Grammar for Composition (6-8)

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Teacher: Jennifer
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2514


1 Introduction 03:51

This video outlines the course. 

Sentence Structure

2 Simple and Complex Sentences 11:19

This lesson is the introduction to clauses.  In learning about clauses, students will gain an understanding of the foundation of sentence structures.

Students will

  • identify the different types of clauses.
  • differentiate between sentence types. 
  • combine clauses to form various types of sentences.
  • understand the use of conjunctions and apply them in sentences.


3 Simple and Complex Sentences Review 04:16

This video is a detailed review of the simple and complex sentence practice worksheet.

4 Compound Sentences 10:12

In this lesson, students will not only identify clauses, but work with conjunctions and punctuation as well.

Students will

  • identify the components of clauses.
  • write compound sentences in a variety of ways.
  • understand the relationship between clauses when using conjunctions.
  • combine clauses using both conjunctions and semicolons. 



5 Compound Sentences Review 05:59

This video will take a detailed look at the compound sentence practice worksheet.

6 Compound-Complex Sentences 10:17

In this lesson, students will use both independent and dependent clauses along with coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to create compound-complex sentences.

Students will

  • utilize both independent and dependent clauses.
  • apply coordinating and subordinating conjunctions appropriately. 
  • combine sentence types to form a single sentence.
  • use a variety of structures to create a compound-complex sentence.

7 Compound-Complex Sentences Review 04:08

This video thoroughly reviews the practice sheet for compound-complex sentences.

8 Sentence Variety 10:12

In this lesson, students will apply the knowledge gained from the previous three lessons to their writing.

Students will

  • revise a piece of writing that lacks variety.
  • incorporate each type of sentence within a composition.
  • demonstrate understanding of clauses and sentence structures.
  • write with a purpose.


9 Sentence Variety Review 04:18

This video provides examples and revision suggestions for the sentence variety practice composition.


10 Prepositional Phrases 10:52

In this lesson, students will use prepositional phrases to add detail and clarity within sentences. 

Students will

  • use prepositional phrases to add detail in sentences. 
  • incorporate prepositional phrases within a variety of sentences. 
  • vary the structure and placement of phrases.


11 Prepositional Phrases Review 04:23

This video provides a detailed review of the prepositional phrases practice exercise.

12 Participial Phrases 10:25

In this lesson, students will use participial phrases to add description to sentences. 

Students will

  • vary the placement of phrases in sentences.
  • punctuate participial phrases correctly.
  • understand the difference between participles and gerunds.
  • combine sentences using participial phrases. 

13 Participial Phrases Review 04:55

This video reviews the exercise on participial phrases in detail.

14 Infinitive Phrases 10:40

In this lesson, students will use infinitive phrases as different fuctions within sentences.

Students will

  • learn the functions of infinitive phrases.
  • analyze the difference between infinitive and prepositional phrases. 
  • identify infinitive phrases in sentences
  • construct sentences that incorporate infinitive phrasese

15 Infinitive Phrases Review 04:08

This video provides a thorough review of the infinitive phrases practice worksheet.

16 Adding Variety with Phrases 10:02

In this lesson, students will plan out and compose a create story.  

Students will

  • use phrases to add detailed descriptions. 
  • include phrases in a variety of sentence structures.
  • organize ideas according to story structure. 
  • compose a story that applies the skills acquired in the previous lessons. 

17 Adding Variety with Phrases Review 03:36

This video will provide examples as well as revision suggestions for the phrases writing exercise.


18 Adjective Clauses 11:22

In this lesson, students will apply adjective clauses to a variety of sentences.

Students will, 

  • review the fuction and purpose of adjectives and adjective clauses. 
  • identify adjective clauses in sentences. 
  • combine sentences to include adjective clauses. 

19 Adjective Clauses Review 04:15

This video will review the practice exercises for adjective clauses.

20 Adverb Clauses 12:44

In this lesson, students will apply adverb clauses to a variety of sentences. 

