Mental Health: Mindful Brain

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Teacher: Tanya
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 5817

The Foundations of Your Mental Health and Wellbeing

0 Course Introduction 06:00

Parents and students, watch this short introductory video to see what this mental health and wellbeing course is all about--what you'll learn and how you'll benefit.

1 Section 1 Lesson 1 Welcome to Wellbeing! 12:54

2 Section 1 Lesson 1 Lesson Exercises Review 05:00

This video provides a discussion of the two exercises that accompany this lesson.

3 Section 1 Lesson 1 Yoga Activity Tree Pose 06:20

With this video, students learn Tree Pose, a yoga pose to help students be centered and balanced.

4 Section 1 Lesson 2 Breathing 13:25

Breathing is an important foundation for mental health and wellbeing, and is a key part of managing anxiety and stress. This lesson introduces the importance of proper breathing.

5 Section 1 Lesson 2 Exercise Review 02:19

This discussion highlights some responses students could have written in the exercise accompanying this lesson.

6 Section 1 Lesson 2 Breathing Activity Anchor Breathing 05:22

A breathing exercise for their collection

7 Section 1 Lesson 3 Your Bodymind 10:35

This lesson introduces the term "bodymind" and explains what it is as well as why it will be important for the rest of the course.

8 Section 1 Lesson 3 Exercise Review 03:28

This is a discussion of possible responses to the questions in the exercise.

9 Section 1 Lesson 3 Yoga Pose Forward Fold 05:38

A Yoga pose for students' collection

10 Section 1 Lesson 4 Flexible Bodymind 10:57

Flexibility is an important quality that helps you deal with anxiety, stress, and other life problems and challenges. This lesson introduces the concept of flexibility so students can build on it as the course progresses.

11 Section 1 Lesson 4 Exercise Review 03:13

This is a discussion of responses related to this lesson's exercise.

12 Section 1 Lesson 4 Mindfulness Activity Focus Object 06:22

This is the first mindfulness activity of the course. Students are introduced to the concept of mindfulness and learn about focus objects.

All About Anxiety and Stress

13 Section 2 Lesson 5 What Are Anxiety, Fear, Stress, and Worry? 16:16

This lesson introduces students to the terms "anxiety," "fear," "stress" and "worry." Students learn the meaning of each term.

14 Section 2 Lesson 5 Exercise Review 05:50

This video offers a discussion of the two exercises students can complete with this lesson.

15 Section 2 Lesson 5 Breathing Activity Humming Bee Breath 04:32

A breathing exercise for students' collection

16 Section 2 Lesson 6 Anxiety is a Bully! 16:16

This lesson introduces students to automatic negative thoughts (ANTs), thoughts that anxiety uses to bully people.

17 Section 2 Lesson 6 Exercise Review 03:17

A discussion about the exercises accompanying the lesson

18 Section 2 Lesson 6 Mindfulness Activity Play with Sand or Rice 03:59

A mindfulness activity for their collection

19 Section 2 Lesson 7 What Anxiety Does to You 15:50

Students will learn ways that anxiety affects them so they can begin to recognize the effects. They'll learn what to do when they notice these effects of anxiety.

20 Section 2 Lesson 7 Exercise Review 04:18

A discussion to help students understand the lesson and exercises

21 Section 2 Lesson 7 Mindfulness Activity Listen to Your body 03:53

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

22 Section 2 Lesson 8 Anxiety and Stress in Your Bodymind 17:42

Students learn what happens in their brain and body (their bodymind) in response to anxiety and how their bodymind is like a pinball machine in reacting to worries and stress.

23 Section 2 Lesson 8 Exercise Review 05:04

A discussion about this lesson's exercises

24 Section 2 Lesson 8 Yoga Activity Twist to Untangle 03:30

A yoga activity for students' collection

25 Section 2 Lesson 9 Stuck in the Worries in Your Mind 11:17

This lesson explores why we become stuck in our anxious thoughts and worries and introduces a way to become unstuck.

