Introduction to Sociology

Teacher: Carol
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2883

Section 1 (Chapter 1-7, Beginnings & Basics)

2 1A: Sociology's founding fathers & their ideas 13:00

A lesson on the first half of Chapter 1. Marx, Weber, and Durkheim are introduced, as are their philosophies.

3 1A: Soc. founding fathers & their ideas workseet review 03:06

Answer review for worksheet 1A, including a discussion of positivism, antipositivism, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, Karl Marks, Herbert Spencer, and August Conte.

4 1B: Sociological perspectives & application to the real world 13:10

A lesson on the second half of Chapter 1. The perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism are introduced. An exam on the concepts of Chapter 1 is included under the test tab for this lesson. Though I try to review all of the textbook material in my lectures, there are questions on the tests that appear in the textbook only.

5 1B: Soc. perspectives & app to real world worksheet review 03:50

Worksheet review of sociological perspectives & application to the real world. The constructivism & symbolic interactionism are discussed.

6 2A: Sociological research & the scientific method 15:03

A lesson on approximately the first quarter of Chapter 2. How does sociology utilize the scientific method? Theories, hypothesis, experimentation, and more.

7 2A: Sociological research & sci. method worksheet review 03:45

A review of answers to worksheet 2A on the scientific method, and definitions of hypothesis and paradigm.

8 2B: Research methods: surveys, field research, & more 14:30

A lesson on the second quarter of the material in Chapter 2. Sociologists do research in many ways-- through surveys, field research, experiments, and other types of studies we will discuss.

9 2B: Research methods: surveys, field research worksheet review 03:50

2B: Research methods: surveys, field research worksheet review. Definitions for survey, experiment, and field research.

10 2C: Research methods continued 14:49

A lesson on the third quarter of the material in Chapter 2. More research methods are explained and related issues are introduced. Research methods including experiments, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and confederates are discussed.

11 2C: Research methods cont. worksheet review 04:36

2C: Research methods cont. worksheet review. Secondary analysis (as opposed to primary analysis) is described. Pros and cons are given, as are examples.

12 2D: Ethics: the rights & wrongs of research 14:31

A lesson on the fourth quarter of the material in Chapter 2. Sociologists, as scientists follow the rule of "First, do no harm." We will examine this and other principles of ethical research. A test on all of Chapter 2 is provided in this lesson.

13 2D: Ethics: rights & wrongs of research worksheet review 03:50

2D: Ethics: the rights & wrongs of research: participant safety, informed consent, "first do no harm" value neutrality.

14 3A: What is culture? What is a society? 13:01

A lesson on the first fifth of the material in Chapter 3. Slides for all of Chapter 3 are provided in this section. Explanations of culture and society are begun. Material culture, cultural universals.

15 3A: What is culture? What is a society? worksheetreview 02:30

3A: What is culture? What is a society? A matching worksheet. Answers are reviewed and where to find the answers in the text is indicated.

16 3B: Values, beliefs, & norms. 14:00

A lesson on the second fifth of the material in Chapter 3. Values, beliefs, norms, symbols, and language are defined and discussed in relation to one another. Cultural relativism vs. ethnocentrism is discussed.

17 3B: Values, beliefs, & norms worksheet review 03:40

3B: The worksheet on Values, beliefs, norms, language, and symbols is reviewed.

18 3C: Subtypes of culture; innovation, invention, & discovery 13:05

A lesson on the third fifth of the material in Chapter 3. Subtypes of culture like pop culture and subculture are defined and discussed. Effects of human innovation on society are described.

19 3C: Subtypes of culture; innovation, invention, discovery; worksheet review 04:33

3C: In this worksheet review, definitions and descriptions are given for various subtypes of culture; innovation, invention, & discovery.

20 3D: Subtypes & innovation continued, cultural change 13:05

A lesson on the fourth fifth of the material covered in Chapter 3.
Subtypes, innovation, cultural lag, and globalization are examined.

21 3D: Subtypes & innovation cont., cultural change worksheet review 04:00

A worksheet review of lesson 3D; Subtypes, innovation, cultural lag, cultural change and globalization.

22 3E: More globalization, perspectives on cultural interpretation 13:41

A lesson on the fifth (of 5) section of material in Chapter 3. Globalization discussion continues, the functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives on culture are outlined. A test on all of Chapter 3 is here in Lesson 3E. Answers may be found in your textbook or in the lectures.

23 3E: More globalization, perspectives on cultural interpr. worksheet review 06:18

A worksheet review of Globalization, functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives on culture, perspectives on cultural interpretation.

24 4A: Societal Types: Preindustrial, agriculture, & nobility 14:30

The first fourth of Chapter 4 is reviewed. Slides for the entire chapter are provided here. Society is defined. Preindustrial societies such as agricultural ones are the focus. Cities are born and nobility is created.

25 4A: Societal Types: Preindustrial, agriculture, & nobility worksheet review 02:42

Answers to the worksheet on societal types: preindustrial, agriculture, etc. are given, told the location of, and discussed. 

26 4B: Cities, feudal to industrialized societies, Marx's theories 15:10

The second quarter of Chapter 4 is reviewed. After cities developed, feudal societies were created, as was nobility. Near the 1850s, the Industrial Revolution occurred, changing ways of life dramatically. Karl Marx's theories are discussed.

27 4B: Cities, feudal to industr. societies, Marx's theories worksheet rev. 02:43

Worksheet review of 4B: Cities, feudal to industrialized societies, Marx's theories: answers are given and discussed.

28 4C: Weber, social constructions of reality, roles 14:50

A review of the third quarter of Chapter 4. We discuss Max Weber and the spirit of capitalism, social constructions of reality, and labeling.

