World History and Social Issues

Teacher: Freja
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1797

Colonization of the Americas & Caribbean Struggles for Freedom

0 Course Introduction 02:55

This video gives you an overview of the course, World History and Social Issues. You'll hear about how this unique course integrates world history with current events and encourages critical thinking.

1 Unit 1 Overview 03:53

This is a brief overview of the topics and Essential Questions for the unit.

2 Lesson 1 - Intro to Colonization 14:30

Students will learn about the concepts of colonization and imperialism and key vocabulary and foundational concepts for the rest of the unit. They will explore the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan before the arrival of the Spanish, led by Hernan Cortes. They will use primary source text to make inferences about Cortes' motivations for conquering Tenochtitlan. Finally, students will examine the impacts on the people, the land, and the culture of the conquest of Tenochtitlan in 1521.

3 Lesson 1 - Activity Review 08:41

This video covers correct responses to the note-catcher and quiz.

4 Lesson 2 - God, Gold, and Glory: Reasons for European Colonization 16:07

In this lesson, students learn about the 3 main reasons for European colonization of the "New World." They analyze the concepts of "God, gold, and glory" to better understand the rationale of European leaders.

5 Lesson 2 - Activity Review 12:41

This video reviews what notes students should have taken from the lesson and the articles that relate to the 3 main motivations for European colonization: God, gold, and glory.

6 Lesson 3 - Columbus in the Caribbean 18:12

This lesson focuses on Columbus' actions in the Caribbean. Students will learn about how Columbus treated the Arawaks, Caribs, and Tainos and understand the impact of European colonization on the people and resources of the Caribbean. Through the use of a graphic organizer and critical thinking questions, students will analyze the reasons for competing narratives about Columbus' arrival.

7 Lesson 3 - Activity Review 12:41

This video reviews students' responses to the Columbus Narratives Note-catcher.

8 Lesson 4 - The Columbian Exchange & Triangle Slave Trade 22:34

In this lesson, students learn about the Columbian Exchange, Triangle Trade and Mercantilism and analyze reasons for global inequality today and lasting legacies of this era of global trade.

9 Lesson 4 - Activity Review 11:04

This is the review of the Paired Image Analysis and optional Two Sides of a Story activity.

10 Lesson 5 - The Haitian Revolution 23:46

This lesson explains the role of sugar in the Caribbean colonies. It tells the story of the Haitian Revolution and draws connections to modern-day challenges facing Haiti.

11 Lesson 5 - Activity Review 13:45

This video covers students' responses to the Close Reading Activity.

12 Lesson 6 - U.S. Imperialism & The Spanish American War 20:23

This lesson discusses the causes and effects of U.S. imperialism in the Western Hemisphere, including the Spanish-American War. Students complete a political cartoon analysis and select an additional activity analyzing various viewpoints on imperialism.

13 Lesson 6 - Activity Review 10:11

This video is a review of the activities for Lesson 6 - US Imperialism & The Spanish American War.

14 Lesson 7 - The Cuban Revolution 17:40

This lessons looks at the role of the US in Cuban politics and the causes and consequences of the Cuban Revolution.

15 Lesson 7 - Activity Review 04:29

This is a review of the article and quiz questions for lesson 7 on the Cuban Revolution.

16 Lesson 8 - Dictatorship in the Dominican Republic 13:36

In this lesson students explore the Trujillo dictatorship in the Dominican Republic and the story of the Mirabal sisters (The Butterflies) who fought for their country's freedom. 

17 Lesson 8 - Activity Review 09:43

This is a review of students' responses to the text-dependent questions for "Trujillo and the Mirabal Sisters" reading assignment.

18 Lesson 9 - Current Struggles for Freedom: The Restavek Children of Haiti 19:15

This is the final lesson of the unit. Students learn about the child slaves, or restaveks, of Haiti and examine the causes and solutions of this social problem.

19 Lesson 9 - Activity Review 04:13

Students used information from the Restavek Freedom website to answer the questions on the worksheet and consider ideas for taking action.

