Course Description
- Informed by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice, this comprehensive 3rd grade math course features 70 lessons that emphasize critical analysis over rote computation. We’ll draw and make sense of models, analyze patterns, and explore a variety of non-standard algorithms to develop the number sense necessary for higher level math. This application-driven approach will arm your student with the skill-set necessary to independently tackle new concepts and confidently solve unfamiliar problems.
This course includes:
- 6 units
- 70 student packets
- 70 video-lessons
- 70 exercise review videos (Mr. P. reviews each problem step-by-step)
- approximately 18 hours of video-lessons
- a 2-question review at the start of each lesson
- “fast facts” fluency practice at the start of each lesson
- vocabulary words and definitions for each lesson
- a challenge question for each lesson
- a unit review sheet for each unit
Course Goals:
- This course explores a variety of models and non-standard algorithms designed to bolster conceptual understanding and strengthen number sense.
Target Audience:
- This video course is primarily intended for 7 – 10-year-olds from all education settings. It can function effectively both as a primary or supplemental curriculum.
Course Requirements:
- Students taking this course will need to have completed a 2nd grade math course or its equivalent.
Course Topics:
Unit 1 – Place Value and Rounding (10 lessons)
Lesson 1 – We will identify the place values to the millions place (place value chart).
Lesson 2 – We will analyze how a digit’s placement in a number affects its value (place value chart).
Lesson 3 – We will express whole numbers to the ten thousands place in standard, written, and expanded forms.
Lesson 4 – We will bundle units into tens and move them to the next greatest place value (place value chart).
Lesson 5 – We will recognize that a digit represents ten times more than in the place value to its right (place value chart).
Lesson 6 – We will compare whole numbers to the millions place (stacking).
Lesson 7 – We will determine which two tens, hundreds, and thousands a given
whole number falls between (horizontal number line).
Lesson 8 – We will round whole numbers to the thousands place (horizontal number line).
Lesson 9 – We will round whole numbers to the thousands place (vertical number line).
Lesson 10 – We will use our understanding of rounding to assess the reasonableness of given whole numbers.
Unit 2 – Addition and Subtraction (8 lessons)
Lesson 11 – We will find 1, 10 and 100 more and less than a given whole number.
Lesson 12 – We will find half of even whole numbers and double even whole numbers.
Lesson 13 – We will add and subtract single-digit whole numbers across zero (number line).
Lesson 14 – We will add and subtract whole numbers to the hundreds place (Dutch algorithm).
Lesson 15 – We will add and subtract whole numbers to the thousands place (Dutch algorithm).
Lesson 16 – We will solve one-step addition word problems.
Lesson 17 – We will solve one-step subtraction word problems (draw base-10 blocks).
Lesson 18 – We will solve two-step addition and subtraction word problems.
Unit 3 – Multiplication and Division (22 lessons)
Lesson 19 – We will list a whole number’s multiples both vertically and horizontally.
Lesson 20 – We will calculate the area of squares and rectangles (tile).
Lesson 21 – We will identify the correct equations for multiplicative comparisons when the greater value is unknown (bar model).
Lesson 22 – We will identify the correct scenarios for multiplicative comparisons when the greater value is unknown (bar model).
Lesson 23 – We will understand division as an unknown factor problem (fact family).
Lesson 24 – We will identify the correct equations for multiplicative comparisons when the lesser value is unknown (bar model).
Lesson 25 – We will identify the correct scenarios for multiplicative comparisons when the lesser value is unknown (bar model).
Lesson 26 – We will determine how many times more a greater value is than a lesser value (bar model).
Lesson 27 – We will determine how many times less a lesser value is than a greater value (bar model).
Lesson 28 – We will find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1 – 100.
Lesson 29 – We will determine whether a whole number in the range 1 – 100 is a factor of another whole number (factor rainbow).
Lesson 30 – We will determine whether a whole number in the range 1 – 100 is prime or composite (factor tree).
Lesson 31 – We will multiply single-digit whole numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000 and recognize patterns.
Lesson 32 – We will multiply 2-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers (area model).
Lesson 33 – We will multiply 3-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers (area model).
Lesson 34 – We will multiple 2-digit and 3-digit whole numbers by 2-digit whole numbers (area model).
Lesson 35 – We will apply the distributive property of multiplication.
Lesson 36 – We will solve division problems with remainders (array and area model).
Lesson 37 – We will divide 2-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers (standard algorithm).
Lesson 38 – We will divide 3-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers (standard algorithm).
Lesson 39 – We will divide 4-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers (standard algorithm).
Lesson 40 – We will solve division word problems.
Unit 4 – Fractions (14 lessons)
Lesson 41 – We will partition a variety of models in a variety of ways to show the unit fractions 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4.
Lesson 42 – We will decompose proper fractions into sums of unit fractions (number bond and bar model).
Lesson 43 – We will multiply unit fractions by whole numbers to build fractions.
Lesson 44 – We will identify equivalent fractions (bar model).
Lesson 45 – We will identify equivalent fractions with multiplication (Magic-1).
Lesson 46 – We will identify equivalent fractions with division (Magic-1).
Lesson 47 – We will express whole numbers as fractions and fractions as whole numbers.
Lesson 48 – We will compare proper fractions with like denominators (bar model).
Lesson 49 – We will compare proper and improper fractions with like denominators.
Lesson 50 – We will compare two fractions with like numerators but unlike denominators (bar model).
Lesson 51 – We will add fractions with like denominators.
Lesson 52 – We will subtract fractions with like denominators.
Lesson 53 – We will convert improper fractions into mixed numbers (number bond).
Lesson 54 – We will solve fraction word problems (bar model and number line).
Unit 5 – Time and Measurement (7 lessons)
Lesson 55 – We will calculate times within one hour (clock model and number line).
Lesson 56 – We will estimate liquid volumes and mass of objects using grams, kilograms, and liters.
Lesson 57 – We will solve a variety of word problems involving masses and volumes with like units.
Lesson 58 – We will interpret scaled picture graphs/pictographs.
Lesson 59 – We will solve word problems with information from scaled picture graphs/pictographs.
Lesson 60 – We will measure everyday objects using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch.
Lesson 61 – We will display ruler measurements in line plots.
Unit 6 – Geometry (9 lessons)
Lesson 62 – We will calculate the perimeter of triangles.
Lesson 63 – We will calculate the perimeter of quadrilaterals.
Lesson 64 – We will solve for an unknown side length when given the perimeter of triangles and quadrilaterals.
Lesson 65 – We will discover all the possible rectangles with a given perimeter.
Lesson 66 – We will discover all the possible rectangles with a given area.
Lesson 67 – We will express area as additive (area model).
Lesson 68 – We will identify acute, right, and obtuse angles.
Lesson 69 – We will recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals.
Lesson 70 – We will draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to the following sub-categories: rhombus, rectangle, square.