29 4C: Weber, social constr. of reality, roles worksheet review 01:08

4C: Weber, social constructions of reality, roles

30 4D: Roles: Status, Strain, Dramaturgic theory 14:00

The fourth quarter of Chapter 4. Role, the status associated with different roles, and role strain are all discussed. We will talk about a symbolic interactionist theory called dramaturgical analysis. We will discuss Cooley's looking-glass self. We then briefly review the concepts of this chapter. A test on all of Chapter 4 is in this lesson.

31 4D: Roles: status, strain, dramaturgic theory worksheet review 05:49

4D worksheet review: Role, status, role strain, dramaturgical analysis, looking-glass self: answers are given and reviewed.

32 5A: Socialization, self-development, & moral development 14:05

The first section of Chapter 5 introduces the term "socialization" and explains self and moral development. This section contains the slides pertaining to all of Chapter 5.

33 5A: Socialization, self & moral development worksheet review 02:41

5A: Socialization, self & moral development worksheet review

34 5B: Gilligan: moral & female development theory, gender 13:10

5B focuses on the second fifth of this chapter. Gilligan's Theory of Moral Development is reviewed and real-world gender issues are considered.

35 5B: Gilligan: moral & female devpmnt theory, gender worksheet review 02:38

5B: Gilligan: moral & female development theory, gender worksheet review

36 5C: Agents of socialization, the family 14:59

This third part of Chapter 5 features agents of socialization. The first agent of socialization we discuss is the family.

37 5C: Agents of socialization, the family worksheet review 06:17

5C: Agents of socialization, the family worksheet review

38 5D: Socialization across the lifespan 13:20

In the fourth part of this chapter, we discuss how socialization operates throughout the life-course after getting into the hidden curriculum, transition points, and different types of socialization agents. 

39 5D: Socialization across the lifespan worksheet review 03:30

5D: Socialization across the lifespan worksheet review

40 5E: Resocialization defined 13:26

In the last section of Chapter 5, we will discuss the term "resocialization" and review the material just learned in this chapter. A test of the material learned in Chapter 5 is provided in this lesson.

41 5E: Resocialization defined worksheet review 03:35

5E: Resocialization defined worksheet review

42 6A Types of social groups 13:28

This first quarter of Chapter 6 focuses on different types of social groups. The slides for the entire chapter are attached to this lesson as documents.

43 6A: Types of Social Groups Worksheet Review 02:11

6A: Types of Social Groups Worksheet Review

44 6B: Dyads, triads, & types of leaders 14:59

The second quarter of Chapter 6 examines groups as a function of their size and the various types of leaders.

45 6B: Dyads, triads, & types of leaders worksheet review 04:18

6B: WOrksheet review on: Dyads, triads, & types of leaders worksheet review: groups as a function of size, types of leaders.

46 6C Conformity 14:30

The third quarter of Chapter 6  presents conformity, particularly in light of some famous sociological studies.

47 6C: Conformity worksheet review 03:38

6C: Conformity worksheet review, specifically on Solomon Asch's famous conformity studies.

48 6D Formal Organizations, McDonaldization 15:46

In the last quarter of Chapter 6, we will examine formal organizations like bureaucracies and meritocracies, as well as the "McDonaldization" of society. A test on the material covered in the whole chapter is provided in this lesson.

49 6D: Formal organizations, McDonaldization worksheet review 03:33

 We will examine formal organizations like bureaucracies and meritocracies, "McDonaldization"

50 7A: Social Deviance, Control, & Strain Theory 13:08

The first of five parts in Chapter 7, this section discusses social deviance aspects such as social control and Merton's Strain Theory. Positive and negatiive sanctions are discussed, as are informal and formal sanctions. The slides for the entire chapter are posted to this lesson.

51 7A: Social Dev. Control, Strain Theory worksheet review 03:35

7A: Social Deviance, Control, & Strain Theory worksheet review (informal and formal sanctions, deviance).

52 7B Strain, Crime, Social Deviance 14:20

The second part of five, this section of Chapter 7 continues the examination of Strain Theory and then addresses crime and social deviance.

53 7B Strain, Crime, Social Deviance worksheet review 03:26

7B Strain, Crime, Social Deviance worksheet review, specifically covering social order, social control, Robert Merton's Strain Theory, and cultural norm violation.

54 7C: Differential Association Theory, multi-generational crime 14:27

This third part of Chapter 7 addresses Differential Association Theory and multi-generational crime.

55 7C: Differential Association Th., multi-gen. crime worksheet review 03:48

7C: Differential Association Theory, multi-generational crime worksheet review of fill-in-the-blanks and definitions of terminology.

56 7D Control Theory, crime & the law 14:58

The fourth part of Chapter 7 deals with Control Theory as well as crime and the law.

57 7D Control Theory, crime & the law worksheet review 02:18

7D Control Theory, crime & the law worksheet review, cultural deviance theory, differential association theory, strain theory, Merton, Hirschi.

58 7E Crime statistics & U.S. criminal justice system 15:10

7E This section of Chapter 7 looks at crime statistics & the U.S. criminal justice system. A test on the material in Chapter 7 is included in this lesson.

59 7E Crime statistics & U.S. criminal justice system worksheet review 02:58

7E Crime statistics & U.S. criminal justice system worksheet review: Hirschi, Merton, Sutherland, Shaw & McKay.

Section 2 (Chapter 8-14, Traditional Areas of Sociology)

60 8A: Technology, global technology, the digital divide 14:55

The first part of the five-part chapter examines technology globally and in the U.S., particularly as it can cause a "digital divide". This section contains the slides relevant to the entirety of Chapter 8.

61 8A: Tech., global technology, digital divide worksheet review 03:41

8A: Tech., global technology, digital divide worksheet review

62 8B Knowledge gaps, media, community 15:11

The second part of Chapter 8 discusses the knowledge gap that occurs related to a digital divide, the widespread use of media, and how it can create a sense of community.

63 8B Knowledge gaps, media, community worksheet review 05:03

8B Knowledge gaps, media, community worksheet review

64 8C Film, marketing, advertising 15:47

The third section of the chapter discusses the impact of film as a type of media, and how it impacts society. This part also addresses marketing and advertising.

