Complete Homeschool Program

Teacher: Lernsys
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 19542

0 Get a complete homeschool program for only $149. 12:34

Complete Homeschool Bundle


Get ANY 5 courses for only $249*

(Regular Price $625)


*Limited Time Offer. Get a complete homeschool study program (up to 5 courses) for only $249. Applicable to all courses, grades, and subject areas.


Complete homeschool program includes:

  • Complete step-by-step homeschool program with lifetime access
  • Any 5 courses (a value of over $1250 if purchased separately)
  • Access to hundreds of video-lessons, activities, documents, print-outs and materials in each course
  • Downloadable worksheets, activities, exercises, and support documents
  • Hundreds of practice questions and step-by-step solutions provided by the teacher
  • Digital quizzes with auto-correct 
  • Parents-only resources area (answer keys and other documents for parents only)
  • Full course and program curriculum
  • Certificate of completion (for individual courses)
  • Diploma (for entire 5 course study program)
  • Lifetime access!

Note: You will be able to select your 5 courses after you complete the check-out process.

Feature Lernsys Others

Complete Homeschool Program

*Lernsys gives you Lifetime Access; others charge ongoing monthly/yearly fees.

$249 (Lifetime Access)

$399 and up

(12 months)

Access To All Courses 
Yes No
Downloadable Activities & Worksheets w/ Step by Step Teacher Reviews
Yes No
Free Resources (over 15,000)
Yes Some
Step-by-step Worksheet Review Videos
Yes No
Digital Quizzes and Tests With Autocorrect
Yes Some
Course Anti-skip Feature
Yes No
Activities, Tests/Quizzes, Answer Keys
Yes Some
Nationally and State Licensed Teachers with Masters and PhDs
Yes Some
Course and Teacher Choice
Yes No
Digital Quiz/Test Auto-grading, Transcripts, and Recursive Grading
Yes No
Parent-Only Resource Area
Yes Some
Certificate of Completion


Diploma (Complete Program)




Unparalleled Value

Our program provides homeschooling parents and students unparalled academic value for as little as $1 per lesson or less. Our Complete Homeschool Program will provide you everything you need to make homeschooling effective and fun for approximately $20/month (one time only annual payment required giving you lifetime access to the materials). In today's highly competitive world, high quality education should be affordable, accessible and offer parents both choice and control. To succeed in this challenging new world where our children are now competing for good paying jobs with people from around the world, quality education should no longer be a privilege and luxury of the few, but a right of the many. Lernsys is the democratization of quality education.

Lernsys delivers high quality education at a reasonable cost from experienced teachers including certified, state and nationally-licensed educators, and even teachers who hold multiple certifications such as Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Education (M.Ed. or Ed.M.; Latin Magister Educationis or Educationis Magister), and even EdD or PhD's. Most of our academic courses include:

  • Curriculum for an entire school year
  • Complete video-lessons from certified teachers
  • Worksheets, exercises, activites, practice material
  • Worksheet and activity review videos (teachers review and correct each exercise and activity step by step)
  • Digital quizzes/tests
  • Answer keys
  • Additional resources for parents
  • Certificate of completion
  • Diplomas (for 3 and 5 course bundle study programs)
  • Lifetime Access


The Lernsys Difference

homeschooling New Jersey Curriculum. As a parent, you are well aware of the time, effort, expense and frustration that goes into finding a professionally developed curriculum which optimizes your children´s study time and potential, focuses on what is truly important in the 21st century, and one which is provided by experienced educators to meet or exceed state standards while cutting through the senseless and irrelevant clutter. When you purchase access to a Lernsys course, you are ensuring that each minute spent learning new concepts and information is time well spent and that each lesson is productive and helping achieve your child´s full potential.

