Introduction to Psychology

Teacher: Ms.Davis
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1437

1- History of Psychology

0 Course Introduction 04:36

Welcome to Introduction to Psychology!

This course covers the following topics:

Section 1: History of Psychology

Section 2: Research Methods

Section 3: Neuroscience

Section 4: Sensation & Perception

Section 5: Learning

Section 6: Cognitive Psychology

Section 7: Lifespan Development

Section 8: Motivation, Emotion, & Personality

Section 9: Clinical Psychology

Section 10: Social Psychology

Each section contains between 2-8 lessons as well as a document containing all section vocabulary words and definitions. Each lesson contains a printable note outline and some sort of exercise/activity, as well as a review video of the teacher going over the answers to the exercise/activity. At the end of each section there is a brief review of the entire section, followed by a vocabulary quiz. After sections 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 there are tests that cover 2 sections worth of material (Test #1 covers sections 1 and 2, etc.) 

1 Early Psychology 09:47

This lesson covers early philosophers who inspired the study of psychology, as well as the founding fathers of psychology. Then, the major domains of psychology are discussed, along with the important theorists that accompany them.

2 Early Psychology Exercise Review 01:11

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 1 exercise.

3 Contemporary Psychology 11:59

After we have learned about the early psychologists, we can move on to learn about the contemporary subfields and jobs within psychology, including applied research jobs, basic research jobs, and the helping professions.

4 Contemporary Psychology Exercise Review 01:17

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 2 exercise.

5 Section 1 Review 02:34

This lesson is a review of all section 1 lessons: Early Psychology and Contemporary Psychology

6 Section 1 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 1 vocabulary words and definitions.

2- Psychological Research

7 The Scientific Method 09:04

This mini lesson will serve as a quick review of the scientific method that you probably are already familiar with from science classes.

8 The Scientific Method Exercise Review 01:54

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 3 exercise 

9 Research Methods 12:42

This lesson looks at how psychologists go about conducting research, including the different methods they use. 

10 Research Methods Exercise Review 01:31

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 4 exercise.

11 Psychological Experiments 08:00

This lesson discusses methods used in psychological experimentation. 

12 Psychological Experiments Exercise Review 02:40

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 5 exercise

13 Statistical Analysis 16:41

This lesson looks at how researchers analyze their data and use those statistics to report their research findings.

14 Statistical Analysis Exercise Review 02:48

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 6 exercise

15 Ethics in Research 11:36

This lesson looks at the ethical guidelines put in place by the American Psychological Association to make sure that psychological research is done in an ethical, non-harmful way.

16 Ethics in Research Exercise Review 03:14

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 7 exercise

17 Section 2 Review 03:37

This lesson reviews the lessons from section 2: the scientific method, research methods, psychological experiments, statistical analysis, and ethics in research

18 Section 2 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 2 vocabulary words and definitions

19 Test #1 00:00

This test covers all the material from:

  • Section 1:
    • Early Psychology
    • Contemporary Psychology
  • Section 2: 
    • The Scientific Method
    • Research Methods
    • Psychological Experiments
    • Statistical Analysis
    • Ethics in Research


3- Neuroscience

20 The Nervous System mini lesson 07:47

This mini lesson differentiates between the divisions of the nervous system, and the jobs each of those divisions are responsible for.

21 The Nervous System Exercise Review 02:36

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 8 exercise

22 The Neuron 16:37

This lesson breaks down neural communication- how neurons communicate with each other and the brain/body.

23 The Neuron Exercise Review 01:14

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 9 exercise.

24 The Brain 14:21

This lesson gives an overview of the major divisions of the brain, including the brainstem, limbic system, and cerebral cortex, as well as the functions of the 4 lobes of the cerebral cortex.

25 The Brain Exercise Review 00:57

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 10 exercise

26 The Adaptable Brain 10:29

This lesson covers the concept of plasticity which is how your brain can adapt to changes after an injury

27 The Adaptable Brain Lesson Review 00:59

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 11 exercise.

28 Section 3 Review 05:03

This video reviews all section 3 lessons: the nervous system, the neuron, the brain, and the adaptable brain

29 Section 3 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 3 vocabulary words and definitions.

4- Sensation & Perception

30 Principles of Sensation & Perception 12:36

This lesson provides an overview of the processes of sensation and perception- or how your brain receives sensory information and then interprets that information. 