Students will

  • review the function of adverbs and adverb clauses. 
  • identify adverb clauses in sentences. 
  • purposefully add adverb clauses to sentences. 

21 Adverb Clauses Review 03:21

This video is a detailed review of the adverb clauses practice exercise.

Punctuating with Style

22 Punctuating Dialogue 11:26

In this lesson, students will create authentic dialogue that adds emotion, detail, and voice their writing. 

Students will

  • review the purpose of dialogue within a composition. 
  • break dialogue down into parts. 
  • practice punctuating dialogue in a variety of ways. 
  • use models to create their own dialogue. 

23 Punctuating Dialogue Review 05:13

This video is a review of the punctuating dialogue exercise.

24 Adding Appositives 13:24

In this lesson, students will add appositives to sentences using correct punctuation. 

Students will

  • create interesting sentence structures with appositives. 
  • use appositives to add detail to sentences. 
  • revise sentences to include appositives. 



25 Adding Appositives Review 04:29

This video is a detailed review of the appositives practice worksheet.

26 Openers and Closers 10:01

In this lesson. studetns will apply the skills acquired from previous lessons to add openers and closers to sentences. 

Students will

  • review phrases and clauses. 
  • punctuate openers and closers correctly.
  • purposefully add openers and closers to sentences. 
  • combine sentences to create a single sentence with an opener or closer. 

27 Openers and Closers Review 04:26

This video provides a thorough review of the exercise covering openers and closers.

28 The Serial Comma 11:07

In this lesson, students will add style to their sentences using the serial comma. 

Students will

  • review commas and semicolons. 
  • add commas to sentences by following comma rules.
  • combine sentences using the serial comma. 


29 The Serial Comma Review 04:18

This video reviews the serial comma practice exercise.

30 Semicolons and Colons 12:07

In this lesson, students will use semicolons and colons to add style to their sentences. 

Students will

  • review the rules of usage for semicolons and colons. 
  • practice adding semicolons and colons to sentences. 
  • compose sentences that incorporate semicolons and colons. 



31 Semicolons and Colons Review 03:47

This video reviews the rules and usage of semicolons and colons.

32 Adding Variety with Punctuation 12:20

In this lesson, students will plan and compose a story that utilizes the skills acquired throughout this section and the course. 

Students will

  • review the various types of phases and punctuation covered in this section. 
  • plan a create story using a graphic organizer. 
  • utilize each type of style and punctuation to create variety. 
  • compose a create story that is organized, has strong voice, and flows. 


33 Adding Variety with Punctuation Review 04:44

This lesson provides examples as well as revision suggestions for the punctuation practice composition.


34 Verb Tense 10:13

In this lesson, students will analyze verb tense and its importance in writing. 

Students will

  • review verb tense. 
  • analyze inconsistent verb tense and the problems it creates. 
  • revise paragraphs to create consistent verb tense. 
  • compose a paragraph the maintains a consistent verb tense throughout. 

35 Verb Tense Review 03:20

This video provides a detailed review of the verb tense practice worksheet.

36 Subject-Verb Agreement 10:42

In this lesson, students will analyze the importance of subject-verb agreement. 

Students will

  • review the rules of subject-verb agreement. 
  • practice selecting the correct verbs to agree with the subjects of sentences. 
  • compose sentences that follow each of the agreement rules. 

37 Subject-Verb Agreement Review 06:01

This video provides a detailed review of the rules and usage of subject-verb agreement.

38 Pronoun Antecedent Agreement 11:09

In this lesson, students will analyze the importance pronoun antecedent agreement in sentences. 

Students will

  • review singular and plural pronouns. 
  • review the rules of pronoun antecedent agreement. 
  • practice selecting pronouns that agree with their antecedents. 
  • compose sentences that follow the agreement rules. 

39 Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Review 04:20

This video reviews the rules and usage of pronoun antecedent agreement in sentences.