26 Section 2 Lesson 9 Exercise Review 02:38

A brief review of this lesson's exercise

27 Section 2 Lesson 9 Breathing Exercise Cool Your Cocoa 03:51

A breathing exercise for students' collection

28 Section 2 Lesson 10 The ABCs of Dealing with Anxiety: The "A" 18:22

This lesson teaches the "A" in the ABCs of changing the way we think about problems: Activating event (or "A" think that happened).

29 Section 2 lesson 10 Exercise Review 04:46

A brief review of this lesson's exercise

30 Section 2 Lesson 10 Breathing Exercises Colorful Breathing 02:58

Two breathing exercises involving color for students' collection

31 Section 2 Lesson 11 The ABCs of Dealing with Anxiety: The "B" 16:27

In this lesson, students learn the "B" in the ABCs of dealing with anxiety: Beliefs about their thoughts.

32 Section 2 Lesson 11 Exercise Review 07:10

A discussion about the exercises that are part of this lesson

33 Section 2 Lesson 11 Mindfulness Activity Change Your Attention 04:42

A mindfulness activity for their collection

34 Section 2 Lesson 12 The ABCs of Dealing with Anxiety: The "C" 21:21

This lesson teaches students the next step (the "C") in dealing with anxious thoughts: Challenge them.

35 Section 2 Lesson 12 Exercise Review 05:01

A discussion of answers students might have provided in the exercise

36 Section 2 Lesson 12 Breathing Exercise Calm and Joy 03:02

A breathing exercise for students' collection

37 Section 2 Lesson 13 Anxiety and the News 12:38

This is a lesson helping students deal with negative news reports by applying the ABCs, mindfulness, and action.

38 Section 2 lesson 13 Exercise Review 02:21

A discussion about possible exercise responses

39 Section 2 Lesson 13 Yoga Activity Cat-Cow Pose 04:30

A yoga activity for students' collection

40 Section 2 Lesson 14 Action Beats Anxiety 14:43

In this lesson, students learn how anxiety affects actions and that action beats anxiety.

41 Section 2 Lesson 14 Exercise Review 04:57

A brief discussion of this lesson's exercises

42 Section 2 Lesson 14 Mindfulness Activity Mindful Walk 04:59

A mindfulness activity for their collection

43 Section 2 Lesson 15 You Are So Much More Than Your Worries! 13:49

This lesson briefly reviews the concepts of section two and teaches students about their character strengths to help them see themselves as strong and capable. They learn that they are so much more than their anxiety.

44 Section 2 Lesson 15 Exercise Review 05:36

A brief discussion of the lesson exercises

45 Section 2 Lesson 15 Breathing Exercise Ha-Ha Breaths 02:45

A breathing exercise for their collection

Mindfulness to Show Up in Your Life and Live Well No Matter What

46 Section 3 Lesson 16 Introduction to Mindfulness 17:26

While students have heard the term mindfulness and have been learning mindfulness activities, this lesson explores the concept more deeply and sets the foundation for the rest of the section.

47 Section 3 Lesson 16 Exercise Review 06:12

A quick discussion about the lesson exercise

48 Section 3 Lesson 16 Mindfulness Activity My Favorite Place 02:50

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

49 Section 3 Lesson 17 How, When, and Where Does Mindfulness Work 14:24

In this lesson, students learn why and how mindfulness works as well as where and when it can be done.

50 Section 3 Lesson 17 Exercise Review 09:00

A discussion about this lesson's exercises to help deepen understanding of lesson concepts

51 Section 3 Lesson 17 Mindfulness Activity The Sensing Game 04:42

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

52 Section 3 Lesson 18 Mindful Awareness and Action 18:07

In this lesson, students learn 5 mindful awareness and action steps to help them deal with anxiety, stress, worries, fears, and problems.

53 Section 3 Lesson 18 Exercise Review 05:54

A brief discussion of the lesson's exercise

54 Section 3 Lesson 18 Mindfulness Activity Your Calm Place 04:37

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

55 Section 3 Lesson 19 Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Action 17:46

Students will learn what it means to accept worries and problems as well as how to begin to do it so they can take action despite problems.

56 Section 3 Lesson 19 Exercise Review Video 04:31

A brief discussion about this lesson's exercises

57 Section 3 Lesson 19 Mindfulness Activity Squeeze Out Tension 05:06

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

58 Section 3 Lesson 20 Come Unglued! But Stay Calm 21:31

Here, students learn a skill that will help them separate themselves from their worries and problems.