31 Principles of Sensation & Perception Exercise Review 02:06

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 12 exercise.

32 The Eye 12:51

In order to understand the process of sensation, we must understand the anatomy of the eye and the working of visual perception.

33 The Eye Review 01:42

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 13 exercise.

34 The Ear 09:14

This lesson discusses how sound enters your ear and is processed by the parts of your ear and auditory nerve. Theories of pitch perception are also discussed, as well as types of hearing loss.

35 The Ear Review 01:40

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 14 exercise.

36 Other Senses Mini-lesson 06:10

This lesson is a very brief overview of other senses: gustation, olfaction, kinesthesis, and the vestibular sense.

37 Other Senses Exercise Review 01:31

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 15 exercise.

38 Section 4 Review 04:10

This video reviews all section 4 lessons: principles of sensation and perception, the eye, the ear, and other senses

39 Section 4 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 4 vocabulary words and definitions.

40 Test #2 00:00

This test covers all the material from 

  • Section 3:
    • The Nervous System
    • The Neuron
    • The Brain
    • The Adaptable Brain
  • Section 4:
    • Principles of Sensation and Perception
    • The Eye
    • The Ear
    • Other Senses

5- Learning

41 Classical Conditioning 13:20

This lesson covers the foundations of behaviorism and Ivan Pavlov's experiments that became classical conditioning. Students will learn to identify unconditioned stimuli and responses, as well as conditioned stimuli and responses.

42 Classical Conditioning Exercise Review 03:22

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 16 exercise.

43 Operant Conditioning 10:09

Moving on to another type of learning- operant conditioning explores how our behavior is influenced by rewards and punishments.

44 Operant Conditioning Exercise Review 02:48

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 17 exercise.

45 Observational Learning 10:37

This lesson goes over the final type of learning- observational (or social) learning. We will discuss popular psychological studies that gave us important information about learning through observing others.

46 Observational Learning Exercise Review 01:40

This lesson contains a video of the teacher goiing over the answers to the lesson 18 exercise.

47 Section 5 Review 04:30

This lesson reviews all lessons from section 5: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning.

48 Section 5 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 5 vocabulary words and definitions.

6- Cognition

49 Encoding Memories 13:58

This lesson provides an overview into the models of memory processing, and then specifically how memories are encoded in the brain. 

50 Encoding Memories Exercise Review 01:42

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 19 exercise.

51 Storing and Retrieving Memories 10:40

This lessone explores the next steps in the memory process: storing and retrieving memories.

52 Storing and Retrieving Memories Exercise Review 01:25

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 20 exercise.

53 Forgetting 11:37

We will talk about the most common ways that you forget things- and how you can work to improve your memory!

54 Forgetting Exercise Review 01:59

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 21 exercise.

55 Thinking and Language 13:07

This lesson looks at some common cognitive processes involved in problem solving, as well as how our language develops and affects the way we think

56 Thinking & Language Exercise Review 01:57

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 22 exercise.

57 Intelligence 12:06

This lesson looks at the predominant theories of intelligence.

58 Intelligence Exercise Review 01:43

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 23 exercise.

59 Intelligence Testing 10:28

This lesson covers the history of intelligence testing and major aspects of test construction

60 Intelligence Testing Exercise Review 01:47

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 24 exercise.

61 Section 6 Review 08:43

This video reviews all section 6 lessons: encoding memories, storing and retrieving memories, forgetting, thinking and language, intelligence, and intelligence testing.

62 Section 6 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 6 vocabulary words and definitions.

63 Test #3 00:00

This test covers all material from sections 5 & 6:

  • Section 5:
    • classical conditioning
    • operant conditioning
    • observational learning
  • Section 6:
    • encoding memories
    • storing and retrieving memories
    • forgetting
    • thinking and language
    • intelligence
    • intelligence testing 

7- Lifespan Development

64 Prenatal Development and the Newborn 12:15

This lesson provides an introduction to human development, starting with prenatal development and infancy.

65 Prenatal Development and the Newborn Exercise Review 01:33

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 25 exercise.

