Art On! K-3

Teacher: Raylene
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 1059


0 Course Introduction Video 02:36

Hello All! I am so excited you are thinking about joining me in this Art journey. Here is the course introduction video and material list you will need to complete this course. Please, do not feel obligated to purchase the most expensive brand. I do recommend checking the ingredients in your products before purchasing. You may also check your local craft stores for coupons. I have also uploaded a list of helpful books for your student/s to read during this course. I hope you all are well and are ready to start this journey with me. 

1 Silly Line People 13:25

We will be focusing on the Art Element "Line" during this assignment all while exploring our creativity to draw a silly line person. 

"I can identify different types of line. I can draw and identify different types of shape. I can follow direction."


Drawing Paper (optional)

Colored Construction Paper

Pencil & Eraser (optional)

White Crayon or White Colored Pencil


2 Piet Mondrian Overlapping Shapes 16:35

In this lesson, we will learn about Piet Mondrian and how he transformed shapes and color into abstract art. We will focus on simple geometric shapes and primary colors. 

"I can successfully overlap different geometric shapes. I can identify new shapes and use primary colors. I can follow direction."


Drawing paper

Pencil & Eraser

Stencils (optional)

Black crayon

Primary Colored Crayons (Red, Blue, Yellow)

3 Pattern Owls 24:35

In this lesson we will learn about different patterns and review our shapes and lines. 

"I can incorporate pattern into a piece of artwork."


Pencil & Eraser

Drawing Paper


4 Todd Parr Self Portraits 20:56

In this lesson, we will be diving into the world of Todd Parr. Todd Parr is an author and illustrator who is best known for his books all around the world and his colorful illustrations. We will be focusing on the human head and what shapes make a human face. 

"I can create a self portrait inspired by Todd Parr." 


Colored Construction Paper

White Drawing Paper

Pencil & Eraser




5 Paul Klee Cubism Cityscapes 15:18

In this lesson, we will be focusing on shape and color. Our lesson is inspired by Paul Klee. 

"I can create a cityscape inspired by Paul Klee."


Pencil & Eraser

Drawing Paper


Ruler (optional)

6 Geometric Robots and Organic Backgrounds 20:32

In this lesson, we will be focusing on geometric and organic shapes and what makes them different. Explore your creativity as you create your own robot. 

"I can create a robot using Geometric shapes and a background using Organic shapes." 



Pencil & Eraser



7 Color Theory 16:19

In this lesson, we will learn the importance of color theory. We will be focusing on Primary and Secondary colors during this lesson. 

"I can correctly identify Primary colors and correctly mix Secondary colors. 


Thick Drawing Paper




Water Cup

Black Crayon to draw worksheet 

8 Diffusion Painting with a Straw 11:43

In this lesson, we will be learning how to diffuse paint using a straw. We will be focusing on color and how to use watercolors in this lesson. 

"I can create a piece of watercolor artwork by using a straw. I can correctly identify my Primary and Secondary colors."


Thick White Paper




Water Cup

9 Bubble Painting 18:04

In this lesson, we learn to use unconventional supplies to create unique and one of a kind paintings. 

"I can create a piece of art using bubbles."


Tempera Paint 

Thick White Paper


Water cup

Table Protector


Dish Soap

Cups for paint & soap solution

10 Resist Painting 15:51

In this lesson, we learn about resists and the art form Batik. 

"I can use resist techniques to create a piece of artwork."


Pencil & Eraser (optional)

White Crayon

Thick White Paper



Water Cup

11 Dali Birds 13:06

In this lesson, we learn about the wonderful world of Salvador Dali and his unique style of painting called Surrealism. 

"I can create birds inspired by Salvador Dali."


Thick Drawing Paper

Pencil & Paper




Black Crayon

12 Color Field Painting 29:04

In this lesson, we create a painting using a cork. This painting is inspired by Alma Thomas. 

"I can create a color field painting just like Alma Thomas."


Pencil & Eraser


X-acto Knife


Water Cup


Paper Plate

Cork (from wine bottle)

Tempera Paint - At least Primary colors

Thick Drawing or Painting Paper

Mixed Media

13 Salt Painting 19:41

In this lesson, we review color theory and learn how to add texture into our painting using salt and glue. 

"I can create a piece of artwork using salt."


THICK paper or cardstock

Pencil & Eraser

Liquid Glue


Water Cup


Table Salt

14 Yayoi Kusama Pumpkins 18:49

In this lesson, we will dive into the wonderful world that is Yayoi Kusama. We will be focusing on using polka dots and different materials in order to create a Yayoi inspired pumpkin. 

"I can use polka dots to create a piece of artwork, like Yayoi Kusama." 


Colored Construction Paper

Paper Plate

Paint Palette

Tempera Paint

Stippling Sponge

Liquid Glue


15 Value Cones 20:23

In this lesson, we will be working at the importance of value and how to achieve it using tempura paint. We will be focusing on color and shape during this lesson. 