Industrialization & Child Labor Today

20 Unit 2 Overview 03:14

This is a short video introduction to the topics and Essential Questions for the unit.

21 Lesson 1 - Origins of the Industrial Revolution 26:16

In this lesson, students will learn about the origins of the Industrial Revolution by examining the conditions in Britain that made this explosion of productivity possible. In particular, students will learn about such new technologies as the steam engine, the vital role of coal, the rise of large corporations, and more.

22 Lesson 1 - Activity Review 08:55

Students review their notes on their Industrial Revolution Note-catcher for lesson 1.

23 Lesson 2 - The Spread of the Industrial Revolution 23:40

In this lesson, students will explore the spread of the Industrial Revolution throughout Europe and then to the United States. They will examine the poor working and living conditions in industrialized British cities, to better understand the demands for reforms and even social revolution. 

24 Lesson 2 - Activity Review 08:30

This is a review of student responses on their note-catcher for lesson 2.

25 Lesson 3 - Industrial Revolution in the U.S. 24:59

In this lesson, students learn about the development of the Industrial Revolution in the United States. They explore life in mill villages, new transportation methods, and the rise of labor unions.

26 Lesson 3 - Activity Review 05:17

This is a review of students' notes for lesson 3.

27 Lesson 4 - The Struggle to Organize 26:02

In this lesson, students learn more about labor unions and their struggles during the Industrial Revolution. Students contemplate the differences between the unions, how public opinion was influenced, why strikes were often violent, and the reasons why particular strikes failed.

28 Lesson 4 - Activity Review 06:27

This is a review of the activity for Lesson 4 - The Struggle to Organize. Students answered questions after reading about the Homestead Strike.

29 Lesson 5 - The Fight to End Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution 19:30

In this lesson, students learn about the tactics used by child labor activists, Mother Jones and Lewis Hine, during the Industrial Revolution in the United States.

30 Lesson 5 - Activity Review 05:46

This is the activity review video for Lesson 5 - The Fight to End Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution.

31 Lesson 6 - The Triangle Factory Fire 20:04

In this lesson, students explore primary source documents that reveal what happened in 1911 when there was a tragic fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City. Students also explore what life was life for immigrant garment workers living in tenements. 

32 Lesson 6 - Activity Review 04:26

This is the activity review video for Lesson 6 - The Triangle Factory Fire.

33 Lesson 7 - Sweatshops and the Garment Industry Today 32:16

In this lesson, students ask the question: Have conditions in the garment industry improved since the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire? They explore how clothing is produced today and problems in the garment industry in Bangladesh. They learn about the concepts of "the race to the bottom" and "free trade versus fair trade."

34 Lesson 7 - Activity Review 06:24

This is the activity review video for Lesson 7 - Sweatshops and the Garment Industry Today.

34 Lesson 8 - Child Farmworkers in the U.S. Today 30:48

In this lesson, students explore the human rights that children have. They discover the causes and effects of child labor in farmwork in the U.S. today and consider ways to solve this problem.

35 Lesson 8 - Activity Review 03:25

This is the activity review video for Lesson 8 - Child Farmworkers in the U.S. Today.

37 Lesson 9 - Child Labor Around the World Today 32:58

In this lesson, students learn about child labor and child slavery around the world today. The focus on the stone quarries of India, the carpet industry in Pakistan, and the chocolate industry in West Africa. Students explore the causes of this form of child slavery and look at examples of what is being done to end this practice.

38 Lesson 9 - Activity Review 01:46

This is the activity review video for Lesson 9 - Child Labor Around the World Today.

40 Lesson 10 - What Can We Do? 27:24

In this lesson, students are introduced to a variety of actions that individuals and groups are taking to end child labor and promote labor rights. They look at campaigns that use consumer boycotts, petitions, and letter-writing campaigns to promote justice in a range of industries and consider how the history of the Industrial Revolution can help us understnad the current struggles of workers today.