66 Cognitive Development 20:36

This lesson explores how our brains develop cognitive skills throughout the lifespan.

67 Cognitive Development Exercise Review 01:53

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 26 exercise.

68 Social Development 23:51

Moving forward in lifespan development, here we will discuss how we develop as social creatures through our lives.

69 Social Development Exercise Review 01:54

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 27 exercise.

70 Moral Development 09:11

Moving forward in lifespan development, this lesson examines how we develop our morals, or our own personal ethical principles of what is right and what is wrong.

71 Moral Development Exercise Review 01:23

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 28 exercise.

72 Section 7 Review 04:11

This video reviews all section 7 lessons: prenatal development and the newborn, cognitive development, social development, and moral development.

73 Section 7 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 7 vocabulary words and definitions

8- Motivation, Emotion, and Personality

74 Motivation 13:11

What motivates our behavior? This lesson outlines the predominant theories as to why we behave the way we do.

75 Motivation Exercise Review 01:59

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 29 exercise.

76 Emotion Theories 07:11

This lesson provides a short overview of the predominant theories of emotional expression.

77 Emotion Theories Exercise Review 02:07

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 30 exercise.

78 Stress and Happiness 11:10

In this lesson we will look at predominant theories of stress and our body's stress reaction, as well as the psychology of happiness.

79 Stress and Happiness Exercise Review 01:29

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 31 exercise.

80 Psychoanalytic Theories of Personality 15:27

This lesson provides an overview of the psychoanalytic views of personality, including how they are assessed

81 Psychoanalytic Theories of Personality Exercise Review 02:36

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 32 exercise.

82 Humanistic and Trait Theories of Personality 17:09

This lesson covers the humanistic view of personality, as well as popular trait theories of personality. Personality assessments are also discussed

83 Humanistic and Trait Theories of Personality Exercise Review 01:32

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 33 exercise.

84 Section 8 Review 07:53

This video reviews all section 8 lessons: motivation, emotion theories, stress and happiness, psychoanalytic theories of personality, and humanistic and trait theories of personality.

85 Section 8 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 8 vocabulary words and definitions.

86 Test #4 00:00

This test covers all material from sections 7 & 8:

  • section 7:
    • prenatal development and infancy
    • cognitive development
    • social development
    • moral development
  • section 8:
    • motivation
    • emotion theories
    • stress and happiness
    • psychoanalytic theories of personality
    • humanistic and trait theories of personality

9- Clinical Psychology

87 Introduction to Psychological Disorders 12:52

Before we examine specific psychological disorders, we need to address how disorders are studied and understood, as well as how frequently they occur. 

88 Introduction to Psychological Disorders Exercise Review 01:38

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 34 exercise.

89 Neurodevelopmental and Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders 12:50

This lesson covers diagnostic categories and criteria for neurodevelopmental, neurocognitive, and schizophrenic spectrum disorders.

90 Neurodevelopmental and Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders Exercise Review 01:31

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 35 exercise.

91 Anxiety and Mood-Related Disorders 27:25

This lesson looks at psychological disorders that are considered "anxiety-related," including generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, and OCD. Also covered are mood-related disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder.

92 Anxiety and Mood-Related Disorders Exercise Review 01:36

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 36 exercise.

93 Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders 14:11

This lesson looks at psychological disorders that can be caused by trauma, like PTSD, or other stressors.

94 Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders Exercise Review 02:31

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 37 exercise.

95 Other Disorders 19:07

This lesson covers various other disorders that fit into smaller categories, like feeding/eating disorders, somatic symptom disorders, and personality disorders

96 Other Disorders Exercise Review 01:28

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 38 exercise.

97 Talk Therapy 08:49

This lesson covers the use of talk therapy to treat various psychological disorders

98 Talk Therapy Exercise Review 01:51

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 39 exercise.

99 Behavior, Cognitive, and Group Therapies 12:27

This lesson covers a variety of different treatments, including behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, and group therapies

100 Behavior, Cognitive, and Group Therapies Exercise Review 01:47

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 40 exercise.

101 Biomedical Treatment 09:49

This lesson covers the biomedical treatments of psychoactive drugs and medical procedures used to treat psychological disorders

102 Biomedical Treatment Exercise Review 01:02

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 41 exercise.

