High School Economics

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Teacher: JP
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2536

Course Introduction

0 Course Introduction 05:49

Introductory video to the course

Unit 1: Thinking Like an Economist

1 Unit 1 Lesson 1: Economics and The Science of Choices 06:55

Lesson 1: You will understand why economics is often called the science of choices.

2 Unit 1 Lesson 1 Review Exercise 03:13

Review lesson for material in lesson 1.

3 Unit 1 Lesson 2: Seven Principles of Economics 10:57

You will understand the seven principles of economics.

4 Unit 1 Lesson 2 Review Exercise 04:08

Review lesson for material in lesson 2.

5 Unit 1 Lesson 3: Opport. Cost, Production's Factors, Circular Flow 16:53

You will understand what opportunity cost is and how it applies to our everyday lives. You will understand the four factors of production,the circular flow of economic activity and how these impact economies.

6 Unit 1 Lesson 3 Review Exercise 02:48

Review lesson for material in lesson 3.

7 Unit 1 Lesson 4: Production Possibilities Curve 10:47

You will demonstrate understanding of production possibilities chart and graph and be able to use that information to make economic decisions.

8 Unit 1 Lesson 4 Review Exercise 02:44

Review lesson for material in lesson 4.

9 Unit 1 Lesson 5: Thinking Like an Economist Unit Review 12:23

Review of basic economic concepts from unit 1.

10 Unit 1 Lesson 5 Video Review Exercise 04:24

Review lesson for material in lesson 5.

11 Unit 1 Assessment 00:00

This is the assessment for unit 1.

Unit 2: Supply and Demand

12 Unit 2 Lesson 1: Factors That Determine Demand 11:22

You will demonstrate understanding of the law of demand and the 6 factors that determine demand.

13 Unit 2 Lesson 1 Review Lesson 03:33

Review lesson for material in lesson 1.

14 Unit 2 Lesson 2: Demand Schedule and Demand Curves 10:09

You will be able to interpret and develop demand schedules and create demand curve.

15 Unit 2 Lesson 2 Review Lesson 02:39

Review lesson on material in lesson 2.

16 Unit 2 Lesson 3: Elasticity of Demand 12:53

You will be able to show understanding of Elasticity of Demand.

17 Unit 2 Lesson 3 Review 02:54

Review exercise for lesson 3.

18 Unit 2 Lesson 4: Factors That Determine Supply 13:55

You will be able to explain the concept of supply and quantity supplied and the factors that determine supply.

19 Unit 2 Lesson 4 Review Exercise 02:54

Video review of lesson 4 exercise.

20 Unit 2 Lesson 5: Market Equilibrium 13:30

You will be able to explain the concept of market equilibrium and demonstrate understanding how supply and demand interact to determine price.

21 Unit 2 Lesson 5 Video Review 04:51

Video review of material in lesson 5.

22 Unit 2 Assessment 00:00

This is your cumulative assessment for unit 2.

Unit 3: Economic Systems

23 Unit 3 Lesson 1: Economic Systems and the 3 Economic Questions 10:12

You will observe short PPT on unit 3 ā€œEconomic Systemsā€ and how the 3 Basic Economic questions are answered in each system.

24 Unit 3 Lesson 1 Video Review Exercise 03:13

Video review of material in lesson 1.

25 Unit 3 Lesson 2: Social Goals in Economic Systems 12:09

You will demonstrate understanding of the broad social goals for each economic system.

26 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Video Review Exercise 04:00

Video review of material in lesson 2.

27 Unit 3 Lesson 3: Price Controls 07:44

28 Unit 3 Lesson 3 Video Review Exercise 03:20

Video review of material in lesson 3.

29 Unit 3 Lesson 4 : Free Enterprise System 11:36

You will demonstrate understanding of the Free Enterprise System and be able to effectively demonstrate how it can be applied to help poorer nations.

30 Unit 3 Lesson 4 Video Review Exercise 05:26

Video review of material in lesson 4.

31 Unit 3 Lesson 5: Free Enterprise and Ethics 07:12

You will demonstrate understanding of the Free Enterprise System and the role that ethics plays.

32 Unit 3 Lesson 5 Video Review Exercise 05:36

Video review of material in lesson 5.

33 Unit 3 Lesson 6: Market Structures 13:39

You will demonstrate understanding of market structures.

34 Unit 3 Lesson 6 Video Review Exercise 03:16

Video review exercise of material in lesson 6.

35 Unit 3 Assessment 00:00

Assessment for unit 3.