U.S. Imperialism & Immigration Issues Today

42 Unit 3 Overview 03:25

This is a brief overview of the topics and Essential Questions for the unit.

43 Lesson 1 - Immigration Debates 32:54

As an introduction to the topic of immigration, students examine how views about immigrants and immigration have changed over time and continue to cause debate and conflict. Students analyze two famous poems about immigration from differing viewpoints: "The New Colossus" and "Unguarded."

44 Lesson 1 Activity Review 03:09

This is the lesson review video for Lesson 1 - Immigration Debates.

45 Lesson 2 - Why do people migrate? 16:17

In this lesson, students explore the push and pull factors that cause human migration. They read stories of Latin American migrants coming to the United States.

46 Lesson 2 - Activity Review 03:49

This is the activity review video for Lesson 2 - Why do people migrate?

47 Lesson 3 - Immigration Myths and Facts 28:47

In this lesson, students identify 10 myths about immigration. They analyze the facts that debunk these myths and consider who benefits from these myths.

48 Lesson 3 - Activity Review 08:50

This is the activity review video for Lesson 3 - Immigration Myths and Facts.

49 Lesson 4 - Timeline of Immigration 40:39

In this lesson, students learn about the history of U.S. immigration policies in order to analyze how policies often match attitudes towards immigration.

50 Lesson 4 - Activity Review 06:44

This is the activity review video for Lesson 4 - Timeline of Immigration.

51 Lesson 5 - Immigration Maps 27:24

Students analyze a range of maps that present data about immigration in interesting ways.

52 Lesson 5 - Activity Review 10:23

This is the activity review video for Lesson 5 - Immigration Maps.

53 Lesson 6 - How to Immigrate to the U.S. 23:33

In this lesson, students examine the complex and difficult process of immigrating to the United States. They discover the exclusions and wait times that impact people from various countries.

54 Lesson 6 - Activity Review 09:17

This is the activity review video for Lesson 6 - How to Immigration to the U.S.

55 Lesson 7 - U.S.-Mexico War 48:33

Introduces the concept of Manifest Destiny and explains the imperialist and nationalist causes of the U.S.-Mexico War.

56 Lesson 7 - Activity Review 06:00

This is the activity review video for Lesson 7 - U.S. -Mexico War

57 Lesson 8 - US Imperialism and Latin American Immigration 51:05

In this lesson, students examine the many historical U.S. interventions in Latin America to uncover the roots of today's migration crisis.

58 Lesson 8 - Activity Review 09:23

This is the activity review video for Lesson 8 - US Imperialism and Latin American Immigration.

59 Lesson 9 - The Global Refugee Crisis 38:23

In this lesson, students explore the causes of the world's refugee crisis today. They learn about the Syrian civil war, Europe's response to the crisis, and possible solutions.

60 Lesson 9 - Activity Review 03:12

This is the activity review video for Lesson 9 - The Global Refugee Crisis.

61 Lesson 10 - Border Walls 25:16

In this lesson, students examine the increase in border wall construction around the world and consider its causes and effects.

62 Lesson 10 - Activity Review 06:17

This is the activity review video for Lesson 10 - Border Walls.

63 Lesson 11 - Immigration Opposing Viewpoints 39:27

In this lesson, students analyze opposing viewpoints on immigration topics. They look at claims, reason, evidence and analysis provided in a variety of texts. They evaluate the strength of these arguments and formulate their own opinions on these topics.

64 Lesson 11 - Activity Review 15:36

This is the activity review video for lesson 11 - Immigration Opposing Viewpoints.

Apartheid in South Africa & Racial Injustice in the U.S.

65 Unit 4 Overview 03:56

This is a brief overview of the topics and Essential Questions for the unit.

66 Lesson 1 - What was Apartheid? 24:44

In this lesson, students get an introduction to the country of South Africa and its history of legal segregation, known as apartheid. They learn key vocabulary and get an overivew of the timeline of events. Students also explore approaches to explaining why apartheid happened.

