U.S. History For 9th, 10th, and 11th Graders

Teacher: Joseph
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2169

Founding Documents

0 Welcome and Course Overview 04:28

Picture of Welcome and Course Overview Welcome message and course overview with guidance on how to approach the course.

1 Historical Eras 13:37

Characteristics of historical eras are covered and students will receive an introduction to the major eras in U.S. covered in the course.

2 Historical Eras Activity 05:58

Students will place historical eras in relative chronological order.

3 Declaration of Independence 15:51

This lesson examines the document and looks closely at each of the 27 grievances.

4 Declaration of Independence Activity 05:02

This activity asks students to draw a conclusion as to the three most significant grievances and then rank order and justify their work.

5 U.S. Constitution 10:26

The preamble and all seven articles are analyzed during this lesson.

6 U.S. Constitution Activity 07:55

Students will associate each of the seven articles with constitutional principles.

7 Bill of Rights 14:19

Each of the first ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution are examined during this lesson.

8 Bill of Rights Activity 06:37

This lesson's activity has students matching a scenario with its appropriate amendment.

9 Section 1 Review Covering Founding Documents 11:35

A thorough review of America's founding documents are covered in this review lesson.

10 Section 1 Review Covering Founding Documents Activity 04:49

Students will write a brief description for five events relating to the founding documents on a timeline.

Civil War, Reconstruction, & Sharecropping

11 U.S. Civil War 19:23

Key events and people of the U.S. Civil War are covered during this lesson.

12 U.S. Civil War Activity 06:00

Students will choose 5 events of their choice from a list of 8 events related to the U.S. Civil War to place in chronological order on a timeline and then write a brief description of each event.

13 Reconstruction 14:11

This lesson focuses on the four separate reconstruction plans developed to put our country back together after four long years of warring.

14 Reconstruction Activity 05:51

Students will create a side-by-side comparison of the four plans to reconstruct our country after the U.S. Civil War.

15 Sharecropping 15:24

The plight of over four million freedmen is examined during this lesson.

16 Sharecropping Activity 03:26

This lesson's activity has students categorizing Black Codes and Jim Crow Segregation Laws.

17 Civil War, Reconstruction, and Sharecropping Review 13:14

A review of key events and people associated with the U.S. Civil War, Reconstruction, and Sharecropping is accomplished during this review.

18 Civil War, Reconstruction, and Sharecropping Review Activity 05:22

Students will write ten bullet style short descriptions for key events covered in this section as a way of reviewing for the quiz.

Native Americans and The Gilded Age

19 Demise of Native Americans 15:18

This lesson cover the acts and battles associated with the demise of the North American Native Americans.

20 Demise of Native Americans Activity 04:45

This engaging activity asks students to match battles with their respective descriptions.

21 Gilded Age/Second Industrial Revolution 13:08

This lesson focuses on business and industry during the Gilded Age.

22 Gilded Age/Second Industrial Revolution Activity 04:00

Students will match Robber Baron descriptions with the appropriate Robber Baron.

23 Gilded Age Politics 15:18

The focus of this lesson is on the lack of government oversight or "laissez-faire" approach to governing the nation during the era.

24 Gilded Age Politics Activity 05:00

This lesson asks students to draw a conclusion as to which of three Gilded Age scandals was most significant. Then, students will write a paragraph describing the scandal and justify their conclusion in their last written sentence or two.

25 Labor Unions and Strikes 14:48

The evolution of organized labor and general strikes is covered during this lesson.

26 Labor Unions and Strikes Activity 08:41

Students will create a side-by-side comparison of three significant organized labor strikes of the Gilded Age.

27 Demise of Native Americans and Gilded Age Review 13:11

Students will receive a comprehensive review of the section in preparation for success on the Section 3 quiz.

28 Demise of Native Americans and Gilded Age Review Activity 06:02

This lesson's activity has students creating Who Am I review cards in which they will list 3-4 significant facts about an important person.

Reform and Empire Building

29 The Populists 16:16

Students will gain insight into the Populist Movement of the 1890s and their grassroots call for change.

