Seventh Grade Geography

Teacher: Stacy
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 2388

1 Introduction to Geography 11:10

Picture of Introduction to Geography

Students will learn the three main concepts that geography covers (biological, physical, and human systems), how they interact, what some of the main disciplines associated with geography are, and how geography impacts our daily lives. 

2 Review of introduction to geography 04:37

Students will review concepts covered in lesson and their responses to independent work.

3 Five themes of geography 09:06

Picture of Five themes of geography

Students will learn the basic framework for students of geography: Location, Place, Human/environment interaction, Movement, and Region.

4 Review of five themes of geography 01:20

Students will review concepts covered in lesson and their responses to independent work.

5 Geoliteracy 13:55

Picture of Geoliteracy

Geoliteracy, as defined by organizations such as National Geographic, involves the understanding of the world around us from two perspectives: spatial and ecological. When students contemplate both perspectives and everything they encompass, they are better able to understand the way humans, the physical world, and the biological world interact.

6 Geoliteracy review 06:46

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

7 Unit One Exam 00:00

This exam covers material included in Unit One, introduction to geography, including the concepts introduced in the Five Themes lesson and the Geoliteracy lesson

8 Population 23:06

Picture of Population

Students will not only learn why some areas are so densely populated while others are not, they will also learn how to investigate the population represented in the area in which they live, and will learn about why it is important that governments examine population density in their given regions.

9 Population review 03:56

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

10 Surveys 15:29

Picture of Surveys

Students will learn the importance of different types of surveys, including biological surveys. Students will learn how surveys are conducted, and how their results are applied for everyday purposes.

11 Surveys review 02:20

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

12 Globalization 26:30

Picture of Globalization

Students will learn the causes and consequences of globalization, including environmental impact, abuse of laborers, and spread of pandemics.

13 Globalization review 12:08

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

14 Introduction to economics 13:54

Picture of Introduction to economics

Students will learn the basic types of economies and their advantages and disadvantages

15 Economics review 04:48

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work

16 Cultural diffusion and acculturation 13:39

Picture of Cultural diffusion and acculturation

Students explore how cultures blend into their host society and vice versa, and the impact technology has had on accelerating the rate of acculturation.

17 Cultural diffusion and acculturation review 04:33

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work

18 Unit Two Exam 00:00

Exam covering concepts introduced in unit two, human geography

19 Landforms 12:05

Picture of Landforms

Students will identify landforms, including their location, how they were created, and the unique qualities specific landforms present.

20 Landforms review 02:52

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

21 Waterforms 08:28

Picture of Waterforms

After identifying major bodies of water on Earth, students will learn how these geographic features were formed and how they contribute to human, animal, and plant life on Earth.

22 Waterforms review 04:15

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

23 Plate tectonics 12:25

Picture of Plate tectonics

Students will explore the role of the movement of geological plates in causing earthquakes, volcanic activity, and other seismic events. Students will locate major plate activity on the globe.

24 Plate tectonics review 02:39

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

25 Physical geography of North America 09:22

Picture of Physical geography of North America

Students will not only identify major North American land and water features, they will identify how they were created and their impact on lifeforms around the region.

26 Review of North American physical geography 04:14

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

27 Latitude and longitude 10:16

Picture of Latitude and longitude

Students will expand on prior knowledge regarding latitude and longitude, identifying both the equator and the prime meridan, and will practice coordinate mapping, finally applying these concepts to real life scenarios, such as the use of GPS technology

28 Latitude and longitude review 05:00

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

29 Unit Three Exam 00:00

Exam covering unit three concepts of the physical Earth

30 European history overview and political geography 34:03

Picture of European history overview and political geography

Students will explore the historical basis for political boundaries in Europe through the analysis of topics including the Holy Roman Empire, WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and the various treaties and natural landforms that influence boundaries in Europe.