59 Section 3 Lesson 20 Exercise Reivew 03:20

A brief discussion so students can check in about this lesson's exercises

60 Section 3 Lesson 20 Yoga Activity Warrior 1 03:47

A yoga activity for students' collection

61 Section 3 Lesson 21 Be Brave! 17:04

Students learn bravery skills so they can face anxiety and fear and do what they need or want to do anyway.

62 Section 3 Lesson 21 Exercise Review 04:43

A brief discussion to follow up on lesson concepts

63 Section 3 Lesson 21 Breathing Activity Blowing Bubbles 02:55

A breathing activity for students' collection

64 Section 3 Lesson 22 Letting Go! 19:14

In this lesson, students learn about the importance of letting go of what they can't control and receive tips for how to do it.

65 Section 3 Lesson 22 Exercise Review 04:12

A discussion of this lesson's exercises

66 Section 3 Lesson 22 Mindfulness Activity Being Open to What Is 03:16

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

67 Section 3 Lesson 23 Beginner's Mind 10:58

This lesson teaches the students the mindfulness concept known as beginner's mind, a skill that helps them be open and less anxious.

68 Section 3 Lesson 23 Exercise Review 06:01

A brief discussion of the lesson exercise

69 Section 3 Lesson 23 Yoga Activity Warrior 2 04:08

A yoga activity for students' collection

70 Section 3 Lesson 24 Go with the Flow! 17:57

This lesson teaches students the concept of flow to help them be fully present in their moment rather than stuck in anxiety and stress.

71 Section 3 Lesson 24 Exercise Review 05:57

A brief discussion to help students review lesson concepts

72 Section 3 Lesson 24 Breathing Exercise In One Side Out the Other 04:30

A breathing exercise for students' collection

73 Section 3 Lesson 25 Have an Attitude of Gratitude 15:54

In this lesson, students learn about gratitude and how it can help them expand their thoughts and feelings beyond anxiety, stress, and problems.

74 Section 3 Lesson 25 Exercise Review 08:06

A discussion of this lesson's exercises

75 Section 3 Lesson 25 Mindfulness Activity Sound Safari 02:13

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

76 Section 3 Lesson 26 How to Do Stuff (You Are Not an Octopus!) 21:06

Students learn about the effects of multitasking and the importance of being mindful in what they are doing.

77 Section 3 Lesson 26 Exercise Review 07:14

A discussion about this lesson's exercises

78 Section 3 Lesson 26 Mindfulness Activity Glitter Jar 07:51

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

79 Section 3 Lesson 27 Compassion for Yourself and Others 14:17

Anxiety can make people hard on themselves or others. Here, students learn about replacing harsh judgments with compassion.

80 Section 3 Lesson 27 Exercise Review 04:50

A discussion to review the lesson's exercise

81 Section 3 Lesson 27 Mindfulness Activity Lovingkindness 06:39

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

82 Section 3 Lesson 28 Be Open 15:02

This lesson brings together several of the skills students have learned previously so they can use them to be open to possibilities rather than remaining stuck in problems and worries.

83 Section 3 Lesson 28 Exercise Review 08:53

A discussion of this lesson's exercises to solidify students' understanding

84 Section 3 Lesson 28 Yoga Activity Down Dog 04:52

A yoga activity for students' collection

85 Section 3 Lesson 29 Appreciate Beauty 17:25

Students learn that mindfulness means that you get to choose what you pay attention to and that when they seek positive things, they boost their attitude about problems.

86 Section 3 Lesson 29 Exercise Review 05:27

A discussion about this lesson's exercises

87 Section 3 Lesson 29 Breathing Activity Stop and Smell the Roses 04:06

A breathing activity for students' collection

88 Section 3 Lesson 30 Look How Far You've Come! 12:05

This final lesson in section three reminds students of how much they've learned and briefly reviews major course concepts.