"I can successfully incorporate value into my artwork."


Thick White Paper

Pencil & Eraser

Tempera Paint

Construction Paper: Yellow and Background Paper

Paint Palette




Brown Marker

Circle Stencil (optional)

16 Chalk and Glue Leaves 17:52

In this lesson, we will be learning how to use glue to create different textures and how to use chalk pastels to blend our colors. In this lesson we will be focusing on color, shape, and how to use glue to create texture. 

"I can create texture using glue and can use chalk pastels to add color to my leaf drawing."


Pencil & Eraser 

Practice Paper

White Colored Pencil

Black Construction Paper

Chalk Pastels

Liquid Glue

17 Jug Lantern 19:30

In this lesson, we learn how to turn used plastic jugs into something beautiful.

"I can create a stained glass effect lantern using tissue paper."


Protective cover for table 

Clear Plastic Jug

X-acto Knife/Scissors

Flat Tip Paintbrush

Mod Podge (glossy)

Tissue Paper


Washi Tape

Regular Tape

18 Tissue Paper Stained Glass 14:13

In this lesson, we will learn about stained glass and where to find it. Next time you are out and about, look for stained glass in churches, older homes, and various buildings. 

"I can create a stained glass piece of art."


Black Contsruction Paper

Tissue Paper pieces


Contact Paper

Mod Podge (optional)

White Colored Pencil

Pencil & Eraser (optional)

19 Monet Lilies 18:31

In this lesson, we create a piece of artwork inspired by Claude Monet using chalk pastels and tissue paper. 

" I can create a Monet inspired piece of artwork using tissue paper and pastels."


Drawing Paper

Chalk Pastels


Tissue Paper


Fiber Design and Printmaking

20 Batik Bag 20:36

In this lesson, we learn the art of Batik and how to create a piece of functional artwork using fabric.

"I Can create a batik bag inspired by Wassily Kandinsky."


Pencil & Paper (for practice)

Elmers Gel Glue

Fabric Paint ( NO PUFFY PAINT!!!) or Acrylic Paint

Iron (If you are using fabric paint)


100% Cotton Bag (1 or 3 pack)

Fabric Marker (optional)


Water Cups ( one for each color and one to clean your brush)

21 Leaf Printmaking 12:42

In this lesson, we learn the basic knowledge of printmaking and how to use Mother Nature to create a piece of artwork. 

"I can create a print using leaves and tempera paint."




Tempera Paint


Water Cup

Protective cover for table

Paint Palette 


22 Styrofoam Printmaking 27:53

In this lesson, we dive further into the art of printmaking using tempera paint and styrofoam. 

"I can create a print inspired by Hokusai's blockprinting technique."


Drawing Paper

Pencil & Eraser

Tempera Paint

Paint Palette



Styrofoam specifically made for Printmaking 

23 Fiber Design: Tie Dye 15:55

In this lesson, we learn the basics of dying fabric and creating fun designs. 

"I can successfully incorporate tie dye to create a fiber design t-shirt."


100% Cotton Shirt

Non-toxic Fabric Dye for Natural Fibers

Rubber Bands

Protective Cover or Tray


Laundry Detergent

Pottery and Sculpture

24 Rainbow Mobile 17:58

In this lesson, we learn how to make our own rainbow mobile inspired by Alexander Calder. 

"I can create a Mobile inspired by Alexander Calder."



Sharpie, Crayon, or Pencil

Tempera Paint

Bobby Pin/ Paperclip


String/ Yarn

Paint Palette 

25 Line Sculpture 13:30

In this lesson, we review our art element "Line" and learn to create a 3D sculpture. 

"I can turn my 2D lines into 3D sculptures."


Construction Paper



26 Coil Pot 26:39

In this lesson, we learn the coil technique used in pottery. 

" I can create a coil pot using even and round coils."


Air Dry Clay

Tempera Paint


Water Cup

Protective Layer for Table

27 Yarn Basket 12:55

In this lesson, we turn yarn/string into a functional basket. 

"I can create a yarn basket."



Liquid Glue


Bowl Form

Protective layer for table and bowl form

Disposable Bowl of Water

28 Wayne Thiebaud Lollipop 14:06

In this lesson, we review our coil rolling technique to create a colorful lollipop inspired by Wayne Thiebaud. 

"I can create a sculpture inspired by Wayne Thiebaud." 


Air Dry Clay

Tempera Paint


Wooden Dowl or Popsicle Sticks

Liquid Glue

Mod Podge

29 Nature Print Pendants 15:52

In this lesson, we use Mother Nature to create a wearable nature print pendant. 

"I can make a nature print pendant using leaves and clay."