30 The Populists Activity 03:53

Students will examine 8 requests of the Populists and list the 3 most significant and then justify why they chose the top request.

31 The Progressives 19:45

An examination of the copious reforms that occurred during the Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson administrations is covered during this lesson.

32 The Progressives Activity 04:54

Students will create a collage of their choice highlighting five significant events of the era with the event they feel was the most significant in the center of the collage.

33 Imperialism 18:48

This lesson delves into America's Imperialism beginning with the acquisition of the Hawaiian Islands and up to the purchase of Denmark's Virgin Islands.

34 Imperialism Activity 07:36

Students will create an acrostic using the word "IMPERIALISM".

35 World War One 19:30

This lesson covers the actions of the United States during World War One.

36 World War One Activity 07:56

This lesson activity has students classifying events of World War One with the four M.A.I.N. or underlying causes of the war.

37 Section 4 Review Covering Empire Building 15:38

Students will receive a thorough review of the Empire Building section to ensure success on the Section 4 quiz.

38 Section 4 Review Covering Empire Building Activity 07:29

This review activity gives students the choice of creating either another IMPERIALISM acrostic or a PROGRESSIVISM acrostic in efforts to prepare for the section quiz.

Modern Era and Isolationsim Leads to Depression

39 Modern Era 14:10

A look at the 1920s occurs in this lesson to include "modernization" as well as events of the Roaring 20s.

40 Modern Era Activity 04:39

Students will create a T-Chart comparing the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti to the trial of Coach John T. Scopes.

41 Path to Depression 15:22

This lesson examines the events that led America and the world into the Great Depression.

42 Path to Depression Activity 05:28

This lesson's engaging activity has students writing a brief description for each of the causes of the Great Depression.

43 The Great Depression 16:40

Life in America during the Great Depression is covered in this lesson.

44 The Great Depression Activity 05:30

Students will write a short letter to FDR in support of two pieces of his proposed legislation that will provide Americans some RELIEF during a time of great need.

45 America's New Deal 17:24

The myriad of legislation passed by the U.S. Congress, known as The New Deal, is looked at in this lesson.

46 America's New Deal Activity 04:42

This lesson asks students to list the five key causes of the Great Depression AND categorize ten pieces of FDR’s New Deal Legislation for America.

47 Section 5 Review Covering Isolation Leads to Depression 11:17

Events associated with Section 5, Isolationism Leads to Depression, are covered during this review lesson.

48 Section 5 Review Covering Isolation Leads to Depression Activity 06:40

The activity for this lesson has students listening to 10 True/False statements and deciding whether the statement is true or false.

World War Two

49 Events Leading to World War Two 16:54

This lesson provides students with an understanding of events that kept the U.S. out of World War Two and then covers events of World War Two that involved the United States.

50 Events Leading to World War Two Activity 04:47

Students will place five events of their choice on a timeline in chronological order and then write a brief description for each event.

51 Homefront America 18:46

This lesson looks at the role played by the American populace, such as Rosie the Riveter, during the second world war.

52 Homefront America Activity 04:39

This lesson's activity has students writing a short 5-6 sentence paragraph describing the role women played during World War Two.

53 America's War in Europe 17:46

The role the United States played during World War Two in the European Theater is examined.

54 America's War in Europe Activity 04:01

Students will write a brief description for five events of World War Two.

55 America's War in Asia and The Pacific 20:15

This lesson covers key events of World War Two in Asia and in the Pacific Theater during the war.

56 America's War in Asia and The Pacific Activity 04:30

Without referring to either the lecture video or the PPT slides, students will place 5 events in proper chronological order from left to right.

57 Section 6 Review Covering The World at War 11:20

A thorough review of World War Two with a focus on events related to the United States is accomplished during this review unit.

58 Section 6 Review Covering The World at War Activity 05:45

This activity has students creating a Venn Diagram highlighting the Manhattan Project, Flying Tigers, and Navajo Code Talkers.

