Spanish 1: What Every Student Needs to Know

Teacher: Erika
Customers Who Have Viewed This Course: 4631

¡Bienvenidos! (Welcome)

0 Course Introduction 03:40

In this brief overview, you will learn more about this course, its target audience and highlights.

Unidad 1: Los Basicos (The Basics)

1 Los Colores 13:39

Review of basic colors in Spanish and pronunciation

2 Lesson Review 01:21

Los Colores

3 Los Numeros de 1-30 16:15

Review of numbers 1-30 in Spanish

4 Lesson Review 04:44

Los Numeros 1-30

5 El Abecedario (El Alfabeto) 10:30

For sound purposes, click on the separate video to review the song included in the video.

6 Lesson Review 03:29

El Abecedario

Unidad 2: A Conversar (To Converse)

7 Los Saludos (Greetings) 18:51

Practice your knowledge of greetings and personal introductions with these practice exercises.

8 Lesson Review 03:21

Los Saludos

9 Asking About Others 21:29

In this lesson, you will learn how to speak in 3rd person, as well as talk about age and give personal information (e-mail address and telephone numbers).

10 Lesson Review 02:21

Asking About Others

Unidad 3: A Conocernos (Getting To Know Each Other)

11 Talking About People/Places in the Community 17:41

In this lesson, you will learn how to identify people and places that live in your neighborhood and community.

12 Lesson Review 03:22

La Comunidad

13 The Verb "Ser" 15:54

In this lesson, you will learn to conjugate the verb "ser" (to be) in present tense.

14 Lesson Review 04:10


15 Adjectives in Spanish 10:01

In this lesson, you will learn how to describe people's physical characteristics and personality traits. You will review subject pronouns and conjugations of "ser".

16 Lesson Review 02:19


17 The Verb "Tener" 06:27

In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate the infinitive "tener" and use it it in personal descriptions.

18 Lesson Review 04:05


Unidad 4: Que Te Gusta? (What Do You Like?)

19 The Verb "gustar" 16:12

In this lesson, you will learn how to ask and answer the question "What do you like to do?", in the target language. This is also an introduction to other essential Spanish verbs.

20 Lesson Review 03:09


21 Gusta vs. Gustan 22:30

In this lesson, you will learn to use the verb "gusta(n)" with nouns. You will also learn more about definite articles in Spanish.

22 Lesson Review 05:07


Unidad 5: La Vida Academic (Academic Life)

23 La Escuela (School) 19:01

In this lesson, you will learn vocabulary associated with classes and school supplies. You will also answer questions about your classes.

24 Lesson Review 02:04

La Escuela

25 Que Hora Es 14:54

In this lesson, you will learn how to tell time, in Spanish.

26 Lesson Review 04:03

Que Hora Es

27 Los Dias y Las Fechas 19:23

In this lesson, you will learn how to give the day and date.

28 Lesson Review 03:22

Dias y Fechas

29 Conjugating -ar verbs 09:02

In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate -ar verbs and practice writing simple sentences.

30 Lesson Review 05:01

-ar Verbs

31 Video Comprehension 07:57

In this lesson, you will test your listening comprehension skills with video featuring native speakers!

32 Lesson Review 01:58

En La Escuela

33 Jugar 11:29

Learn the rules for conjugating the verb "jugar".

34 Lesson Review 02:17


Unidad 6: La Familia y La Casa (Family and Home)

35 La Familia 15:01

In this lesson, you will learn vocabulary to talk about your family. You will also, practice speaking in and listening to the target language.

36 Lesson Review 02:31

La Familia

37 La Familia del Rey 13:26

In this lesson, you will watch a short video to practice listening comprehension about the royal family of Spain.

38 Lesson Review 03:16

La Familia del Rey

39 La Casa (The House) 15:41

In this lesson, you will learn new vocabulary and descriptions for the parts of the house.

40 Lesson Review 03:16

La Casa

41 Present Progressive and Chores 12:31

In this lesson, you will learn the verb "estar" in order to talk about what people are doing, right now. You will also learn vocabulary associated with chores.

42 Lesson Review 02:45

Present Progressive and Chores

Unidad 7: En el Restaurante (In the Restaurant)

43 Buen Provecho (Bon Appetit) 23:19

In this lesson, you will learn foods and phrases related to eating. You will also learn how to conjugate -er and -ir verbs in the present tense.

44 Lesson Review 03:01

Buen Provecho

45 Stem-Changing Verbs 18:20

Learn the conjugation rules of common stem-changers.

46 Lesson Review 03:15


47 Listening/Viewing Exercise 11:54

Look at the scene in the restaurant and answer comprehension questions based on what you see, hear and understand.

48 Lesson Review 02:17

Restaurant Video Comprehension

Unidad 8: El Cuerpo y La Rutina Diaria (The Body and Daily Routines)

49 El Cuerpo 03:34

In this lesson, you will learn about the parts of the body.

50 Lesson 25 Review 02:32

El Cuerpo

51 La Rutina Diaria 14:12

This lesson introduces hygiene products and reflexive verbs for your daily routine.

52 Lesson Review 03:32

La Rutina Diaria

53 Conjugating Reflexive Verbs 13:51

In this lesson, you will learn how to conjugate reflexive verbs in the present tense.

54 Lesson Review 03:10

Conjugating Reflexive Verbs

55 Verbs + Infinitives 15:29

Learn to use the verbs followed by infinitives. "When 2 verbs go walking, the 1st one does the talking."

56 Lesson Review 01:49

Verbs + Infinitives

57 La Salud (Health) 12:46

In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about health and healthy living.