31 European history overview and political geography review 10:10

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

32 The EU and its roles 15:58

Picture of The EU and its roles

Students learn the purpose of the EU and its history

33 The EU and Brexit 08:21

Picture of The EU and Brexit

In 2016, the British people chose to leave the EU in a referendum. Why did they do so and what is the consequence?

34 Review of the EU and Brexit 02:32

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

35 Unit Four Exam 00:00

Exam four, covering unit lessons on Europe

36 Physical features of Latin America 07:33

Picture of Physical features of Latin America

Students will learn about the physical features of central and South America and how these features impact human, animal, and plant life which exists there.

37 Review of Latin American physical geography 04:02

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

38 Land use and its impact in Latin America 19:07

Picture of Land use and its impact in Latin America

Students will learn about the importance of the Amazon rain forest and the coral reefs which are found in Latin America, and how human activity has impacted these areas.

39 Land use in Latin America review 06:45

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

40 Cultural aspects of Latin America 22:35

Picture of Cultural aspects of Latin America

Students will learn the historical and current perspectives which influence Latin American culture, including the arts, sports, language, religion, and influence of colonial powers and native groups.

41 Cultural aspects of Latin America review 03:44

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work

42 Unit Five Exam 00:00

Unit five exam, covering all three lessons on Latin America

43 The Palestinian dilemma 30:08

Students learn about the Nakba and its consequences.

44 The Middle East and Northern Africa 21:50

Picture of The Middle East and Northern Africa

Students will learn about the historical, political, physical, and cultural features of the Middle East and North Africa.

45 Review of Middle East and North Africa 11:53

Students will review concepts covered in lesson and their responses to independent work.

46 Unit Six Exam 00:00

Students demonstrate mastery of concepts learned during N.Africa/Middle East lessons

47 Pacific ring of fire 12:03

Picture of Pacific ring of fire

Students learn the geology behind the ring of fire, and understand why plate boundaries interacting cause devastation

48 Pacific ring of fire review 08:43

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

49 Geography of Southeast Asia 42:09

Picture of Geography of Southeast Asia

Students will learn the physical, cultural, and political geography of the region

50 Geography of Southeast Asia review 06:18

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work.

51 Tiger economy rising 10:42

Picture of Tiger economy rising

Students will learn the history and current state of Asian economies, and why they dominate world financial markets.

52 Tiger economy rising review 02:30

Students review concepts introduced in lesson and correct independent work

53 Unit Seven Exam 00:00

This is the unit seven exam, covering the topics of the Pacific ring of fire, S.E. Asia geography, and Tiger economics

54 Physical geography of Africa 20:57

Students learn about Africa's major physical features, including elevation, water forms, deserts, arable land, and resources

55 Physical geography of Africa review 05:22

students review information learned in video lesson

56 Africa and imperialism 21:52

Students learn why Africa was colonized and the consequences of European imperialism on the continent of Africa

57 Review of African imperialism lesson 07:32

Students review information learned in African Imperialism lesson

58 Africa in modern times 22:45

Students learn about changes which impacted the African continent between the time of WWII to the time of Mandela

59 Review of Africa in modern times 05:36

Students reflect on information learned in lesson

60 Understanding Darfur 29:47

Students explore the crisis which impacted the Sudan, its causes, and its relationship to other instances of genocide.

61 Understanding Darfur review lesson 05:06

Students reflect upon what a genocide is, and the causes and outcomes of the tragedy in Darfur

62 Unit Eight Exam 00:00

students will demonstrate mastery over concepts learned in lesson

63 Overview of India 14:44

Students will learn about India's politics and culture, as well as its physical features

64 Review of India overview lesson 01:37

students review answers to reflection questions with instructor support

65 Pakistan/India conflict 13:42

Students will explore the causes and consequences of the ongoing dispute between India and its neighbor

66 Review of Pakistan/India conflict 01:41

Students will explore the causes and consequences of the ongoing dispute between India and its neighbor

67 Unit Nine Exam 00:00

Unit exam over topics covered in lesson on overview of India and lesson on India/Pakistan conflict

68 Final exam 00:00

This comprehensive exam covers information introduced in all the video lessons and associated materials

Course Overview 

This course covers topics ranging from the nature of geography as a field of study to the study of physical, human, and biological factors, which when integrated, contribute to the student's overall level of geoliteracy.