Unit 4: Macroeconomic Principles

36 Unit 4 Lesson 1: The Fed and Monetary Policy 14:29

Unit 4: Macro Economic Principles


The role government plays in making economic decisions and policies.

Colorado State Standards: Economics

Standard 1:  Productive resources – natural, human, capital – are scarce; therefore, choices are made

about how individuals, businesses, governments, and societies allocate these resources

Standard 2: Economic policies affect markets

Standard 3: Competition affects markets

37 Unit 4 Lesson 1 Video Review Exercise 03:48

Video review of material in lesson 1.

38 Unit 4 Lesson 2: Gross Domestic Product 12:11

Lesson 2: You will show understanding of GDP and how GDP is calculated and what GDP tells us about a nationā€™s economic health.

39 Unit 4 Lesson 2 Video Review Exercise 02:44

Video review of material in lesson 2.

40 Unit 4 Lesson 3: The Great Depression 11:09

Lesson 3: You will show understanding of the causes of the Great Depression.

41 Unit 4 Lesson 3 Video Review Exercise 03:21

Video review of material in lesson 3.

42 Unit 4 Lesson 4: Inflation and Unemployment 15:53

Lesson 4: You will show understanding of inflation and unemployment and how it impacts economies.

43 Unit 4 Lesson 4 Video Review Exercise 02:51

Video review exercise of material in lesson 4.

44 Unit 4 Lesson 5: Fiscal Policy 11:55

Lesson 5: You will show understanding of fiscal policy and how decisions made by national and state governments affect the economy.

45 Unit 4 Lesson 5 Video Review Exercise 04:17

Video review of material in lesson 5.

46 Unit 4 Assessment 00:00

Assessment on material from Unit 4.

Unit 5: Personal Financial Literacy

47 Unit 5 Lesson 1: The Importance of Saving 09:02

Unit 5: Personal Financial Literacy


Personal finance is a lifelong skill to meet personal financial goals.


49 Unit 5 Lesson 2: Time Value of Money 07:03

Lesson 2: You will show understanding of how to calculate Time Value of Money and The Rule of 72.

50 Unit 5 Lesson 2 Video Review Exercise 02:49

Video review lesson on material from lesson 2.

51 Unit 5 Lesson 3: Establishing Good Credit 20:18

Lesson 3: You will demonstrate understanding of the importance of establishing good credit.

52 Unit 5 Lesson 3 Video Review Exercise 04:10

Video review on material from lesson 3.

53 Unit 5 Lesson 4 : Saving for Retirement 12:36

Lesson 4: You will demonstrate understanding of retirement investment topics.

54 Unit 5 Lesson 4 Video Review Exercise 02:57

Video review on material from lesson 4.

55 Unit 5 Assessment 00:00

Assessment on material from unit 5.

Course Review

56 Course Review Video Lesson 1 06:51

Lecture video review from material in unit 1.

57 Course Review Video Lesson 2 10:47

Video review from material in unit 2.

58 Course Review Video Lesson 3 09:57

Review lesson from unit 3.

59 Course Review Video Lesson 4 11:11

Video review from material in unit 4.

60 Course Review Video Lesson 5 12:34

Video review for material in unit 5.

61 Final Assessment 00:00

Course final assessment.

High School Economics Course Description

Course Description: This economics course is a 30 lesson, 5 unit long course that familiarizes students with the basic concepts of the economic world. Students will be exposed to economic principles and personal financial literacy skills, which will prepare them for 21st Century challenges as thoughtful and responsible citizens. All lessons align with Council for Economic Education (CEE) and the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) for economics.

This course includes:




25 EXERCISE REVIEW VIDEOS (I explain step by step how to reach the correct answer)







Unit 1: Thinking Like an Economist-Understand the allocation of scarce resources in societies through analysis of individual choice and market interaction. Colorado State Standards: Economics Standard 1: Productive resources – natural, human, capital – are scarce; therefore, choices are made about how individuals, businesses, governments, and societies allocate these resources

Lesson 1: You will understand why economics is often called the science of choices.

Lesson 2: You will understand the seven principles of economics.

Lesson 3: You will understand what opportunity cost is and how it applies to our everyday lives. You will understand the four factors of production, the circular flow of economic activity and how these impact economies.

Lesson 4: You will demonstrate understanding of production possibilities chart and graph and be able to use that information to make economic decisions.