65 8C Film, marketing, advertising worksheet review 04:41

8C Film, marketing, advertising worksheet review

66 8D Globalization of technology 14:50

The fourth section of Chapter eight focuses on media and technology from a global perspective.

67 8D Globalization of technology worksheet review 03:24

8D Globalization of technology

68 8E Theoretical Perspectives on Media and Technology 13:40

The last part of Chapter 8 focuses on the three sociological perspectives on media and technology. Functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist approaches are discussed. Cyber-bullying, cyber-feminism, and more. This lesson contains a multiple-choice test on the material in Chapter 8.

69 8E Theoretical Perspectives on Media & Tech. worksheet review 02:51

8E Theoretical Perspectives on Media & Technology worksheet review

70 9A Systems of social stratification 13:42

The first of five sections, this part of Chapter 9 highlights the definition of social stratification and types of systems, like open versus closed. The slides for all of Chapter 9 are in the documents for this lesson.

71 9A Systems of social stratification worksheet review 03:49

9A Systems of social stratification worksheet review

72 9B Distribution of resources, shrinking U.S. middle class 14:15

This second part of Chapter 9 discusses the fact that resources are distributed in an unequal fashion among the social classes. It also discusses the shrinking U.S. middle class, a cause for concern.

73 9B Distribution of resources, shrinking U.S. middle class worksheet review 04:48

9B Distribution of resources, shrinking U.S. middle class worksheet review

74 9C Social class & mobility, poverty 13:31

This section discusses social class in the U.S. social mobility, and poverty.

75 9C Social class & mobility, poverty worksheet review 02:40

9C Social class & mobility, poverty worksheet review

76 9D Global stratification, GDP 15:21

In the fourth section of Chapter 9 we discuss global stratification and poverty, and terms like "GDP" or Gross Domestic Product.

77 9D Global stratification, GDP worksheet review 02:36

9D Global stratification, GDP worksheet review

78 9E Global stratification and world issues continued 13:00

We continue to discuss world poverty and stratification in the last part of the chapter. There is a multiple-choice test on the material in Chapter 9 located in this lesson.

79 9E Global stratification and world issues worksheet review 02:51

9E Global stratification and world issues worksheet review

80 10A Global inequality, world systems intro 13:37

Section 1 of this five-part Chapter focuses on global inequality and ends with an introduction to the World Systems Approach. The slides for all of Chapter 10 are included in this lesson.

81 10A Global inequality, world systems intro worksheet review 04:26

10A Global inequality, world systems intro worksheet review

82 10B Middle & low income nations, absolute poverty 14:00

The second part of Chapter 10 looks at nations globally, classifying them according to their income level. Absolute poverty is introduced.

83 10B Middle & low income nations, absolute poverty worksheet review 04:29

10B Middle & low income nations, absolute poverty worksheet review

84 10C Global poverty, Africa, diaspora, genocide 14:29

In the third section of Chapter 10, we discuss global poverty in more detail, highlighting different countries, such as Africa. We introduce the terms "diaspora" and "genocide".

85 10C Global poverty, Africa, diaspora, genocide worksheet review 03:05

10C Global poverty, Africa, diaspora, genocide worksheet review

86 10 D Asia, Latin America, effects of globalized labor 14:29

This part of Chapter 10 looks at additional specific regions of the world, such as Asia and Latin America, and discusses effects of globalized labor.

87 10 D Asia, Latin America, effects of globalized labor worksheet review 02:57

10 D Asia, Latin America, effects of globalized labor worksheet review

88 10E Human trafficking, dependency theory 13:54

The last part of Chapter 10 discusses human trafficking and dependency theory. A test on the material in Chapter 10 is provided in the test tab for this course.

89 10E Human trafficking, dependency theory worksheet review 04:07

10E Human trafficking, dependency theory worksheet review

90 11A (A) Minority Groups 15:07

Chapter 11 is the fullest of the ones in our text. Therefore, Chapter 11 is addressed in 2 parts: 11A and 11B. The first fourth of lesson 11A focuses on minority groups. The slides for all of 11A are contained in this lesson.

91 11A (A) Minority Groups worksheet review 03:56

This first worksheet of Chapter 11A discusses minorities, race, prejudice, and stereotypes. Definitions are the topics, asking for delineation between important terms.

92 11A (B) Race, ethnicity, functionalist perspective 15:09

The second fourth of lesson 11A focuses on race, ethnicity, and functionalist perspective of racial discrimination.

93 11A (B) Race, ethnicity, functionalist persp. worksheet review 02:40

The worksheet for the second fourth of lesson 11A: race, ethnicity; functionalist perspective of racial discrimination are asked about.

94 11A (C) Sociological perspectives, genocide, expulsion 15:05

The third fourth of lesson 11A discusses perspectives like conflict theory and symbolic interactionism on racism. We introduce terms like genocide and expulsion.

95 11A (C) Soc. perspectives, expulsion worksheet review 03:02

The worksheet review for 11A (C) asks about sociological perspectives, expulsion, and intersection theory. Defintions and short answers are requested.

96 11A (D) Expulsion, segregation, "salad" vs. "fondue" 15:59

The last fourth of Lesson 11A looks at expulsion, segregation, and the concepts of a "salad" U.S. where aspects of a person's cultural identity is somewhat maintained, vs. a "melting pot" or "fondue" in which ethnic groups completely assimilate into U.S. culture.

97 11A (D) Expulsion, segregation, "salad", "fondue" worksheet review 04:23

The worksheet on 11A (D) asks about expulsion, segregation, and  "salad" vs. "fondue" conceptualizations of U.S. society.

