The first part of the five-part chapter examines technology globally and in the U.S., particularly as it can cause a "digital divide". This section contains the slides relevant to the entirety of Chapter 8.
8A: Tech., global technology, digital divide worksheet review
The second part of Chapter 8 discusses the knowledge gap that occurs related to a digital divide, the widespread use of media, and how it can create a sense of community.
8B Knowledge gaps, media, community worksheet review
The third section of the chapter discusses the impact of film as a type of media, and how it impacts society. This part also addresses marketing and advertising.
8C Film, marketing, advertising worksheet review
The fourth section of Chapter eight focuses on media and technology from a global perspective.
8D Globalization of technology
The last part of Chapter 8 focuses on the three sociological perspectives on media and technology. Functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist approaches are discussed. Cyber-bullying, cyber-feminism, and more. This lesson contains a multiple-choice test on the material in Chapter 8.
8E Theoretical Perspectives on Media & Technology worksheet review
The first of five sections, this part of Chapter 9 highlights the definition of social stratification and types of systems, like open versus closed. The slides for all of Chapter 9 are in the documents for this lesson.
9A Systems of social stratification worksheet review
This second part of Chapter 9 discusses the fact that resources are distributed in an unequal fashion among the social classes. It also discusses the shrinking U.S. middle class, a cause for concern.
9B Distribution of resources, shrinking U.S. middle class worksheet review
This section discusses social class in the U.S. social mobility, and poverty.
9C Social class & mobility, poverty worksheet review
In the fourth section of Chapter 9 we discuss global stratification and poverty, and terms like "GDP" or Gross Domestic Product.
9D Global stratification, GDP worksheet review
We continue to discuss world poverty and stratification in the last part of the chapter. There is a multiple-choice test on the material in Chapter 9 located in this lesson.
9E Global stratification and world issues worksheet review
Section 1 of this five-part Chapter focuses on global inequality and ends with an introduction to the World Systems Approach. The slides for all of Chapter 10 are included in this lesson.
10A Global inequality, world systems intro worksheet review
The second part of Chapter 10 looks at nations globally, classifying them according to their income level. Absolute poverty is introduced.
10B Middle & low income nations, absolute poverty worksheet review
In the third section of Chapter 10, we discuss global poverty in more detail, highlighting different countries, such as Africa. We introduce the terms "diaspora" and "genocide".
10C Global poverty, Africa, diaspora, genocide worksheet review
This part of Chapter 10 looks at additional specific regions of the world, such as Asia and Latin America, and discusses effects of globalized labor.
10 D Asia, Latin America, effects of globalized labor worksheet review
The last part of Chapter 10 discusses human trafficking and dependency theory. A test on the material in Chapter 10 is provided in the test tab for this course.
10E Human trafficking, dependency theory worksheet review
Chapter 11 is the fullest of the ones in our text. Therefore, Chapter 11 is addressed in 2 parts: 11A and 11B. The first fourth of lesson 11A focuses on minority groups. The slides for all of 11A are contained in this lesson.
This first worksheet of Chapter 11A discusses minorities, race, prejudice, and stereotypes. Definitions are the topics, asking for delineation between important terms.
The second fourth of lesson 11A focuses on race, ethnicity, and functionalist perspective of racial discrimination.
The worksheet for the second fourth of lesson 11A: race, ethnicity; functionalist perspective of racial discrimination are asked about.
The third fourth of lesson 11A discusses perspectives like conflict theory and symbolic interactionism on racism. We introduce terms like genocide and expulsion.
The worksheet review for 11A (C) asks about sociological perspectives, expulsion, and intersection theory. Defintions and short answers are requested.
The last fourth of Lesson 11A looks at expulsion, segregation, and the concepts of a "salad" U.S. where aspects of a person's cultural identity is somewhat maintained, vs. a "melting pot" or "fondue" in which ethnic groups completely assimilate into U.S. culture.
The worksheet on 11A (D) asks about expulsion, segregation, and "salad" vs. "fondue" conceptualizations of U.S. society.
Chapter 11 is quite dense, so I have divided it into two chapters. Lesson 11B (A) is the first division of Chapter 11B, which has 5 parts. In it, we discuss the U.S.'s history with minority groups, such as the expulsion of groups like Native Americans and Japanese immigrants, and the enslavement of African Americans. The slides for all of 11B are contained in this lesson.
A worksheet on 11B (A), the US history of minority groups, expulsion. Multiple choice questions ask about the definitions, as well as particular groups in the U.S. that have been the victim of expulsion.
Chapter 11B (B) is the second of five parts of Chapter 11B. It discusses minority groups in the U.S. like Latinos and Asians. The term "model minority" is introduced.