Air Dry Clay

Smaller Leaves

Straw or small rolling pin

Protective Cover for Table

Tempera Paint




Mod Podge (optional)

Stencil or Small Cookie Cutter

Art Elements

30 Art Element “Line” 04:30

In this lesson, we go in-depth about the Art Element "Line." 

31 Art Element “Shape” 06:04

In this lesson, we go in-depth about the Art Element "Shape." 

32 Art Element “Color” 04:12

In this lesson, we go in-depth about the Art Element "Color."

33 Art Element “Texture” 06:59

In this lesson, we go in-depth about the Art Element "Texture." 

34 Art Element ”Form” 05:29

In this lesson, we go in-depth about the Art Element "Form."

35 Art Element “Space” 06:04

In this lesson, we go in-depth about the Art Element "Space."

36 Art Element “Value” 07:27

In this lesson, we go in-depth about the Art Element "Value."

Course Overview

Hello All! I am so happy you are thinking about joining me in this art journey. In this course, we will dive into the fundamentals of art all while learning different artists, artist techniques, and a variety of mediums. I have created this course for friends and families that are interested in broadening their art experience. There are so many wonderful wonders in art. I made it my goal to create a course suitable for all types of learners of all ages. I hope you will join me in this spectacular world of art and I look forward to seeing you in class! 

This course includes:

  • 36 videos 
  • Informational Documents on artists and artist techniques
  • Worksheets and practice sheets
  • One quiz per section
  • Six answer keys

Course Goals

Each lesson will have an "I Can" statement, which is a goal your student should strive to achieve at the end of the project. 

The "I Can" statements for this course are:

"I can master the basic artist techniques in drawing, painting, mixed media, fiber design, printmaking, and sculpture"

" I can master the ability to identify relationships between my artwork and the artwork/artist I have learned about."

"I can comprehend and identify different artists and their techniques/styles."

"I can explore my creativity to develop my own artistic technique." 

Target Audience

This course is designed for students K-3rd grade, however it is fun and educational for all elementary aged children. 

Course Requirements

Material list, which will be uploaded as a lesson in this course.

The willingness to be creative and have an open mind. 


Most of these assignments were designed to be completed in multiple sessions. Art happens in stages. Please allow yourself the time to create your artwork. 

Course Topics

Section 1: Drawing

  • Silly Line People
  • Piet Mondrian Overlapping Shapes
  • Pattern Owls
  • Todd Parr Self Portraits
  • Paul Klee City Scapes
  • Geometric Robots
    • Section 1 Assessment located in this lesson

Section 2: Painting

  • Color Theory
  • Diffusion Painting
  • Bubble Painting
  • Resist Painting 
  • Salvador Dali Birds
  • Alma Thomas Color Field Painting
    • Section 2 Assessment located in this lesson

Section 3: Mixed Media

  • Salt Painting
  • Yayoi Kusama Pumkins
  • Value Cones
  • Jug Lantern
  • Tissue Paper Stained Glass
  • Monet Lilies
    • Section 3 Assessment located in this lesson

Section 4: Fiber Design and Printmaking

  • Batik Cotton Bag
  • Leaf Printmaking
  • Styrofoam Block Printing
  • Tie Dye Fiber Design
    • Section 4 Assessment located in this lesson 

Section 5: Sculpture and Pottery

  • Calder Rainbow Mobile
  • Line Sculpture
  • Coil Pot
  • Yarn Baskets
  • Wayne Thiebaud Lollipops
  • Nature Print Pendants
    • Section 5 Assessment located in this lesson 

Section 6: Art Elements

  • Line
  • Shape 
  • Color
  • Texture
  • Form
  • Space
  • Texture
    • Section 6 Assessment located in this lesson 

  • Teacher: Raylene
  • Areas of expertise: Art Education K-12th Grade
  • Education: University of Northern Colorado B.A in Art Education with an emphasis in Fiber Design
  • Interests: Working with Children, Fiber Design, Pottery, Sculpture, Health, Fitness, Dogs (sometimes cats as long as they act like dogs), Cooking, Traveling, Ballet, and Education.
  • Skills: I specialize in Fiber Design (sewing, weaving, screen printing, and dying), Pottery, Sculpture, and Cooking.
  • Associations: State licensed K-12 Art Teacher in CO and OH
  • Issues I care about: I have always been an advocate for expanding education in the Arts and have always strived to provide quality education that expands the creativity of my students.

Hello friends! I am so excited you stopped by! I am so happy you are thinking of joining me. I have been working with children for the past fourteen years ranging from working in childcare centers and teaching K-12 art. My goal is to provide you with a quality art program that focuses on art history, different mediums, and techniques while encouraging you to explore your creativity. It’s time to turn on our creative hats and I hope you will join me in this journey!

Assessment Answer Keys

This is where you will find all the answers for your students' assessments for this course. They will need to pass each section's assessment in order to move forward in this course. 

Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document
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