98 11B (A) US History of minority groups, expulsion, enslavement 14:35

Chapter 11 is quite dense, so I have divided it into two chapters. Lesson 11B (A) is the first division of Chapter 11B, which has 5 parts. In it, we discuss the U.S.'s history with minority groups, such as the expulsion of groups like Native Americans and Japanese immigrants, and the enslavement of African Americans. The slides for all of 11B are contained in this lesson.

99 11B (A) US History of minority groups, expulsion, worksheet review 03:45

A worksheet on 11B (A), the US history of minority groups, expulsion. Multiple choice questions ask about the definitions, as well as particular groups in the U.S. that have been the victim of expulsion.

100 11B (B) Latino & Asian Americans, "model minority" 15:12

Chapter 11B (B) is the second of five parts of Chapter 11B. It discusses minority groups in the U.S. like Latinos and Asians. The term "model minority" is introduced.

101 11B (B) Latino & Asian Americans, "model minority" worksheet review 04:23

The worksheet features multiple choice and short answer questions on Latino & Asian Americans, and the term "model minority". Asian immigrants are asked about regarding their model minority categorization.

102 11B (C) Latino Americans, immigration issues 15:45

In the third section of Chapter 11B we focus primarily on Latino immigrants and contemporary immigration issues in the United States.

103 11B (C) Latino Americans, immigration worksheet review 05:19

The worksheet on 11B (C) regards latino Americans, immigration, Cubans, wet-foot dry-foot rule.

104 11B (D) Arab Americans, political issues 15:07

In the third section of Chapter 11B, we focus primarily on Arab immigrants and contemporary immigration issues in the United States like prejudice and terrorism.

105 11B (D) Arab Americans, political issues worksheet review 04:24

Worksheet about 11B (D), Arab Americans, political issues, the religious groups of Arab Americans, prejudice.

106 11B (E) White ethnic American immigrants 13:26

In the last section of Chapter 11B, we discuss white ethnic American immigrant groups. The experience of recent émigrés from countries in Eastern Europe, like Bosnia, Poland and Romania are examined. A multiple-choice test on the material in all of Chapter 11 is contained in the test tab for this lesson.

107 11B (E) White ethnic American immigrants worksheet review 02:00

This worksheet on 11B (E) White ethnic American immigrants features multiple choice questions on recent immigration to the U.S., particularly that of white Eastern Europeans.

108 12A Gender, sex, terminology, normative behaviors 15:30

This first section of Chapter 12 discusses sex as a biological definition and gender as a social construction. We discuss normative behavior for women and men in our society and others.

109 12A Gender, sex, terminology, normative behaviors worksheet review 03:31

This is a worksheet on 12A, Gender, sex, terminology, and normative behaviors. Differentiations regarding important distinctions in terminology are required.

110 12B Sex orientation, transgender, discrimination 15:33

In the second part of Chapter 12 we examine sexual orientation, transgender individuals, and discrimination against these groups.

111 12B Sex orientation, transgender, discrimination worksheet review 03:46

This worksheet features questions regarding 12B, Sex orientation, transgender, and discrimination.

112 12C Gender, work, discrimination 15:35

In the third part of Chapter 12 we continue our discussion of gender,  focusing on gender-based discrimination and gender in the workplace.

113 12C Gender, work, discrimination worksheet review 04:45

This worksheet asks questions regarding lesson 12C, on gender, work,  and descrimination.

114 12D Gender identity, global issues, attitudes, special guest 15:59

In this fourth part of Chapter 12C we further discuss gender identity, as well as attitudes and practices regarding sexuality. We discuss gender across the world. Finally, a sociological figure mentioned in this chapter of the text makes a visit to our class.

115 12D Gender identity, global issues, attitudes worksheet review 04:18

This worksheet features questions regarding lesson 12D, on gender identity, global issues, attitudes, and our special guest.

116 12E Religion & sexuality, global considerations 15:34

The last part of Chapter 12 discusses global aspects of sexuality, such as mores and the effects of social institutions on them. Religion, as well as other institutions, impact attitudes about sexuality. A multiple-choice test on the information contained in Chapter 12 is available in the resources section for this Chapter.

117 12E Religion & sexuality, global consids. worksheet review 03:12

12E Religion & sexuality, global considerations

118 13A Aging, graying of America, assisted living 13:20

In the first part of Chapter 13, we overview the aging process with emphasis on societal changes in recent years. The growing elderly population and assisted living are introduced. The slides pertaining to all of Chapter 13 are in the documents for this lesson.

119 13A Aging, graying of America, assisted liv. worksheet review 02:59

A few questions on lesson 13A, Aging, graying of America, and assisted living are contained in this worksheet review.

120 13B Aging phases, generational differences 13:25

The second part of Chapter 13 is focused on the various stages or phases of aging. That is to say, being 65 is different than being 90. Variations in the generations are also examined.

121 13B Aging phases, generational diffs. worksheet review 03:38

This worksheet review contains a few questions about the topics of this lesson: aging phases, and generational differences.

122 13C Aging across the globe, biological & social changes 13:40

This section examines how the experience of aging varies around the world. The biological, as well as social changes that accompany aging, are reviewed.

123 13C Aging across the globe, bio. & soc. changes worksheet review 02:30

This worksheet review goes over questions on 13C: Aging across the globe, biological & social changes.

124 13D Aging & sexuality, elderly abuse 13:45

This part of the chapter discusses aging and sexuality and the sad reality of elderly abuse.

125 13D Aging & sexuality, elderly abuse worksheet review 02:57

This worksheet reviews covers the quesitons on 13D: Aging & sexuality, elderly abuse

126 13E Perspectives on aging, 5 Stages of Reacting to Death 13:00

In this last section of Chapter 13, we discuss functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist theories on aging, as well as the 5 Stages of accepting death. A test on all of Chapter 13 is contained in the tests for this lesson.

127 13E Perspectives on aging, 5 Stages of Grief worksheet review 02:50

This video is a r eview of the worksheet on 13E: Perspectives on aging, 5 Stages of Reacting to Death, Kubler-Ross.