The worksheet features multiple choice and short answer questions on Latino & Asian Americans, and the term "model minority". Asian immigrants are asked about regarding their model minority categorization.
In the third section of Chapter 11B we focus primarily on Latino immigrants and contemporary immigration issues in the United States.
The worksheet on 11B (C) regards latino Americans, immigration, Cubans, wet-foot dry-foot rule.
In the third section of Chapter 11B, we focus primarily on Arab immigrants and contemporary immigration issues in the United States like prejudice and terrorism.
Worksheet about 11B (D), Arab Americans, political issues, the religious groups of Arab Americans, prejudice.
In the last section of Chapter 11B, we discuss white ethnic American immigrant groups. The experience of recent émigrés from countries in Eastern Europe, like Bosnia, Poland and Romania are examined. A multiple-choice test on the material in all of Chapter 11 is contained in the test tab for this lesson.
This worksheet on 11B (E) White ethnic American immigrants features multiple choice questions on recent immigration to the U.S., particularly that of white Eastern Europeans.
This first section of Chapter 12 discusses sex as a biological definition and gender as a social construction. We discuss normative behavior for women and men in our society and others.
This is a worksheet on 12A, Gender, sex, terminology, and normative behaviors. Differentiations regarding important distinctions in terminology are required.
In the second part of Chapter 12 we examine sexual orientation, transgender individuals, and discrimination against these groups.
This worksheet features questions regarding 12B, Sex orientation, transgender, and discrimination.
In the third part of Chapter 12 we continue our discussion of gender, focusing on gender-based discrimination and gender in the workplace.
This worksheet asks questions regarding lesson 12C, on gender, work, and descrimination.
In this fourth part of Chapter 12C we further discuss gender identity, as well as attitudes and practices regarding sexuality. We discuss gender across the world. Finally, a sociological figure mentioned in this chapter of the text makes a visit to our class.
This worksheet features questions regarding lesson 12D, on gender identity, global issues, attitudes, and our special guest.
The last part of Chapter 12 discusses global aspects of sexuality, such as mores and the effects of social institutions on them. Religion, as well as other institutions, impact attitudes about sexuality. A multiple-choice test on the information contained in Chapter 12 is available in the resources section for this Chapter.
12E Religion & sexuality, global considerations
In the first part of Chapter 13, we overview the aging process with emphasis on societal changes in recent years. The growing elderly population and assisted living are introduced. The slides pertaining to all of Chapter 13 are in the documents for this lesson.
A few questions on lesson 13A, Aging, graying of America, and assisted living are contained in this worksheet review.
The second part of Chapter 13 is focused on the various stages or phases of aging. That is to say, being 65 is different than being 90. Variations in the generations are also examined.
This worksheet review contains a few questions about the topics of this lesson: aging phases, and generational differences.
This section examines how the experience of aging varies around the world. The biological, as well as social changes that accompany aging, are reviewed.
This worksheet review goes over questions on 13C: Aging across the globe, biological & social changes.
This part of the chapter discusses aging and sexuality and the sad reality of elderly abuse.
This worksheet reviews covers the quesitons on 13D: Aging & sexuality, elderly abuse
In this last section of Chapter 13, we discuss functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist theories on aging, as well as the 5 Stages of accepting death. A test on all of Chapter 13 is contained in the tests for this lesson.
This video is a r eview of the worksheet on 13E: Perspectives on aging, 5 Stages of Reacting to Death, Kubler-Ross.
In Chapter 14A we introduce the social institutions of marriage and the family. In the first part of the chapter, we discuss changes over time in these institutions, as well as the sociological terminology of marriage, like monogamy, bigamy, and polygamy. The slides pertaining to the entirety of Chapter 14 are contained in this lesson.
A worksheet review on 14A marriage, the family, patterns over time.
In the second part of Chapter 14 we discuss variations in family life, singlehood, and the challenges some individuals face in dating. We look at the experience of an Instagram personality who is a successful journalist but struggles with dating due to a severe physical disability.
This worksheet review regards answers to the worksheet on lesson 14B: Variations in family life, singlehood, dating challenges
This section of Chapter 14 discusses the characteristics that men and women find attractive in a dating partner. We also apply conflict theory to marriage and the family as institutions.
A worksheet review on 14C Mate attractiveness, conflict theory of marriage & the family. Goes over a multiple choice and a true/false question.
The last section of Chapter 14 continues to explore the three sociological approaches to the institutions of marriage and the family. We discuss problems in the family such as domestic and child abuse. A multiple-choice test on the material in all of Chapter 14 is located in the test tab for this Chapter.
This worksheet review is on 14D Symbolic interactionism & the family, child abuse. Multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, on types of abuse.