67 Lesson 1 - Activity Review 07:00

This is the activity review video for Lesson 1 - What was Apartheid?

68 Lesson 2 - What is Race? 35:58

In this lesson, students learn about the social construction of the concept of race. They learn that race is not related to biology and that it was created to for the purpose of justifying oppression.

69 Lesson 2 - Activity Review 08:02

This is the activity review video for Lesson 2 - What is Race?

70 Lesson 3 - The Effects of Apartheid 23:46

In this lesson, students examine some of the major effects of apartheid on the people of South Africa, such as segregation and systemic discrimination.

71 Lesson 3 - Activity Review 09:08

This is the activity review video for Lesson 3 - The Effects of Apartheid.

72 Lesson 4 - Apartheid Laws vs. Jim Crow 33:03

In this lesson, students learn about many of the Apartheid laws and compare and contrast them with laws in the U.S. during Jim Crow.

73 Lesson 4 - Activity Review 05:41

This is the activity review video for Lesson 4 - Apartheid Laws vs. Jim Crow.

74 Lesson 5 - Apartheid Resistance Leaders 18:38

In this lesson, students learn about the lives of some of South Africa's most famous anti-apartheid resistance leaders.

75 Lesson 5 - Activity Review 03:05

This is the activity review video for Lesson 5 - Apartheid Resistance Leaders.

76 Lesson 6 - The Arts in the Anti-Apartheid Movement Part 1 40:35

In this lesson, students learn about the role of music and dance in the anti-apartheid movement.

77 Lesson 6 - Activity Review 07:04

This is the activity review video for Lesson 6 - The Arts in the Anti-Apartheid Movement Part 1.

78 Lesson 7 - The Arts in the Anti-Apartheid Movement Part 2 36:30

In this lesson, students learn about the functions music played in the movement to end Apartheid. They also examine how the characteristics of the protest music changed over time, reflecting changes in the Apartheid resistance movement.

79 Lesson 7 - Activity Review 03:46

This is the activity review video for Lesson 7 - The Arts in the Anti-Apartheid Movement Part 2.

80 Lesson 8 - History of Racial Injustice in the U.S. 41:57

In this lesson, students learn about the history of race and racism in colonial times through Reconstruction.

81 Lesson 8 - Activity Review 04:36

This is the activity review video for Lesson 8 - History of Racial Injustice in the U.S.

82 Lesson 9 - The Civil Rights Movement 30:36

In this lesson, students learn about the Jim Crow era and the major events and figures of the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.

83 Lesson 9 - Activity Review 04:23

This is the activity review video for Lesson 9 - The Civil Rights Movement.

84 Lesson 10 - The New Civil Rights Era 28:08

In this lesson, students examine the context of today's global racial justice movement, identify its main features, and explore ways to work to end racism in our world.

85 Lesson 10 - Activity Review 05:25

This is the activity review video for Lesson 10 - The New Civil Rights Era.

86 Closing 01:28

This video is a short closing video to review what was learned in World History and Social Issues.

Course Overview

This “World History and Social Issues” video course covers all of the content students need to successfully complete a 6th, 7th, 8th, or even 9th grade World History or Humanities class. It uses a Humanities model (English Language Arts & Social Studies) to examine contemporary issues in the world and explore their historical roots. Students will make connections between conflicts in world history and current events, think like historical detectives, and consider the role of civic action in solving today's most important social problems.

The course has four units addressing the following themes: European colonization of the Americas and Caribbean struggles for freedom, U.S. imperialism and immigration issues, industrialization and child labor today, Apartheid in South Africa and racial injustice today.

This course includes:  

• 4 UNITS 



• 39 EXERCISE REVIEW VIDEOS (I explain correct answers to the assigned activities)  








Course Goals 

Upon course completion, students will be able to make connections between historical events and current-day social issues such as economic inequality, immigration, racial injustice, and child labor. Students will use analytical thinking, informational reading, note-taking skills, argumentative writing, and media literacy skills to analyze the content and demonstrate their learning. This course will prepare students to be informed and active citizens who can use evidence to support their viewpoints and engage in civil discourse about some of today's most important social issues.