homeschooling New Jersey Video-lessons. Our video-lessons are now the leading standard in the industry and developed by top educators in their respective fields of expertise. They deliver clearly defined lesson objectives, goals, and deliverables via a well-defined academic plan and structured approach. If you have tried "free" online solutions in the past, you know how frustrating and time-consuming it can be to find good quality lessons that actually follow a sequential pedagogic approach, and not simply "loose" lessons created and uploaded by pseudo-educators who often lack any real qualifications, state-issued certifications or degrees, let alone any actual classroom experience. Your time is very valuable; your children's education priceless. Cheap and stitched together solutions found on the web can do lasting harm when important concepts are not properly learned and mastered at the right time. Having to "unlearn" concepts not properly mastered is a common complaint many students voice after having tried over-the-counter "solutions". Our lessons are developed by qualified educators with actual teaching experience, some even from Ivy League universities such as Harvard, Columbia, and Berkeley, among other world-renowned institutions, and who often hold multiple certifications and degrees such as Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Education (M.Ed. or Ed.M.), and even EdD or PhD's.

homeschooling New Jersey Worksheets and Activities. Each course includes worksheets, exercises and practice material to ensure that each student not only understands and fully comprehends each lesson, but is able to master it. Most parents who homeschool or spend time helping their children with school related work face a daunting challenge: Ensuring that questions, exercises and problems accurately match the new material taught. However, this is seldom the case when pulling together material from different sources. Typically, exercises and worksheets found online seldom serve as true counterparts, thus creating a serious problem for students who often become disengaged and frustrated, blaming themselves for not being able to solve problems which may not truly reflect the new material learned in the first place. When you purchase a Lernsys course, you will no longer have to worry about spending valuable time trying to piece together and accurately match lessons with exercises.

homeschooling resourcesFollow-along Activity Review Videos. Finding quality worksheets, exercises and practice material can be very useful if it helps learn and master a new concept. But what happens when the student does not arrive to the correct answer and cannot figure out where the mistake was made? Either you are burdened with the task of figuring out the error, or the student becomes frustrated and loses interest. To deal with this very real and common dilemma, nearly all of our academic K to 12 courses include follow-along activity review videos where teachers review each worksheet or activity problem on the board step by step. This is extremely helpful for two reasons. Firstly, students get a chance to go over new concepts recently introduced and to see them apply in actual real-world scenarios. Secondly, if the student does not arrive to the proper answer or solution correctly, the teacher will explain the solution step by step, giving the student a chance to understand where the mistake was made, correct the work and make adjustments as needed. 

homeschooling quizzes and testsDigital Quizzes and Tests. Digital quizzes and tests not only ensure that students aren't attempting to skip over entire lessons, but they also validate that students have comprehended the new material well and can now master it. Our digital quizzes and tests also serve as actual evidence that the student is progressing well which is important since many school districts across the U.S. and Canada require parents who homeschool to provide evidence of testing being conducted as part of a well-defined homeschool program. This information must often come from a third-party or independent source. Because most of our courses contain digital quizzes and tests or a final exam, you are able to print out this information and provide it to city or state officials upon request.

homeschooling quizzes and testsResources. Parents often spend considerable time looking for additional resources, thinking creatively how to extend concepts in new ways beyond the classroom. Under the course's "Resources" section, you will often find material for parents which can include tests and quizzes' answer keys, additional exercises, worksheets, and cool ideas for parents who want to share activities with their children in creative ways. The "Resources" section is password protected and only parents can access it.

Quality education, hands-on practical instruction, top educators, engaging video-lessons, unparalleled value, real world results - discover the Lernsys difference.




*Special discounted price cannot be combined with any other coupons or discounts.


  • Teacher: Lernsys
  • Areas of expertise: Homeschooling: Math, science, language arts, history, geography, music, etc.
  • Education: Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Education (M.Ed., Ed.M., Latin Magister Educationis, Educationis Magister), EdD, PhD.
  • Interests: Homeschooling, K-12 education, and helping millions of families reach their education goals with a complete and affordable homeschool program or a la carte academic courses.
  • Skills: E-learning, homeschooling, distance learning, blended learning, unschooling.
  • Associations: State and/or nationally licensed teachers.
  • Issues I care about: Homeschooling, K-12 education, bullying.

Lernsys is a leading provider of premium academic content, engaging video courses and customized academic materials for public, private and homeschooled students in both North America and around the world. Lernsys is a non-profit organization built around one prevailing mantra - Education, Your Way. Lernsys provides families the most comprehensive and affordable selection of academic materials by certified and licensed teachers, a virtual one-stop-program for all your academic needs.

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