89 Section 3 Lesson 30 Exercise Review 09:01

A discussion of this lesson's exercises

90 Section 3 Lesson 30 Mindfulness Activity Ripples of Calm 04:37

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

Healthy Brain, Healthy Body to Deal with Stress and Thrive

91 Section 4 Lesson 31 Be Stronger Than Your Worries & Stay That Way 07:21

This lesson introduces Section 4 so students know what they'll be learning and why.

92 Section 4 Lesson 31 Exercise Review 04:31

A discussion about this lesson's exercises

93 Section 4 Lesson 31 Breathing Exercise Bellybutton to Backbone 03:39

A breathing exercise for students' collection

94 Section 4 Lesson 32 Good Food for Your Good Mood 16:59

In this lesson, students learn about how what they eat affects their whole bodymind. While they might have learned about nutrition and physical health before, this lesson teaches them about nutrition and mental health.

95 Section 4 Lesson 32 Exercise Review 08:20

A discussion of this lesson's exercises

96 Section 4 Lesson 32 Mindfulness Activity You Are HOW You Eat 06:27

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

97 Section 4 Lesson 33 13:53

This lesson is about exercise (movement): why it's important for their whole bodymind--mental and physical health--and keys to doing it.

98 Section 4 Lesson 33 Exercise Review 06:31

A discussion of this lesson's exercises to help further students' understanding

99 Section 4 Lesson 33 Yoga Activity Twist 05:23

A yoga activity for students' collection

100 Section 4 Lesson 34 Sleep Makes Being Awake Easier 22:46

Here, students learn about the importance of sleep to not just their physical health but their mental health, too. They'll discover how much sleep they need and tips for getting quality sleep.

101 Section 4 Lesson 34 Exercise Review` 03:40

A brief discussion to help students review the lesson exercises

102 Section 4 Lesson 34 Mindfulness Activity Sit Still and Sip a Beverage 05:18

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

103 Section 4 Lesson 35 Don't Toss, Turn, and Tangle with Nighttime Worries 20:04

What happens when worries make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep? This lesson teaches students some strategies so they can deal with nighttime worries rather than tossing, turning, and tangling them.

104 Section 4 Lesson 35 Exercise Review 03:17

A discussion to help students understand the lesson's exercises

105 Section 4 Lesson 35 Breathing Activity Focused Breathing 03:59

A breathing exercise for students' collection

106 Section 4 Lesson 36 Take Breaks for Your Bodymind 13:57

Students learn about recognizing when they need a break, taking regular breaks for their wellbeing, and strategies for taking breaks.

107 Section 4 Lesson 36 Exercise Review 05:29

A brief discussion to help students review this lesson's exercises

108 Section 4 Lesson 36 Breathing Exercise Breathing is Handy 03:31

A breathing exercise for students' collection

109 Section 4 Lesson 37 Team Bodymind 16:34

Students learn how to be the coach of their mind and body by using tools they've learned in this course.

110 Section 4 Lesson 37 Exercise Review 04:07

A discussion of this lesson's exercises

111 Section 4 Lesson 37 Mindfulness Activity Toe Tips to Head Top Relaxation 05:14

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

112 Section 4 Lesson 38 Curiosity Kills the Worries 15:47

Students learn about curiosity and how it can help them deal with worries and stress. They also learn how they can develop a sense of curiosity.

113 Section 4 Lesson 38 Exercise Review 03:22

A discussion to review the lesson's exercises

114 Section 4 Lesson 38 Breathing Exercise Feather Breathing 03:39

A breathing exercise for students' collection

115 Section 4 Lesson 39 Create! 11:37

Students learn about the power of creativity to help them replace their worries with better things.

116 Section 4 Lesson 39 Exercise Review 04:21

A discussion about this lesson's exercises

117 Section 4 Lesson 39 Yoga Activity Lion's Breath 04:48

A yoga and breathing exercise for students' collection

118 Section 4 Lesson 40 Key Takeaways 12:57

This final lesson in the course presents students with a few key takeaways to carry them forward.