The Cold War

59 Cold War Part One (40s, 50s,& 60s) 19:17

The beginnings of the Cold War between the United States and her allies versus the Soviet Union and her allies is covered during this lesson.

60 Cold War Part One (40s, 50s,& 60s) Activity 05:07

Students will create a T-Chart comparing the League of Nations to the United Nations.

61 The Cold War Part Two (70s, 80s, & 90s) 20:27

Evens of the height of the Cold War to the end of the Cold War are examined during this lesson of instruction.

62 The Cold War Part Two (70s, 80s, & 90s) Activity 04:04

In this lesson, student's will rank order five Cold War events in terms of significance and justify their choice of the most significant event.

63 Review Covering the Cold War Era 14:31

A review of key events associated with the Cold War are looked at during this lesson.

64 Review Covering the Cold War Era Activity 04:17

Students will write a either a text message or a letter to their parents telling them about the Cold War in general and then identify and describe three significant events that they have learned about in their study of the Cold War in this course.

Civil Rights

65 Early Civil Rights Events 23:18

Key U.S. Civil Rights related events prior to 1954 are addressed in this lesson.

66 Early Civil Rights Events Activity 13:06

Students will have their choice of reading Dr. King's Letter From a Birmingham Jail or listening to an audio version of the letter recorded by Dr. King and then answer 10 questions on the content of the letter.

67 Modern Civil Rights Movement 17:54

Events related to civil rights between 1954 and 1968 are covered during this lesson.

68 Modern Civil Rights Movement Activity 05:09

This lesson asks students to answer three questions about the Reverend, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s 1963 March on Washington.

69 Review Covering the Civil Rights Movements 14:59

This lesson reviews events associated with minorities quest for equality in America.

70 Review Covering the Civil Rights Movements Activity 06:36

Students will create a CIVIL RIGHTS acrostic as a way of reviewing for the Civil Rights section quiz.

Contemporary U.S. History

71 The Conservative 70s & 80s 15:58

This lesson looks the resurgence of conservatism in the Republican Party during the 70s and 80s.

72 The Conservative 70s & 80s Activity 06:16

During this activity students will choose five significant events to depict as a collage of the era.

73 The Nineties & Two Thousands 15:26

Key events of the 1990s into the 2000s are examined in this lesson.

74 The Nineties & Two Thousands Activity 04:45

Students will write a short paragraph making a case that either the 70s & 80s or the 90s & 2000s were more interesting. The paragraph must identify and describe at least two events from each era and then explain why one era was more interesting than the other.

75 America Under Attack (9/11) 16:54

This lesson delves into Al Qaeda's attack on America, the changes that resulted, and the hunt for and the end of Osama bin Laden.

76 America Under Attack (9/11) Activity 05:15

This lesson asks students to create a T-Chart comparing the Attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 to the Attack on America in 2001.

77 The Decade of the 2010s 16:49

Key events of the 2010s are examined in this lesson of instruction.

78 The Decade of the 2010s Activity 03:50

Students will place significant events of the 2010s in correct chronological order.

79 Review Covering the 1970s - 2010s 13:48

A thorough review of key events associated with the United States during the 1970s through the 2010s is covered during this review lesson.

80 Review Covering the 1970s - 2010s Activity 03:35

This review lesson activity asks students to rank order ten events of the Contemporary U.S. History section, in terms of significance and then explain why they chose the event that they chose as being the MOST significant.

Course Review and Final Exam

81 Course Review and Final Exam 23:29

During this lesson students will receive a targeted review of the more important events covered during the course to ensure their success on the course final exam.