128 14A marriage, the family, patterns over time. 15:30

In Chapter 14A we introduce the social institutions of marriage and the family. In the first part of the chapter, we discuss changes over time in these institutions, as well as the sociological terminology of marriage, like monogamy, bigamy, and polygamy. The slides pertaining to the entirety of Chapter 14 are contained in this lesson.

129 14A marriage, the family, patterns worksheet review 05:16

A worksheet review on 14A marriage, the family, patterns over time.

130 14B Variations in family life, singlehood, dating challenges 15:42

In the second part of Chapter 14 we discuss variations in family life, singlehood, and the challenges some individuals face in dating. We look at the experience of an Instagram personality who is a successful journalist but struggles with dating due to a severe physical disability.

131 14B Variations in family life, singlehood, dating worksheet review 06:47

This worksheet review regards answers to the worksheet on lesson 14B: Variations in family life, singlehood, dating challenges

132 14C Mate attractiveness, conflict theory of marriage & the family 15:41

This section of Chapter 14 discusses the characteristics that men and women find attractive in a dating partner. We also apply conflict theory to marriage and the family as institutions.

133 14C Mate attractiveness, conflict theory of marriage & family worksheet review 02:55

A worksheet review on 14C Mate attractiveness, conflict theory of marriage & the family. Goes over a multiple choice and a true/false question.

134 14D Symbolic interactionism & the family, child abuse 15:58

The last section of Chapter 14 continues to explore the three sociological approaches to the institutions of marriage and the family. We discuss problems in the family such as domestic and child abuse. A multiple-choice test on the material in all of Chapter 14 is located in the test tab for this Chapter.

135 14D Symbolic interactionism & family, child abuse worksheet review 04:01

This worksheet review is on 14D Symbolic interactionism & the family, child abuse. Multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, on types of abuse.

Section 3 (Chapter 15-21, Traditional Areas of Sociology & Recent Branches)

136 15A Religion historically, protestant ethic, capitalism 14:20

In the first part of the chapter on religion, we will look at a brief historical overview. We'll then move into Weber's protestant work ethic and the spirit of capitalism. The slides for all of Chapter 15 are uploaded to the documents section of this lesson.

137 15A Religion, protestant ethic, capitalism worksheet review 03:20

A worksheet review on 15A Religion historically, protestant ethic, capitalism featuring fill-in-the-blanks and true/false questions.

138 15B Sociological perspectives on religion, cults 14:47

In this section of Chapter 15, we focus on Marx's theory of religion as the "opium of the people" and symbolic interactionist concepts like the symbols representing major religions. We also discuss cults as small religious groups that often are counter to the dominant culture when they arise.

139 15B Sociological persps on religion, cults worksheet review 03:50

A worksheet review on 15B: Sociological perspectives on religion, cults. Multiple choice and fill-in-the-blanks questions.

140 15C Sects, denominations, world religions 14:01

In this part of Chapter 15, we finish discussing cults and examine their progression in some cases to sects. We also discuss denominations and introduce major world religions.

141 15C Sects, denominations, world religions worksheet review 04:00

A worksheet review on 15C Sects, denominations, world religions featuring fill-in-the-blank questions.

142 15D World religions, Buddhism, Christianity. 14:00

In this part of Chapter 15, we discuss major world religions such as Buddhism, and Christianity.

143 15D World religions, Buddhism, Christianity worksheet review 02:43

15D World religions, Buddhism, Christianity.

144 15E World religions continues, Islam 14:17

In the last section of Chapter 15, we finish our discussion of major world religions, for instance, the religion of Islam. A multiple-choice test based on the material in Chapter 15 is contained in the test tab for this lesson. 

145 15E World religions continues, Islam worksheet review 03:25

A worksheet review on 15E World religions continues, Islam. Worksheet asks to list and define the Five Pillars of Islam.

146 16A Education, inequalities, cultural differences, resiliency 13:00

In this section of Chapter 16, we start our discussion of education. We focus on inequalities, cultural differences, and resiliency. The slides for all of Chapter 16 are contained in this lesson.

147 16A Education, inequalities, cultural diffs., resiliency worksheet review 02:46

A worksheet review on 16A Education, inequalities, cultural differences, resiliency with short answers. Cultural transmission, norms, social institutions.

148 16B Universal access to education 13:20

In this part of Chapter 16, we discuss universal access to education in the U.S. and around the globe.

149 16B Universal access to education worksheet review 03:55

A worksheet review on 16B: Universal access to education. Short answer and fill-in-the-blanks.

150 16C Functions, informal & formal education, cultural capital 13:00

In this part of Chapter 16, we discuss the functions of education, formal and informal education, and cultural capital.

151 16C Functions, informal & formal ed., cultural capital worksheet review 03:22

A review of the worksheet on 16C:  Functions, informal & formal education, cultural capital: short answer and fill-in-the-blanks.

152 16D Hidden curriculum, race, poverty & education 14:00

16D This section of Chapter 16 opens with a definition of the term "hidden curriculum" and then moves into the effects of race and poverty on education.

153 16D Hidden curriculum, race, poverty & ed. worksheet review 04:36

The worksheet on 16D: Hidden curriculum, race, poverty & education is reviewed. SHort answers, fill-in-the-blanks, and definitions.

154 16E No child left behind, busing, charter schools 14:00

This section of Chapter 16 describes measures aimed at reducing inequities in the U.S. education system. A multiple-choice test on all of Chapter 16 is found under the test tab for this lesson.

155 16E No child left behind, busing, charter sch. worksheet review 05:08

A worksheet on 16E: No child left behind, busing, charter schools is reviewed. SHort answer and fill-in-the-blanks.

156 17A Politics & government, leaders, rational-legal authority 13:00

In the first section of Chapter 17 we introduce politics and government and state what is meant by the terms "charismatic leader" and "rational-legal authority". The slides for all of Chapter 17 are contained in this lesson.

