Course Overview
This 2nd grade math video course covers all of the content students need to excel in 2nd grade mathematics. This course places an emphasis on expanding the skills of number sense, problem solving, and math strategy application that have been established in 1st grade. It not only covers the requirements of the 2nd grade math Common Core, but also gives students a glimpse of some mathematical concepts that will be presented in 3rd grade as well (ex: simple division and multiplication), further preparing them for what they will learn in the future. This is a comprehensive 2nd grade math course.
This course includes:
7 Math Units Sections.
41 detailed video lessons (Equaling to 7.5 hours of teacher instruction)
41 video practice reviews.
41 practice worksheets.
- 82 total post video quiz qustions (1 after each video)
PDF copies of all 41 presentations used in each lesson.
Numerous flash cards and other supplementary activities.
Numerous additional practice sheets with answer keys included.
Step by step math concept examples and math vocabulary within every lesson.
Course Goals
The goal of this course is for students to grow and develop their skills of math concepts, and apply those skills to solve a variety of problems both concrete and abstract. This course is designed to create a firm mathematical foundation that will be benefical in the long term as students learn even more complex skills in higher grades. Students will also be able to apply the skills learned in this course to situations presented in real life as well.
Target Audience and Course Requirements
This course is designed with 2nd grade students in mind. In order to gain the most from this course, it is recommended that students have completed 1st grade, and have a firm grasp of those mathematical concepts. This course can also be used also be used for higher grade students that need a review of 2nd grade math to strengthen their mathematical foundations.
Course Topics
Sections 1 (Place Value, Base Ten, and Number Forms)
Place Value
Place Value Base Tens
Number Forms
Comparing Numbers
Sections 2 (Addition and Subtraction)
Addition With Base Ten
Addition With Standard Algorithm
Addition With Regrouping (Part 1)
Addition With Regrouping (Part 2)
Addition Word Problems
Subtraction With Base Ten
Subtration With Standard Algorithm
Subtraction With Regrouping (Part 1)
Subtraction With Regrouping (Part 2)
Subtraction Word Problems
Odd and Even Numbers
Section 3 (Represent and Interpret Data)
Bar Graphs
Pie Graphs
Line Plot
Line Graphs
Creating Graphs With Data
Section 4 (Measurement of Time and Length)
Measurement Tools and Situations
Reading a Ruler and Measuring To The Nearest Inch
Measuring To the Nearest Half and Quarter Unit On a Ruler
Finding Length Difference and Combined Length
Telling Time to the Nearest 5 Minutes
Elapsed Time
Difference Between A.M. and P.M.
Section 5 (Multiplication and Division)
Multiplication as Repeat Addition
Distributive Property Multiplication
Properties of Multiplication
Section 6 (Money and Fractions)
Identifying and Counting Change (Within a Dollar)
Counting Dollars and Change
Arrays and Partitioning
Fractions (Part 1) (Partition and Numberline Fractions)
Fractions (Part 2) (Equivalent Fractions and Comparing Fractions)
Section 7 (Geometry)
2D Shapes
3D Shapes