Target Audience 

This video-course is primarily intended for middle school students who are interested in real-world issues that are not always discussed in world history courses. Students looking to better understand the world and seek solutions to social problems will develop their critical thinking skills in this course, where they will encounter rigorous and meaningful curriculum that is authentic and relevant to their lives. 

Course Requirements

Students taking this course will need to have completed elementary school history/social studies and English Language Arts.

World History and Social Issues Course Outline

Unit 1: Colonization of the Americas & Caribbean Struggles for Freedom

Lesson 1: Intro to Colonization

Lesson 2: God, Gold, and Glory: Reasons for European Colonization

Lesson 3: Columbus in the Caribbean

Lesson 4: The Columbian Exchange & Triangle Slave Trade

Lesson 5: The Haitian Revolution

Lesson 6: U.S. Imperialism & The Spanish American War

Lesson 7: The Cuban Revolution

Lesson 8: Dictatorship in the Dominican Republic

Lesson 9: Current Struggles for Freedom: The Restavek Children of Haiti


Unit 2: Industrialization & Child Labor Today

Lesson 1: Origins of the Industrial Revolution

Lesson 2: The Spread of the Industrial Revolution

Lesson 3: Industrial Revolution in the U.S.

Lesson 4: The Struggle to Organize

Lesson 5: The Fight to End Child Labor during the Industrial Revolution

Lesson 6: The Triangle Factory Fire

Lesson 7: Sweatshops and the Garment Industry Today

Lesson 8: Child Farmworkers in the U.S. Today

Lesson 9: Child Labor Around the World Today

Lesson 10: What Can We Do?


Unit 3: U.S. Imperialism & Immigration Issues Today

Lesson 1: Immigration Debates

Lesson 2: Why do people migrate?

Lesson 3: Immigration Myths and Facts

Lesson 4: Timeline of Immigration

Lesson 5: Immigration Maps

Lesson 6: How to Immigrate to the U.S.

Lesson 7: U.S.-Mexico War

Lesson 8: US Imperialism and Latin American Immigration

Lesson 9: The Global Refugee Crisis

Lesson 10: Border Walls

Lesson 11: Immigration Opposing Viewpoints


Unit 4: Apartheid in South Africa & Racial Injustice in the U.S.

Lesson 1: What was Apartheid?

Lesson 2: What is Race?

Lesson 3: The Effects of Apartheid

Lesson 4: Apartheid Laws vs. Jim Crow

Lesson 5: Apartheid Resistance Leaders

Lesson 6: The Arts in the Anti-Apartheid Movement Part 1

Lesson 7: The Arts in the Anti-Apartheid Movement Part 2

Lesson 8: History of Racial Injustice in the U.S.

Lesson 9: The Civil Rights Movement

Lesson 10: The New Civil Rights Era


  • Teacher: Freja
  • Areas of expertise: Middle School Humanities
  • Education: B.A. Education for Social Change M.A. Secondary Education (Social Studies)
  • Interests: education, parenting, travel, world languages
  • Skills: curriculum design, teacher coaching, Spanish-speaking
  • Associations: Massachusetts Teaching License English & History Grades 5-8
  • Issues I care about: human rights, social justice, education reform

I am a talented educator and teacher leader with 12 years of classroom teaching experience in middle school Humanities (English Language Arts and History). My personal philosophy of education is to provide a rigorous and meaningful curriculum that enables students to better understand the world and seek solutions to social problems. Through hands-on, project-based learning that expects students to demonstrate mastery of complex skills and knowledge, I believe education can be authentic and relevant to students’ lives.

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

World History and Social Issues Course Outline

This is the course outline for World History and Social Issues. It is a list of the 4 units and corresponding lessons.

World History and Social Issues Quiz Answer Key

This document provides the answers to all lesson quizzes throughout the course.

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