While students have heard the term mindfulness and have been learning mindfulness activities, this lesson explores the concept more deeply and sets the foundation for the rest of the section.
A quick discussion about the lesson exercise
A mindfulness activity for students' collection
In this lesson, students learn why and how mindfulness works as well as where and when it can be done.
A discussion about this lesson's exercises to help deepen understanding of lesson concepts
A mindfulness activity for students' collection
In this lesson, students learn 5 mindful awareness and action steps to help them deal with anxiety, stress, worries, fears, and problems.
A brief discussion of the lesson's exercise
A mindfulness activity for students' collection
Students will learn what it means to accept worries and problems as well as how to begin to do it so they can take action despite problems.
A brief discussion about this lesson's exercises
A mindfulness activity for students' collection
Here, students learn a skill that will help them separate themselves from their worries and problems.
A brief discussion so students can check in about this lesson's exercises
A yoga activity for students' collection
Students learn bravery skills so they can face anxiety and fear and do what they need or want to do anyway.
A brief discussion to follow up on lesson concepts
A breathing activity for students' collection
In this lesson, students learn about the importance of letting go of what they can't control and receive tips for how to do it.
A discussion of this lesson's exercises
A mindfulness activity for students' collection
This lesson teaches the students the mindfulness concept known as beginner's mind, a skill that helps them be open and less anxious.
A brief discussion of the lesson exercise
A yoga activity for students' collection
This lesson teaches students the concept of flow to help them be fully present in their moment rather than stuck in anxiety and stress.
A brief discussion to help students review lesson concepts
A breathing exercise for students' collection
In this lesson, students learn about gratitude and how it can help them expand their thoughts and feelings beyond anxiety, stress, and problems.
A discussion of this lesson's exercises
A mindfulness activity for students' collection
Students learn about the effects of multitasking and the importance of being mindful in what they are doing.
A discussion about this lesson's exercises
A mindfulness activity for students' collection
Anxiety can make people hard on themselves or others. Here, students learn about replacing harsh judgments with compassion.
A discussion to review the lesson's exercise
A mindfulness activity for students' collection
This lesson brings together several of the skills students have learned previously so they can use them to be open to possibilities rather than remaining stuck in problems and worries.
A discussion of this lesson's exercises to solidify students' understanding
A yoga activity for students' collection
Students learn that mindfulness means that you get to choose what you pay attention to and that when they seek positive things, they boost their attitude about problems.
A discussion about this lesson's exercises
A breathing activity for students' collection
This final lesson in section three reminds students of how much they've learned and briefly reviews major course concepts.
A discussion of this lesson's exercises
A mindfulness activity for students' collection