map the territorial expansion of the US.

Identify the causes and effects  of the Texas Revolution and the Mexican American War.

Unit 11: The Union in Peril 

Understand and analyze the social, political and economic issues that divided the US on the eve of the Civil War. (long term causes of the Civil War).

Understand the importance of the Election of 1860.

Unit 12: The Civil War 

Identify and describe the immediate causes of the Civil War.

Compare and contrast the Union and the Confederacy.

Identify and explain major turning points of the Civil War.

Analyze the evolution of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and the social and political effects of that evolution.

Understand how and why the Civil War ended.



  • Teacher: Vicie
  • Areas of expertise: American History European History
  • Education: BA in History from NC State with a concentration in Education
  • Interests: Humanities in general
  • Skills: Document Analysis, Creativity (different types of lessons)
  • Associations: Phi Beta Kappa
  • Issues I care about: Social, Political and Economic Reform. I firmly believe that understanding history helps us understand our problems so we are better able to fix them.

I am very passionate about History. I want to teach my students the complexities of history so they understand the humanity in history. I want my students to make connections with historical figures and events. Most importantly I want history to be a personal experience my students remember!

Quiz Answer Keys

This resource includes all the of the individual answer keys for each quiz.  Each document can be downloaded in word format.

Introduction to American History I

In this video I will introduce the American History I course with a synopsis of topics covered, the target audience and a little about what we will be doing throughout the course.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document
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