103 Section 9 Review 11:24

This video reviews all section 9 lessons: introduction to psychological disorders, neurodevelopmental and schizophrenic spectrum disorders, anxiety and mood-related disorders, trauma and stressor-related disorders, other disorders, talk therapy, behavior, cognitive and group therapies, and biomedical treatment.

104 Section 9 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 9 vocabulary words and definitions

10- Social Psychology

105 Attribution, Conformity, and Obedience 29:07

Social psychology attempts to explain our social behavior, and this lesson begins a look into the social phenomena of attribution, conformity, and obedience.

106 Attribution, Conformity, and Obedience Exercise Review 01:06

This lesson contains a video of the video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 42 exercise

107 Group Behavior 10:13

This lesson looks at how our behavior is influenced by being a part of a group.

108 Group Behavior Exercise Review 02:35

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 43 exercise.

109 Prejudice, Discrimination, and Aggression 11:00

This lesson in social psychology looks at predominant theories of why people hold prejudiced beliefs, and also the psychology behind aggression.

110 Prejudice, Discrimination, and Aggression Exercise Review 02:12

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 44 exercise.

111 Attraction, Altruism, and Conflict 15:46

This lesson looks at the psychology behind attraction and what makes you find people attractive. We will also look at the psychology of altruism (or doing good acts), and the psychology of conflict and peace-making

112 Attraction, Altruism, and Conflict Exercise Review 01:41

This lesson contains a video of the teacher going over the answers to the lesson 45 exercise.

113 Section 10 Review 05:26

This video reviews all section 10 lessons: attribution, conformity, and obedience; prejudice, discrimination, and aggression; attraction, altruism, and conflict.

114 Section 10 Quiz 00:00

This is a multiple choice-style quiz of all section 10 vocabulary words and definitions

115 Test #5 00:00

This test covers all material from sections 9 & 10

  • section 9:
    • introduction to psychological disorders
    • neurodevelopmental and schizophrenic spectrum disorders
    • anxiety- and mood-related disorders
    • trauma- and other stressor-related disorders
    • other disorders
    • talk therapy
    • behavior, cognitive, and group therapies
    • biomedical treatment
  • section 10:
    • attribution, conformity, and obedience
    • group behavior
    • prejudice, discrimination, and aggression
    • attraction, altruism, and conflict

Course Overview

This “Introduction to Psychology” video course covers all of the content students need to successfully complete high school psychology. It covers the requirements for most states for a social studies elective course, and also functions as a preview of what you might see in a college-level psychology course.

This course includes:

-10 units

-45 video lessons

-45 exercises with review videos

-10 section review videos

-5 tests

-note outlines for each lesson

-list of vocabulary with definitions for each section

-10 vocabulary quizzes

Course Goals:

Upon course completion, students will understand the basics of human behavior and mental processes. Students will be prepared to ace an introductory-level college psychology course.

Target Audience:

This video course is primarily intended for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.

Course Requirements:

None! This course can be taken without any prerequisites.

Course Topics:

  • Section 1: History of Psychology
    • Lessons:
      • Early Psychology
      • Contemporary Psychology
  • Section 2: Psychological Research
    • Lessons:
      • The Scientific Method
      • Research Methods
      • Psychological Experiments
      • Statistical Analysis
      • Ethics in Research
  • Section 3: Neuroscience
    • Lessons:
      • The Nervous System 
      • The Neuron
      • The Brain
      • The Adaptable Brain
  • Section 4: Sensation and Perception
    • Lessons:
      • Principles of Sensation and Perception
      • The Eye
      • The Ear
      • Other Senses
  • Section 5: Learning
    • Lessons:
      • Classical Conditioning
      • Operant Conditioning
      • Observational Learning
  • Section 6: Cognition
    • Lessons:
      • Encoding Memories
      • Storing and Retrieving Memories
      • Forgetting
      • Thinking and Language
      • Intelligence
      • Intelligence Testing
  • Section 7: Lifespan Development
    • Lessons:
      • Prenatal Development and the Newborn
      • Cognitive Development
      • Social Development 
      • Moral Development
  • Section 8: Motivation, Emotion, and Personality
    • Lessons:
      • Motivation
      • Emotion Theories
      • Stress and Happiness
      • Psychoanalytic Theories of Personality
      • Humanistic and Trait Theories of Personality
  • Section 9: Clinical Psychology
    • Lessons:
      • Introduction to Psychological Disorders
      • Neurodevelopmental and Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders
      • Anxiety and Mood-Related Disorders
      • Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders
      • Other Disorders
      • Talk Therapy
      • Behavior, Cognitive, and Group Therapies
      • Biomedical Treatment
  • Section 10: Social Psychology
    • Lessons:
      • Attribution, Conformity, and Obedience
      • Group Behavior
      • Prejudice, Discrimination, and Aggression
      • Attraction, Altruism, and Conflict 
  • Teacher: Ms.Davis
  • Areas of expertise: Psychology; Sociology
  • Education: B.S. in Psychology and Sociology from East Tennessee State University M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from Carson-Newman University
  • Interests: reading, painting, photography, dancing, and learning new things
  • Skills: teaching, digital art, photography
  • Associations: State licensed teacher, social studies PLC leader, member of the American Psychological Association and Teachers of Psychology in Secondary Schools
  • Issues I care about: Making the world a better and kinder place; Student and teacher mental health

I am very passionate about psychology and psychology education, and I hope that will come across in this course!

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Lesson 1 Exercise key

Answer key for the lesson 1 exercise

Lesson 2 Exercise key

Answer key for lesson 2 exercise

Section 1 Quiz Key

Answer key to the section 1 vocabulary quiz

Lesson 3 Exercise key

Answer key for the lesson 3 exercise

Lesson 4 Exercise key

Answer key for the lesson 4 exercise

Lesson 5 Exercise key

Answer key for the lesson 5 exercise

Lesson 6 Exercise key

Answer key for the lesson 6 exercise

Lesson 7 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 7 exercise

Section 2 Quiz key

Answer key for the section 2 vocabulary quiz 

Test #1 key

Answer key to the test #1

Lesson 8 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 8 exercise

Lesson 9 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 9 exercise

Lesson 10 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 10 exercise

Lesson 11 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 11 exercise

Section 3 Quiz key

Answer key to the section 3 vocabulary quiz

Lesson 12 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 12 exercise

Lesson 13 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 13 exercise

Lesson 14 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 14 exercise

Lesson 15 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 15 exercise

Section 4 Quiz key

Answer key to the section 4 vocabulary quiz

Test #2 key

Answer key to test #2

Lesson 16 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 16 exercise

Lesson 17 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 17 exercise

Lesson 18 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 18 exercise

Section 5 Quiz key

Answer key to the section 5 vocabulary quiz

Lesson 19 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 19 exercise

Lesson 20 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 20 exercise

Lesson 21 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 21 exercise

Lesson 22 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 22 exercise

Lesson 23 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 23 exercise

Lesson 24 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 24 exercise

Section 6 Quiz key

Answer key to the section 6 vocabulary quiz

Test #3 key

Answer key to test #3

Lesson 25 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 25 exercise

Lesson 26 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 26 exercise

Lesson 27 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 27 exercise

Lesson 28 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 28 exercise

Section 7 Quiz key

Answer key to the section 7 vocabulary quiz

Lesson 29 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 29 exercise

Lesson 30 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 30 exercise

Lesson 31 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 31 exercise

Lesson 32 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 32 exercise

Lesson 33 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 33 exercise

Section 8 Quiz key

Answer key to the section 8 vocabulary quiz

Test #4 key

Answer key to test #4

Lesson 34 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 34 exercise

Lesson 35 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 35 exercise

Lesson 36 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 36 exercise

Lesson 37 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 37 exercise

Lesson 38 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 38 exercise

Lesson 39 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 39 exercise

Lesson 40 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 40 exercise

Lesson 41 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 41 exercise

Section 9 Quiz key

Answer key to the section 9 vocabulary quiz

Lesson 42 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 42 exercise

Lesson 43 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 43 exercise

Lesson 44 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 44 exercise

Lesson 45 Exercise key

Answer key to the lesson 45 exercise

Section 10 Quiz key

Answer key to the section 10 vocabulary quiz

Test #5 key

Answer key to test #5

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