40 Putting It All Together 14:02

In this lesson, students will compose a creative story that utilizes the structures, phrases, clauses, punctuation, and usage discussed throughout this course. 

Student will

  • apply skills aquired throughtout the course. 
  • compose a story that demonstrates sentence fluency and flow. 
  • revise their writing using checklist. 

41 Putting It All Together Review 04:34

This video reviews the final composition and provides revision suggestions to accompany student writing.

This course provides young writers with the technical tools necessary for composition.  Each lesson builds on the next, giving students confidence not just in their abilities as writers, but also their creative voices. 

We will focus on sentence structures, phrases, clauses, punctuation, as well as usage.  Throughout the course, we will measure students' progress through grammar exercises and ultimately writing assignments designed to incorporate each of the tools acquired along the way.


Target Audience:

This course is designed for students in the middle grades 6-8. 


This Course Contains:

  • 5 Units
  • 5 Quizzes
  • 20 Lessons
  • 16 Exercise Worksheets
  • 16 Exercise Reviews
  • 4 Writing Assingments
  • 4 Writing Reviews
  • Additional Lesson Resources for Parents and Students


Course Goals:

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to apply a variety of sentence structures and techniques to their writing.  In addition, they will plan, draft, and evaluate their writing for the effectiveness of sentences and usage in communicating ideas. 


Course Requirements:

  • Students should be equipted with the fundamentals of grammar (nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, ect.)
  • Video lessons should be view in full
  • Exercises and written assingments should be completed and reviewed for each lesson
  • Apply lesson content to each writing exercise


Course Topics:

Unit 1: Sentence Structure

Lesson 1: Simple and Complex Sentences

Lesson 2: Compound Sentences

Lesson 3: Compoun-Complex Sentences

Lesson 4: Sentence Variety


Unit 2: Phrases 

Lesson 5: The Prepositional Phrase

Lesson 6: The Participial Phrase

Lesson 7: The Infinitive Phrase

Lesson 8: Adding Variety with Phrases


Unit 3: Clauses

Lesson 9: Adjective Clauses

Lesson 10: Adverb Clauses


Unit 4: Punctuating with Style

Lesson 11: Punctuating Dialogue

Lesson 12: Appositives

Lesson 13: Openers and Closers

Lesson 14: The Serial Comma

Lesson 15: Semicolons and Colons

Lesson 16: Adding Variety with Punctuation


Unit 5: Usage

Lesson 17: Verb Tense

Lesson 18: Subject-Verb Agreement

Lesson 19: Pronoun Antecedent Agreement 

Lesson 20: Putting it All Together





  • Teacher: Jennifer
  • Areas of expertise: English/Language Arts and Reading
  • Education: B.S. in Education from Texas State University
  • Interests: Spending time with my family and my pets; Teaching; Reading; Writing; Crafting
  • Skills: Creating engaging and interesting lessons for students.
  • Associations: Association of Texas Professional Educators, Raise Your Hand Texas, Meet in the Middle, Texas licensed teacher
  • Issues I care about: Education, School Safety, Social Emotional Learning

I became a teacher long before I ever attended college or stepped foot into my first classroom. As the oldest child of four, I spent the majority of my childhood reading to my siblings and even creating worksheets for them that I would subsequently "grade". My parents would say I was born to teach; a sentiment that I've carried with me into every classroom and every lesson I've taught. Teaching is my purpose, and with that, making an impact and a difference in how my students view education.

Sentence Structure Quiz Answer Key

This resource provides the answers to the Sentence Structure Quiz.

Phrases Quiz Answer Key

This resource provides the answers to the Phrase Quiz.

Clauses Quiz Answer Key

This resource provides the answers to the Clauses Quiz.

Punctuation Quiz Answer Key

This resource provides the answers to the Punctuation Quiz.

Usage Quiz Answer Key

This resource provides the answers to the Usage Quiz.
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