157 17A Politics & govt, leaders, rational-legal auth. worksheet review 03:52

The worksheet on 17A: Politics & government, leaders, rational-legal authority is reviewed. Fill-in-the-blanks answers are given and explained with corresponding page numbers from the text.

158 17B Dictatorships, Politics in the U.S., voting 13:33

This second part of 17 B features politics in the U.S. and particularly, voting. It also discusses dictatorships.

159 17B Dictatorships, U.S. Politics, voting worksheet review 03:21

The worksheet on 17B:  Dictatorships, Politics in the U.S., voting is reviewed. Fill-in-the-blanks answers are given with page numbers referenced from the text.

160 17C Voting; perspectives on government & politics 13:00

In the third section of Chapter 17, we discuss the effects of race, gender, and class on voting. We also discuss conflict theory and symbolic interactionist perspectives on politics and government, and current events in U.S. politics.

161 17C Voting; perspectives on govt & politics worksheet review 03:37

The worksheet on 17C Voting; perspectives on government & politics is reviewed. Multiple choice and short answers are given with pages from the text referenced.

162 17D Symbolic interactionism cont., review of politics & government 13:00

In this last section of Chapter 17 we continue the discussion of the symbolic interactionist approach to politics and government. A brief review of the chapter is also given. A multiple-choice test on the material in Chapter 17 is contained in this lesson.

163 17D Symbolic interactionism cont., politics & government worksheet review 04:25

The worksheet on 17D: Symbolic interactionism cont., politics & government is reviewed. Short answers are given with pages of the text referenced given.

164 18A Work & economy, historical development, information age 13:29

In the first section of Chapter 18, we introduce work and the economy, with an emphasis on historical development up until our now post-industrial information age. The slides for all of Chapter 18 are contained in the documents for this lesson.

165 18A Work & economy, historical devmt., info age worksheet review 04:26

A review of the worksheet on 18A: Work & economy, historical development, information age is given. Answers are given with the page numbers of the text on which they are found.

166 18B Capitalism & Socialism in Practice 13:00

The second section of Chapter 18 is a review of capitalism and socialism from an actual, rather than theoretical perspective.

167 18B Capitalism & Socialism in Practice worksheet review 03:19

A review of the material in worksheet 18B: Capitalism & Socialism in Practice. Answers to the fill-in-the-blanks questions are provided and explained.

168 18C Convergence theory, 3 perspectives on work & the economy 13:20

The third part of Chapter 18 defines convergence theory before moving into a discussion of how each of the three major sociological perspectives views work and the economy.

169 18C Convergence theory, 3 prsptvs. on work & economy worksheet review 04:05

The worksheet on 18C: Convergence theory, 3 perspectives on work & the economy is reviewed. Answers are given with appropriate page numbers in the text.

170 18D Globalization, global cities, assembly lines, GDP 13:00

The fourth section of Chapter 18 examines many issues of our globalized economy. We look at global cities, assembly lines, and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to name a few.

171 18D Globalization, global cities, assembly lines, GDP worksheet review 03:43

The worksheet on 18D Globalization, global cities, assembly lines, GDP is reviewed. Answers are given with reference to the page numbers of the text on which they are found. Questions are short answer, definitions, and true/false.

172 18E GDP, U.S. workforce, structural unemployment, meritocracy 13:26

This last section of Chapter 18 finishes up with world GDP comparisons, and then examines work in the United States. Elements such as structural unemployment and meritocracy are discussed. The test tab in this lesson contains a test on the material in all of Chapter 18.

173 18E GDP, U.S. work, structural unemployment, meritocracy worksheet review 04:08

The worksheet on 18E: GDP, the U.S. workforce, structural unemployment, and meritocracy is reviewed. Answers with corresponding page numbers of the textbook are given for reference.

174 19A Intro to Health and Medicine, social construction of illness 13:30

The first section of Chapter 19 outlines the general sociological issues in health and medicine today. We focus on the social construction of illness in this section. The slides for all of the material in Chapter 19 are contained in this lesson.

175 19A Intro to Health & Medicine, social construction of illness worksheet review 03:58

The worksheet on 19A Intro to Health and Medicine, social construction of illness is reviewed with page numbers of explanations in the text given.

176 19B Social construction of medical knowledge, lifestyle, vaccines 13:41

The bulk of this part of Chapter 19 describes the social construction of medical knowledge, lifestyle vs. taking a pill as a cure, and social issues like vaccine acceptance before it delves into health and medicine globally.

177 19B Social construction of medical knowledge, lifestyle, vaccines worksheet review 04:08

Answers to worksheet 19B on Social construction of medical knowledge, lifestyle, vaccines are given. Short answers are given with reference to the page numbers of the text on which they appear.

178 19C Health: Peripheral nations, the U.S., gender, medicalization 13:07

This section of Chapter 19 examines health and medical care in peripheral (low-income) nations, and then, in the U.S. It looks at how gender issues arise in health care, and ends with a definition of medicalization.

179 19C Health: Peripheral nations, U.S., gender, medicalization worksheet review 03:38

The answers to worksheet 19C: Health of Peripheral nations, the U.S., gender, medicalization are reviewed. Short answers are explained in detail.

180 19D Mental illness, physical disabilities, stereotyping 14:20

In this section of Chapter 19, we look at mental illnesses, such as anxiety and mood disorders. We also examine physical disabilities that inhibit the functioning of some Americans, including their ability to work. Finally, we discuss stereotypes about those with these types of problems and stereotype interchangeability.

181 19D Mental illness, physical disabilities, stereotyping worksheet review 04:04

Answers to the worksheet on 19D: Mental illness, physical disabilities, stereotyping are given. Most are short answer questions with one fill-in-the-blank.

182 19E The 3 perspectives on health & medicine 13:00

In the last part of Chapter 19, we look at the sociological perspectives' differing descriptions of health and medicine; that is, we examine functionalist, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionist ideas about health and medicine. A multiple-choice test on the material in all of Chapter 19 is contained in the test tab for this lesson.