119 Section 4 Lesson 40 Exercise Review 04:13

A discussion of this lesson's exercise

120 Section 4 Lesson 40 Mindfulness Activity Your Own Calm Book 05:18

A mindfulness activity for students' collection

Mental Health for Grades 3-7: Mindful Brain, Flexible Body-Wiggle Your Way Out of Worries and Into Your Life

This 3rd-7th grade mental health course helps students explore anxiety, worries, fear, stress, and problems and general. Students learn what these are and how they negatively affect their lives. The emphasis is on teaching kids skills and providing them tools so they no longer react to stress and problems but instead can calm themselves and respond thoughtfully. They learn how to handle anxiety and other problems so they can live well and do what they want or need to do despite difficulties they encounter. 

Each lesson includes at least one practice exercise, and most contain two; of these, one is two review the lesson concepts while the other helps students apply the lesson directly to themselves. Further, each lesson contains at least one breathing, mindfulness, or yoga activity. These are presented and demonstrated with a short video lesson as well as in a lesson document. This way, students can print the exercises and add them to a collection for future practice and use. 


This course includes:



Course Goals

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Define and explain anxitey, worry, fear, and stress
  • Describe what anxiety, worry, fear, and stress do to their mind/thoughts, emotions, bodies, actions
  • Understand that it's okay to worry sometimes but they don't have to let anxiety be their bully
  • Describe the meaning and importance of the term bodymind
  • Explain flexibility and its importance for mental health and wellbieng
  • List, describe, explain, and use tools for wiggling out of their worries
  • Name and explain healthy habits that keep them healthy to beat worries


Target Audience

This video course is primarily intended for students in mid-upper elementary school (grades 3-5), approximate ages 7-11. However, while the material is presented to this age group, the content is applicable for the entire family, including teens and adults. 


Section 1 - Introduction



Your Bodymind

Flexible Bodymind


Section 2 - Anxiety, Worry, Fear, Stress

What are anxiety, fear, stress, and worry?

Anxiety is a Bully 

What Anxiety Does to You

Anxiety and Stress in Your Bodymind

Stuck in the Worries of Your Mind

The ABCs of Dealing with Anxiety: The A

The ABCs of Dealing with Anxiety The B

The ABCs of Dealing with Anxiety The C

Anxiety and the News

Action Beats Anxiety

You Are So Much More Than Your Worries


Section 3 - Mindfulness

Introduction to Mindfulness

How, When, and Where Does Mindfulness Work

Mindful Awareness and Action

Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Action

Come Unglued But Stay Calm

Be Brave

Letting Go (Go Fishing without a Hook)

Beginner's Mind

Go with the Flow

Attitude of Gratitude

You are Not an Octopus

Mindful Compassion

Be Open

Appreciate Beauty

Look How Far You've Come


Section 4 - Healthy Brain and Body for Life

Be Stronger Than Your Worries and Stay That Way

Good Food for Your Good Mood

Move Your Body to Move Away from Your Worries

Sleep Makes Being Awake Easier

Don't Toss, Turn, and Tangle with Nighttime Worries

Take a Break for Your Bodymind

Team Bodymind

Curiosity Kills the Worries


Wrap-Up and Takeaways




  • Teacher: Tanya
  • Areas of expertise: School Counseling (K-12): Particularly stress and anxiety, mindfulness, mind-body connection, general health and wellbeing
  • Education: Master of Science in Counseling (school focus) from South Dakota State University (Brookings, SD), 2009 In Honoribus Bachelor of Science in Education from Northern State University (Aberdeen, SD), 1992
  • Interests: I love life with all its ups and downs and enjoy living each moment to its fullest! I especially enjoy spending time with my husband and two adult children, hiking, kayaking, gardening, yoga, reading, and sipping tea on my patio.
  • Skills: I have written four self-help books to help people overcome anxiety and live mindfully, three guided journals, and five mental-health-themed novels. I also speak about mental health locally and nationally in schools and other venues.
  • Associations:
  • Issues I care about: I am passionate about helping people of all ages and backgrounds empower themselves to create their own version of a quality life.

My trademark is Live in Your Moment...Not Your Mind, and that's exactly how I help people to live. Problems and challenges are an inevitable part of life, but we can all, young children very much included, learn tools and perspectives for living well in spite of them.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Additional Resources and Activities

Here you will find a document containing links to additional information related to course content. You'll also find extra breathing, mindfulness, and yoga activities.
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