U.S. History for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders is composed of 9 content sections with 40 lessons and 40 corresponding engaging activities designed to prepare students for each lesson's accompanying quiz.  There is also a well thought out course review section to prepare students for the course final exam.  The focus of the course is on America's founding documents; Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Individual Rights, and significant events starting with the U.S. Civil War and going through Current Day.  Here is more detail:

  • 9 Content Sections
  • 40 Video Lessons with 40 PowerPoint Note Files
  • 40 Lesson Quizzes with Answers in Resource Section
  • 40 Engaging Video Activity Lessons with PowerPoint Slides and Answers 
  • Over 15 hours of video lecture
  • 175 quiz and final exam questions that assess the material within the instructional videos 


Course Goals:

By taking this course students will have a better understanding of the history of our nation from the U.S. Civil War through Current Day (1865-2020)


Target Audience: This course is designed for 9th - 11th graders.  


Course Requirements: Students taking this course will need to complete each lesson, each lesson's engaging activity, and each lesson's quiz as well as course final exam to complete the course.  It is intended that students review the videos or take notes in order to be able to complete the engaging activities associated with each lesson as well as the assessment at the end of each section. 


Course Topics: 

Section 1: Founding Documents

Lesson 1: Historical Eras

Lesson 2: Declaration of Independence

Lesson 3: U.S. Constitution

Lesson 4: Bill of Individual Rights

Lesson 5: Section Review


Section 2: Civil War, Reconstruction, and Sharecropping

Lesson 6: U.S. Civil War

Lesson 7: Reconstruction

Lesson 8: Sharecropping

Lesson 9: Section Review


Section 3: Native Americans and Gilded Age

Lesson 10: Demise of The Native Americans

Lesson 11: Gilded Age/Second Industrial Revolution

Lesson 12: Gilded Age Politics

Lesson 13: Labor Unions and Strikes

Lesson 14: Section Review


Section 4: Reform and Empire Building

Lesson 15: The Populists

Lesson 16: The Progressives

Lesson 17: Imperialism

Lesson 18: World War One

Lesson 19: Section Review


Section 5: Modern Era and Isolationism Leads to Depression

Lesson 20: Modern Era

Lesson 21: Path to Depression

Lesson 22: The Great Depression

Lesson 23: America's (FDR's) New Deal

Lesson 24: Section Review


Section 6: World War Two

Lesson 25: Events Leading to World War Two

Lesson 26: Homefront America

Lesson 27: America's War in Europe

Lesson 28: America's War in Asia and The Pacific

Lesson 29: Section Review


Section 7: The Cold War

Lesson 30: Cold War Part One (40s, 50s, & 60s)

Lesson 31: Cold War Part Two (70s, 80s, & 90s)

Lesson 32: Section Review


Section 8: Civil Rights

Lesson 33: Early Civil Rights Events

Lesson 34: Modern Civil Rights Movement

Lesson 35: Section Review


Section 9: Contemporary U.S. History

Lesson 36: The Conservative 70s & 80s

Lesson 37: The Nineties & Two Thousands

Lesson 38: America Under Attack (9/11)

Lesson 39: The Decade of the 2010s

Lesson 40: Section Review


Section 10: Course Review & Final Exam

Lesson 41: Course Review & Final Exam

  • Teacher: Joseph
  • Areas of expertise: United States History
  • Education: Composite Social Studies Certification Grades 6-12, B.A. in Geography, Bellevue University, M.A. in Resource Management, Webster University, 18 Graduate Hours in History, University of Texas at San Antonio
  • Interests: I enjoy watching NASCAR, Indycar, and Formula 1 auto racing, visiting U.S. Civil War battle sties, and jogging and hiking for relaxation.
  • Skills: I pride myself in creating creative and engaging lesson activities that students tend to appreciate and find interesting, informative, and enjoyable!
  • Associations: Texas Classroom Teacher Association
  • Issues I care about: Teaching history without a political bias and ensuring my students have fun while they are learning is what I care about.

Teaching is my first love. I taught while spending a career in the military and have been teaching U.S. History at various levels since retiring from the military, to include Regular, Advanced Placement, Honors, Dual Credit, and at community college, for the past 16 years. My students stand out from their peers on state exams as well as on the Advanced Placement U.S. History exams. My greatest teaching achievement thus far has been being a recipient of the Lamar Award for Excellence in Education.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Quiz and Final Exam Answer Keys

Answer key for all quizzes and the final exam
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