183 19E: 3 perspectives on health & medicine worksheet review 01:33

The worksheet on 19E: The 3 perspectives on health & medicine is reviewed. Explanations for all three of the sociological perspectives are applied, along with fill-in-the-blank and short answer questions.

184 20A Population growth, fertility, fecundity 15:20

In the first part of Chapter 20, we discuss world population. We look at problems of overpopulation, different areas of the world, and the impact of fertility and fecundity rates on population. This lesson contains the slides for all of Chapter 20, in the documents section.

185 20A Population growth, fertility, fecundity worksheet review 03:24

The answers to the worksheet on 20A: Population growth, fertility, fecundity are explained. Short answer format.

186 20B Demography, Malthusian theory, zero population growth 13:07

This second part of Chapter 20 introduces the 4 demographic theories of population, starting with the Malthusian theory. Zero Population Growth (ZPG) is defined.

187 20B Demography, Malthusian theory, zero pop. growth worksheet review 03:48

Answers to the worksheet on 20B: Demography, Malthusian theory, zero population growth are reviewed. All theories are explained in detail with pages from the text given.

188 20C City growth, U.S. Urbanization 13:00

This section of Chapter 20 discusses what is necessary for cities to grow and thrive, such as accessibility to water and other resources. Then, urbanization is defined as the tendency for large groups of people to move from rural areas to cities.

189 20C City growth, U.S. Urbanization worksheet review 02:35

The worksheet on 20C: City growth, U.S. Urbanization is reviewed. Page numbers from the text for the short-answer questions are given.

190 20D Society & the evironment 15:59

This part of Chapter 20 discusses the interaction between societies and the environment. For instance, even people who don't exploit the earth's resources are vulnerable to problems caused by those who do, since we share the planet. The term "environmental racism" is defined. 

191 20D Society & the environment worksheet review 02:20

The worksheet on 20D: Society & the environment is reviewed. Short answers are explained with the relevant page number from the text provided.

192 20E Water & air pollution, types of garbage & waste 15:30

The last section of Chapter 20 deals largely with pollution and the outcomes of a large population using the earth's resources. Pollution in the air, water, and ground is discussed, as is radioactive and e-waste. A multiple-choice test on the material in Chapter 20 is contained under the test tab for this lesson.

193 20E Water & air pollution, types of garbage & waste worksheet review 02:40

Answers to the worksheet on 20E: Water & air pollution, types of garbage & waste are given. Short answers are explained.

194 21A Social movements, collective behavior 14:20

The first of four sections in Chapter 21, this part introduces social movements and social change, discusses collective behavior, value-added theory, and structural strain. The slides for all of Chapter 21 are contained in the documents for this lesson.

195 21A Social movements, collective behavior worksheet review 02:05

The worksheet on 21A: Social movements, collective behavior is reviewed. Short answers are explained.

196 21B Progression of social movements, sociology in professional life 13:30

In this section of Chapter 21, we continue to discuss the "life-cycle" of social movements. Because this is the last chapter of the course, we will have some real-world interviews with professionals who use sociology in their jobs, even though they aren't sociologists. In this section, we hear from an attorney specializing in litigation.

197 21B Progression of social movements, sociology in professions worksheet review 02:13

Answers to the worksheet on 21B: Progression of social movements, sociology in professional life are given. Detailed answers with relevant page numbers from the text are provided.

198 21C Societal change & the economy, a healthcare professional 13:01

In this section of Chapter 21, we discuss social movements in more detail, particularly as societal change is related to economic factors and industry. We hear from a professional at  She talks about how some of the issues in Chapter 19 (Health & Medicine) affect her job.

199 21C Societal change & economy, healthcare professional worksheet review 02:23

The answers are given for worksheet 21C Societal change & the economy, a healthcare professional. References to the appropriate page of the textbook are included with detailed explanations.

200 21D Sociological change, a last professional interview 15:59

In the last part of Chapter 21, we discuss the factors involved in social change and hear one more interview of a professional who utilizes sociology in her job-- another health care professional. With our aging population, the health care industry is growing and involves many sociological concepts. A multiple-choice test on the material in Chapter 13 is contained under the test tab for this lesson.

201 21D Sociological change, a professional interview worksheet review 02:41

Answers to worksheet 21D: Sociological change, a last professional interview are given. Short answers are given and relevant page numbers of the text are referenced.

1 Course Introduction: What is this sociology course about? 02:59

Course Overview:

This is a standard, comprehensive Introduction to Sociology course which is most suitable for high school students in Grades 11 and 12. Others may benefit from this course as well, depending on the type of student. After the introductory chapter, 20 Chapters describe the main areas of sociology: sociological research; culture; society and social interaction; socialization; groups and organization; deviance, crime, and social control; media and technology; social stratification in the U.S.; global inequality; race and ethnicity; gender, sex, and sexuality; aging and the elderly; marriage and the family, religion, education, government and politics; work and the economy; health and medicine; population, urbanization, and the environment; social movements and social change. The course also includes real-life interviews with professionals, video footage of recent events, and a brief "costumed episode" of "guess that famous sociological figure". The worksheets and quizzes provided with each lesson are basic and brief, since they are intended to solidify learning of the material and prepare students for the chapter tests. The chapter tests in the last lesson of each chapter are more detailed, at a moderate level of difficulty.

This course includes:

3 Sections (or "Units")

100 Worksheets with corresponding Video Reviews explaining correct answers

100 Video-lessons, with an approximate average length of 14 minutes each

100 Online Quizzes & Exams, including a Comprehensive Exam of each chapter, 1- 21.

All Chapter Tests with answers provide answers as a Resource

A Textbook available online and as a resource, with 3 units corresponding to each section of the course.