Course Includes: 

  • 30 video lessons, created almost exclusively with intensive use of graphics in order to facilitate student understanding
  • 28 exercise review videos, which provide students with guidance as to their performance on independent activities
  • 35 student practice worksheets accompanied by either teacher explanation videos or by an answer key provided to parents to ensure student mastery
  • 30 lesson quizzes and nine major exams, all in convenient digital form, so that students are required to demonstrate mastery before advancing to the next video lesson/topic
  • 40 quiz/exam answer keys, so that parents may be able to gauge their student's performance in the course (However, the quizzes and exams are digitally graded, so that parents aren't burdened with manually correcting quiz/exam material themselves)
  • Seven separate suggested parent resource compilations, sourced from accurate and student-friendly sites, which allow parents to provide extension activities for their students, or to allow for remediation of concepts not mastered through the video lesson/independent activity method
  • Five separate map study extensions, including instructor explanations and answer keys provided for parent use
  • A comprehensive final exam, covering all the information contained in the course, which allows for parent and student confidence in the student's overall mastery level of the subject matter
  • More than ten hours in video instruction!


Course goals

The goal of this course is to assist seventh grade learners in their path to geoliteracy, facilitating their acquisition of new concepts and their analysis of ideas as they begin to understand their role in a global society.


Target audience:

Seventh grade students who are either on or above grade level in their ability to understand and analyze social studies concepts.


Course requirements:

Students taking this course will need to have completed sixth grade social studies coursework, and ideally, a course in Earth Science.


Nine units, covering the following topics-

 Unit One: What is geography?


 Five Themes of Geography 

 Geographic Literacy

 Unit Two: Major concepts in human geography

 Calculating survey results

 Population density


 Introduction to Economics

 Cultural Diffusion and Acculturation

 Unit Three: Major concepts in physical geography

 Land forms and major bodies of water

 Latitude and Longitude

 Plate tectonics

 North American Geography

 Unit Four: Contemplating European geography

 European Political Geography

 European history overview

 European Union and Brexit

 Unit Five: The Middle East and North Africa

 The Palestinian Crisis and its impact on the stability of the region

 Middle East and North African Geography

 Unit Six: Latin American Geography

 Latin American Geography

 Latin American Cultural geography

 Latin American Land Use and Change

 Unit Seven: Southeast Asian geography

 Pacific Ring of Fire

 Southeast Asia geography

 Rising Tiger economics in Southeast Asia

Unit Eight: Africa

The Physical Geography of Africa

Imperialism in Africa

Africa in Modern Times

Understanding Darfur

Unit Nine: India

Overview of India

India and Pakistan conflict

  • Teacher: Stacy
  • Areas of expertise: Elementary K-8, Special Education, Bilingual/ESL, and Constitutional Law
  • Education: B.S. and M.Ed., Texas A&M University; J.D., Southern Methodist University
  • Interests: Reading, writing, travel, history, art, spending time with my family
  • Skills: Learner intervention/remediation, Teaching ELLs, pre-algebra, U.S. history and constitution
  • Associations: D.C. Bar Association Kappa Delta Pi
  • Issues I care about: Education, Special needs learners

I am an educator with more than twenty years' experience. I have taught students of all grade levels with differing abilities. I have fourteen and eighteen year old daughters, both of whom have taken online courses. I am an inactive attorney, with a background in Constitutional law. I earned my master's degree in the area of educational psychology. I not only enjoy teaching, I am a lifelong learner myself!