Lesson 5: Unit Review

Unit 2: Supply and Demand-The flexible price system in a market based economy allows for economic efficiency. Colorado State Standards: Economics Standard 1: Productive resources – natural, human, capital – are scarce; therefore, choices are made about how individuals, businesses, governments, and societies allocate these resources. Standard 2: Economic policies affect markets Standard 3: Competition affects markets

Lesson 1: You will demonstrate understanding of the law of demand and the 6 factors that determine demand.

Lesson 2: You will be able to interpret and develop demand schedules and create demand curves.

Lesson 3: You will be able to show understanding of Elasticity of Demand.

Lesson 4: You will be able to explain the concept of supply and quantity supplied and the factors that determine supply.

Lesson 5: You will be able to explain the concept of market equilibrium and demonstrate understanding how supply and demand interact to determine price.

Unit 3: Economic Systems-Analyze and evaluate how economic policies, government and competition affect markets. Colorado State Standards: Economics Standard 2: Economic policies affect markets. Standard 3: Government and competition affect markets.

Lesson 1: You will observe short PPT on unit 3 “Economic Systems” and how the 3 Basic Economic questions are answered in each system.

Lesson 2: You will demonstrate understanding of the broad social goals for each economic system.

Lesson 3: You will demonstrate understanding price controls.

Lesson 4: You will demonstrate understanding of the Free Enterprise System and be able to effectively demonstrate how it can be applied to help poorer nations.

Lesson 5: You will demonstrate understanding of the Free Enterprise System and the role that ethics plays.

Lesson 6: You will demonstrate understanding of market structures.

Unit 4: Macro Economic Principles-The role government plays in making economic decisions and policies. Colorado State Standards: Economics Standard 1: Productive resources – natural, human, capital – are scarce; therefore, choices are made about how individuals, businesses, governments, and societies allocate these resources. Standard 2: Economic policies affect markets. Standard 3: Competition affects markets.

Lesson 1: You will demonstrate understanding of the Federal Reserve System and how The Fed can change monetary policy, or money supply.

Lesson 2: You will show understanding of GDP and how GDP is calculated and what GDP tells us about a nation’s economic health.

Lesson 3: You will show understanding of the causes of the Great Depression.

Lesson 4: You will show understanding of inflation and unemployment and how it impacts economies.

Lesson 5: You will show understanding of fiscal policy and how decisions made by national and state governments affect the economy.

Unit 5: Personal Financial Literacy-Personal finance is a lifelong skill to meet personal financial goals. Colorado State Standards: Standard 4: Design, analyze, and apply a financial plan based on short- and long-term financial goals (PFL). Standard 5: Analyze strategic spending, saving, and investment options to achieve the objectives of diversification, liquidity, income, and growth (PFL) Standard 6: The components of personal credit to manage credit and debt (PFL). Standard 7: Identify, develop, and evaluate risk-management strategies (PFL)

Lesson 1: You will show understanding of the importance of saving.

Lesson 2: You will show understanding of how to calculate Time Value of Money and The Rule of 72

Lesson 3: You will demonstrate understanding of the importance of establishing good credit.

Lesson 4: You will demonstrate understanding of retirement investment topics.

Course Review and Final Exam

Unit 1-Unit 5 Review (5 lessons)


  • Teacher: JP
  • Areas of expertise: STEM, Economics, Project Based Learning, Civics, History, Personal Finance, Curriculum Development. Teacher Evaluation School Administrator
  • Education: I have multiple degrees from multiple colleges and universities. Most recently I completed the Education Leadership and Policy Studies program through the University of Denver to obtain my Principal License. In 2009 I received my MA in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Colorado. I received my initial teaching license in 2004 from Metro State University. Prior to that I earned my BA from Ft. Lewis College.
  • Interests: I enjoy spending time with my family here in beautiful Colorado. I love to ski, fish and the great outdoors. I have a passion for education and I am always challenging my teachers to think creatively and to engage their learners to prepare them for the challenges of the 21st Century.
  • Skills: Curriculum Development, Teacher Evaluation, Project Based Learning
  • Associations:
  • Issues I care about: I firmly believe in equitable education for all students. I believe that education is the gateway to personal and financial success. I care about civic duty and responsibility and know that character development can take a student far in life.

I have been in education since 2003 and have served in various roles, from classroom teacher, to STEM Coordinator and administrator at the high school level. I have taught a variety of courses, including Advanced Placement and honors level courses. I have worked at the district level developing curriculum that is used by dozens of schools and thousands of students. I have a passion for high quality education for all students that continues to motivate me each and every day.

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Unit 3 Lesson 3 Price Controls

Units 1-5 Quiz Answer Keys

Answer keys for all lesson quizzes, units 1-5

Council for Economic Education

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