Over 22 hours of Video-lessons

Course goals:

Upon course completion, students should have a comprehensive overall understanding of the field of sociology. Specifically, they should have an understanding of the 3 major sociological perspectives (functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism) and be able to apply these approaches academically and in their own lives. Students should also know the major social institutions, like marriage, family, and education. They should be able to list the most common topics of sociology, such as history, research methods, stratification, race, gender, aging, work & the economy, medicine & health, and population dynamics. Finally, students should have a practical understanding of sociology, such as careers in and outside of the field, and how sociology impacts current events and their own lives.

Target audience:

This course is best suited to older high school students like 11th or 12th graders. However, an interested or advanced younger student in high school could also benefit from this class.

Course Overview

This is a standard, comprehensive Introduction to Sociology course which is most suitable for high school students in Grades 11 and 12. Others may benefit from this course as well, depending on the type of student. After the introductory chapter, 20 Chapters describe the main areas of sociology: sociological research; culture; society and social interaction; socialization; groups and organization; deviance, crime, and social control; media and technology; social stratification in the U.S.; global inequality; race and ethnicity; gender, sex, and sexuality; aging and the elderly; marriage and the family, religion, education, government and politics; work and the economy; health and medicine; population, urbanization, and the environment; social movements and social change. The course also includes real-life interviews with professionals, video footage of recent events, and a brief "costumed episode" of "guess that famous sociological figure". The worksheets and quizzes provided with each lesson are basic and brief, since they are intended to solidify learning of the material and prepare students for the chapter tests. The chapter tests in the last lesson of each chapter are more detailed, at a moderate level of difficulty.


This course includes:

3 Sections (or "Units")

100 Worksheets with corresponding Video Reviews explaining correct answers

100 Video-lessons, with an approximate average length of 14 minutes each

100 Online Quizzes & Exams, including a Comprehensive Exam of each chapter, 1- 21.

All Chapter Tests with answers provide answers as a Resource

22 Sets of Color Slides with relevant outlines, photos, graphs, & resources

A Textbook available online and as a resource, with 3 units corresponding to each section of the course.

Over 22 hours of Video-lessons


Course Goals

Upon course completion, students should have a comprehensive overall understanding of the field of sociology. Specifically, they should have an understanding of the 3 major sociological perspectives (functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism) and be able to apply these approaches academically and in their own lives. Students should also know the major social institutions, like marriage, family, and education. They should be able to list the most common topics of sociology, such as history, research methods, stratification, race, gender, aging, work & the economy, medicine & health, and population dynamics. Finally, students should have a practical understanding of sociology, such as careers in and outside of the field, and how sociology impacts current events and their own lives.


Target Audience

This course is best suited to older high school students like 11th or 12th graders. However, an interested or advanced younger student in high school could also benefit from this class.


Course Topics

Unit 1:


1.     (A-B) Sociology: History & Theory

2.     (A-D) Sociology Research

3.     (A-E) Culture

4.     (A-D) Society & Social Interaction

5.     (A-E) Socialization

6.     (A-D) Groups & Organization

7.     (A-E) Deviance, Crime & Social Control

Unit 2


8.     (A-E) Media & Technology

9.     (A-E) Social Stratification in the United States

10. (A-E) Global Inequality

11A. (A-D) & 11B(A-E). Race & Ethnicity

12. (A-E) Gender, Sex & Sexuality

13. (A-E) Aging & the Elderly

14. (A-D) Marriage & the Family

Unit 3


15. (A-E) Religion

16. (A-E) Education

17. (A-D) Government & Politics

18. (A-E) Work & the Economy

19. (A-E) Health & Medicine

20. (A-E) Population, Urbanization & the Environment

21. (A-D) Social Movements & Social Change

  • Teacher: Carol
  • Areas of expertise: Sociology, Psychology, Music, Elementary French
  • Education: PhD Social Psychology, Loyola University of Chicago
  • Interests: Social sciences like psychology and sociology; performing and teaching music, traveling, photography, writing
  • Skills: Flute and Piccolo Player Semi-fluent in French
  • Associations: The American Psychological Association; Certified Online Instructor (Socrates Distance Learning Technologies Group); Chicago Public Schools Approved Volunteer, Parent-Teacher Organization Member
  • Issues I care about: Diakonos International is my favorite charity. I've volunteered with them in Carrefour, Haiti and organize donations to send them. I am also a red kettle musician for the Salvation Army. I am interested in helping those in need, both in the U.S. and in other countries.

I'm passionate about the things that interest me, which include the social sciences, music, language, travel, and culture. Because of this passion, I love sharing my knowledge with others, especially curious young people who can use the information I give them for good, throughout their lives. I strive to teach in an unbiased way, encouraging students to think critically and develop informed opinions that are their own. Most of all, I try to make learning fun and engaging.


This is the textbook we will use for the class. It is provided in three sections (the entire text was too large of a file to upload in one piece.)

Soc Chapter 1 Test

20-item multiple-choice test on chapter 1

Soc Chapter 2 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 2. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 3 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 3. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 4 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 4. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 5 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 5. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 6 test

Ch.6 test 20-item multiple-choice

Soc Chapter 7 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 7. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 8 test

Soc Chapter 8 test

Soc Chapter 9 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 9. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 10 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 10. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 11 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 11. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 12 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 12. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 13 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 13. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 14 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 14. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 15 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 15. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 16 Test

Soc Chapter 16 test, 20-item, multiple-choice test on all of Chapter 16.

Soc Chapter 17 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 17. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 18 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 18. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 19 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 19. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 20 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 20. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

Soc Chapter 21 Test

This is an exam on the material in Chapter 21. While I attempt to address all of the specific issues a student might draw upon in answering the questions on these tests, some questions may pertain to material I did not explicitly review in my lecture. The information for these questions, however, is found in the textbook. Please note the correct answer is indicated by an asterisk (*) following it. If printing the test for your student, create an answer key from the test, and then white out the asterisks before photocopying it and administering it to the student.

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