Test Study Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Student introduction activity key

This answer key will provide parents with suggested responses to student activity attached to the lesson

Quiz One answer key

Answer key to quiz covering concepts introduced in first lesson

Five themes of geography quiz answer key

Answer key to assist parents in guiding student learning

Geoliteracy practice answer key

Answer key for student independent work regarding picture and concept matching

Geoliteracy quiz answer key

Answer key provided to parents to gauge student mastery

Exam one answer key

Answer key to exam one, covering unit one concepts, for parent use

Populations suggested resources

Suggested resources to accompany lesson at the discretion of parents, for purposes of extension or remediation of learning

Populations quiz answer key

Key to populations quiz so that parents may check for student mastery

Surveys lesson suggested resources

Suggested resources to accompany lesson at the discretion of parents, for purposes of extension or remediation of learning

Surveys lesson quiz key

Key for parents to utilize when assessing student mastery

Globalization quiz key

parent resource to gauge student mastery of material

Overview of economics quiz answer key

Answer key for parent use to determine level of student mastery

Cultural diffusion and acculturation quiz key

Answer key for parent use to determine level of student mastery

Landforms quiz answer key

answer key to allow parents to assess student mastery

Water features suggested resources

This document contains links to pages which include great information about blowholes and natural arches. It is highly recommended that students especially explore the site on arches, as it contains a wealth of information for learning extension purposes.

Water forms quiz key

This key will provide parents with the correct answers to the quiz in order to ensure student mastery

Answer key to plate tectonics quiz

This key will provide parents with the correct answers to the quiz in order to ensure student mastery

Answer key to N. American geography quiz

This key will provide parents with the correct answers to the quiz in order to ensure student mastery

Answer key to latitude and longitude quiz

This key will provide parents with the correct answers to the quiz in order to ensure student mastery

Exam two answer key

Exam answer key for parent use

European history and political boundaries suggested resources

Resources for extension or remediation purposes, at parent discretion

Exam four answer key

answer key for parent use

Answer key to Europe quiz

answer key for parent use

EU and brexit quiz answer key

answer key for parent use

Answer key to European map activity

Instructor video displays map activity and answer key for parent use

Exam three answer key

Answer key for parent use

Answer key to quiz on Latin American physical geography

Answer key for parent use to determine student mastery of concepts

Biodiversity/ Latin American land use suggested resources

Resources for parents to use at their discretion for purposes of extension or remediation

Land Use in Latin America quiz key

Quiz answer key for parents to use to ensure student mastery

Latin American cultural aspects quiz key

Key for parent use to determine student mastery

Exam five answer key

Exam five answer key on Latin American studies

Map answer keys/ blank maps for M. East/N. Africa study

Maps included here are those presented in video lesson; parents may print blank ones for student use and access the key to check for accuracy

Suggested resources for Middle East/N. Africa studies

Suggested resources for purposes of student extension or remediation

Answer key for quiz on Middle East/N. Africa

answer key for parent use

Unit 6 exam answer key

answer key for parent use

Pacific ring of fire quiz key

answer key for parent use

Southeast Asia map answer key

Answer key to S.E. Asia map activity

Southeast asia quiz answer key

answer key for parent use

Tiger economy quiz answer key

quiz answer key

Southeast Asia unit exam answer key

answer key for parent use

Answer key to African physical geography lesson/map

answer key for parent use

Answer key to African physical geography quiz

answer key for parent use

Answer key to African imperialism quiz

answer key for parent use

Answer key to Africa in modern times quiz

answer key for parent use

Answer key to understanding Darfur quiz

answer key for parent use

Answer key to Africa unit exam-8

answer key for parent use

India suggested resources

suggested resources for parents for extension or remediation

India overview quiz answer key

answer key for parent use

India/Pakistan conflict quiz key

answer key for parent use

India unit exam answer key

answer key for parent use

Final exam answer key

Answer key for parent use

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