Course Overview
This course is unique because it has an organized and time tested yoga curriculum which will allow students to master the technique of each pose. In addition, the curriculum offers a detailed introduction to yoga philosophy beyond the physical postures.
Course Goals
Upon Completion of this course, students will be prepared to take a full length yoga class, know the technique of each pose and be safe while practicing. They will have a solid mindfulness foundation to support them emotionally and mentally in their daily interactions with themselves, their closed ones as well as their community at large. In addition, they will be able to practice guided relaxation to help them lower their anxiety level, improve their memory as well as help them relax physically, emotionally and mentally.
Course Includes:
- 55 Video-lessons
- 10 Hours of instruction (approximately)
- 10 Mindfulness practices
- 6 Guided relaxations called Yoga Nidra
Course Topics
-The Story of Yoga and Sun Salutation.
-The Standing poses and Loving Kindness Practice.
-The Sitting and Cross-Legged Poses and Truthfulness Practice.
-The Forward Bending Poses and Generosity Practice.
-The Inverted Poses and Moderation Practice.
-The Abdominal Poses and Letting Go Practice.
-The Twisting Poses and Cleanliness.
-The Back Bending Poses and Happiness Practice.
-The Arm Balancing Poses and Motivation Practice.
-The Restorative Poses and Know Yourself Practice.
-Daily Yoga Routines.
-Guided Meditation, Yoga Nidra.