Upper and lower case letters
Letters: A, S, T
Sight Words: at, I
Reading focus: concepts of print (author, title, parts of a book, etc.)
Directions to ensure your student is performing the alphabet activity correctly.
Directions to ensure your student is performing the reading activity correctly.
Letters: I, N, P
Sight words: it, is, in
Reading focus: predictions
Directions to ensure your student is performing the reading activity correctly.
Directions to ensure your student is performing the alphabet activity correctly.
Letters: M, D, G, O Sight words: the, see, a Reading focus: identifying a setting
Directions to ensure your student is performing the alphabet activity correctly.
Directions to ensure your student is performing the reading activity correctly.
Letters: L, F, B
Sight words: go, to, am
Reading focus: identifying characters
Directions to ensure your student is performing the alphabet activity correctly.
Directions to ensure your student is performing the reading activity correctly.
Letters: Q, U
Sight words: can, like
Reading focus: Non-fiction stories
Directions to ensure your student is performing the phonics activity directions.
Directions to ensure your student is performing the sight word activity correctly.
Letters: J, Z, W
Sight words: Look, my
Reading focus: Fiction stories
Directions to ensure your student is performing the phonics activity correctly.
Directions to ensure your student is performing the phonics enrichment activity correctly.
Letters: Y, C, E
Sight words: you, up
Reading focus: Problem/Solution
Directions to ensure your student is performing the alphabet activity correctly.
Directions to ensure your student is performing the sight word activity correctly.
Letters: H, K, R
Sight words: do, want
Reading focus: Retelling a story, beginning/middle/end
Directions to ensure your student is performing the alphabet activity correctly.
Directions to ensure your student is performing the reading strategy activity correctly.
Letters: V, X
Sight words: are, we
Directions to ensure your student performs the phonics activity correctly.
Directions to ensure your student performs the sight word activity properly.
Reading focus: Beginning/Middle/End Comprehension Assessment
Detailed directions for performing the assessment activities and how to properly grade your students performance and comprehension ability.
Alphabetical order assessment
Detailed directions for performing the alphabet assessment activity and how to properly judge your students knowledge of the alphabet.
Sight word and sounds assessment
Detailed directions for performing the sigh word assessment activities and how to properly judge your students knowledge of sight words.