58 Lesson Review 05:49

La Salud

Unidad 9: Vamos de Compras (Let's Go Shopping)

59 Vamos de Compras 29:07

In this lesson, you will learn vocabulary associated with the city and shopping. You will be able to describe where things are located in your city/town and where you go.

60 Lesson Review 05:00

Vamos de Compras

61 Ir a + Places 05:47

In this lesson, you will review the conjugations of the verb "ir", to tell where you go.

62 Lesson Review 04:55

Ir a

63 Estar + Prepositions 13:47

In this lesson, you will learn how to describe location using prepositions in Spanish.

64 Lesson Review 02:25

Estar + Prepositions

Unidad 10: De Vacaciones (On Vacation)

65 Que Tiempo Hace 21:24

In this lesson, you will learn about the weather, temperature and the 4 seasons.

66 Lesson Review 02:37

Que Tiempo Hace

67 Ir de Vacaciones 06:05

In this lesson, you will learn new vocabulary related to travel.

68 Lesson Review 04:55

De Vacaciones

69 La Ropa 07:32

In this lesson, you will review weather expressions and learn new vocabulary about clothing.

70 Lesson Review 01:44

La Ropa

71 La Ropa: Comprension del Video 09:47

In this lesson, you will watch a video to practice listening comprehension.

72 Lesson Review 01:30

La Ropa: Video

73 Yo -Go Verbs 11:52

Irregular Verbs in the "Yo" Form.

74 Lesson Review 04:54

Yo -Go Verbs

75 Yo -Go Verbs 10:08

Kahoot! Lesson to practice irregular "yo" verbs.

Unidad 11: A Celebrar (To Celebrate)

76 Las Celebraciones y Fiestas 06:43

Learn new vocabulary about holidays and celebrations.

77 Lesson Review 04:27

Las Celebraciones y Fiestas

78 Las Celebraciones y Fiestas 11:52

Video Comprehension

79 Lesson Review 01:55

Celebraciones y Fiestas

Course Description

This course is designed for Middle and High School Spanish students without any prior language experience. It teaches students the fundamental vocabulary and grammar necessary to advance to higher levels of Spanish, such as Spanish 2. 

Course Overview

Each section begins with a vocabulary lesson which will extend throughout the unit, followed by supporting grammar lessons and comprehension exercises.  The lessons include additional practice for students to further their knowledge and understanding, as well as  a multiple choice quiz at the end of each lesson. Also included are review lessons, to answer any possible questions and to allow the student to check his/her work.

This course includes:

- 9+ hours of instructional videos

- 2 hours of videos for review

- Listen/Viewing Comprehension Exercises

- 40 Video Lessons

- 40 review lessons 

- 38 multiple choice quizzes and answer keys

- Additional practice worksheets for each lesson

Course Goal

By the end of this course, students will be able to talk about and describe themselves and others, including personal descripitions, likes and dislikes, chores, daily life and routines, places around town, time, weather, clothing, vacation and much more! They will be able to understand spoken Spanish based on familiar topics and will be able to speak and write using complete sentences.

Target Audience

This course is intended for grades 6-12 and is ideal for students interested in advancing to higher levels of Spanish, or who are curious about learning a foreign language.

Course Requirements

Students are encouraged to take notes during the instructional videos ,in order to complete the attached worksheet and quizzes.  For listening comprehension practice, the students may find it beneficial to watch the video clip more than once.


Section 1: Los basicos (The Basics)

Section 2: A conversar (To Converse)

Section 3: A conocernos (Getting to Know Each Other)

Section 4: Que te gusta (What Do You Like)

Section 5: La vida academica (Academic Life)

Section 6: La familia y la casa (The Family and Home)

Section 7: En el restaurante (In the restaurant)

Section 8: El cuerpo y la rutina diaria (The Body and Daily Routine)

Section 9: Vamos de compras (Let's Go Shopping)

Section 10: De vacaciones (On Vacation)

Section 11: A celebrar (To Celebrate)

  • Teacher: Erika
  • Areas of expertise: Spanish
  • Education: University of N.C. at Charlotte
  • Interests: traveling, foreign cuisine, music, documentaries & forensics tv shows
  • Skills: Bilingual (English & Spanish)
  • Associations: Former public and private school teacher
  • Issues I care about: Cultural and global awareness; Understanding perspectives and practices of diverse backgrounds; The importance of bilingualism

Telling Time (Que Hora Es)

Listening Comprehension Answer Key


  1. 1:00

  2. 10:55

  3. 2:15

  4. 10:30

  5. 12:10

  6. 3:20

  7. 8:35

  8. 4:00

  9. 8:30

  10. 5:35

  11. 6:45

  12. 12:30


Video Comprehension ANSWER KEY

Video Comprehension Questions (Episode 1)


  1. ¿De dónde es Francisco?



  1. Julián: “Bienvenidos a _____.” 


    3. Vicki es ____.



4.  Alejandra es ____.


5. Las muchachas son ___.

estudiantes ( They say, “alumnas”)

6. ¿De dónde es Alberto?


7. ¿Cómo es él?

Él es moreno.


8. A ellos, les gusta ____.

hablar por teléfono


9.  Alejandra says,  "Vicki es _____ y muy _____.” (Listen for vocabulary.)



Test Preparation Document

Test Preparation Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Digital Quizzes and Tests Answer Keys Document

Answer Key for Tests

Use this to check the tests at the end of each lesson, as needed. (Students will be able to re-take test as many times as needed, without the use of the answer key.)
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