Complete Online Spanish for Beginners Course, Principiante 1, A1
Spanish for Beginners Course A1, Beginner I
Course Description
This engaging introduction to the Spanish language will cover most of the basics students need to know. The course also covers the proper use of the verbs “to be” (ser/estar), gender, common vocabulary, pluralization, and simple structures in the present tense.
Course Includes:
- 70 video lessons
- 43 hours of total lessons
- 35 quizzes/tests
- 35 activity review videos (I go over each activity one by one and explain the correct answer)
- Vocabulary lists for each of the lessons
- Over 35 worksheets with activities specific to each lesson
- Extra resources with full explanations and extra materials
- 1 review test
- Final exam
- Answer keys to all quizzes and a final exam
Target Audience: Native English speakers wanting to learn the Spanish language with no prior knowledge of Spanish or those with some basic Spanish knowledge who may want to review the topics covered in this course.
What can I learn once I have completed the Principiante I, Beginner I, A1 level?
Once you finish this Spanish for Beginners Course A1 you will be able to understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very basic phrases. You will be able to interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Topics: The alphabet, ser/estar/haber/tener, things and people, personal pronouns, possessives, demonstratives, adjectives, adverbs, verbs in the present indicative, definite and indefinite articles, paraphrased future, numbers, time, seasons, nationalities, prepositions of places, indefinites and negatives, expressions with tener, salutations, vocabulary, gustar and similar verbs, interrogative words, pronunciation and conversation.
Goal: To use ser and estar and to understand gender, number and simple structures in the present tense.
Course Topics
The ABCs, El Alfabeto
Verb to Be, Usage and Exercises. Verbo Ser (usos):(Ejercicios)
Where are you from? ¿De dónde sos?
Greetings and how to thank. Saludos y Agradecer.
The Article. El Artículo.
The adjetives. Los Adjetivos.
Demonstrative Pronouns. Pronombres Demostrativos
Nouns. Sustantivos
Regular verbs in the Present. Exercises. Verbos regulares en Presente (Ejercicios)
You informal or you formal? ¿Vos o Usted?
The days of the week Los Días de la Semana
The numbers, exercises Los números (Ejercicios)
The Hour, exercies La hora (Ejercicios)
Possessive Adjectives Adjetivos Posesivos
The family La familia
Expressions with Tener Expresiones con Tener
Be from, Be at. Ser de / Estar en
Verb to Be Estar
Verb to Be. Ser / Estar
Prepositions of place. Preposiciones de Lugar
Verb there is or there are Verbo Haber
Difference between verbs Haber and Estar Diferencia entre Haber y Estar
Verbs Haber and To Be. Exercises Haber / Estar / Ser (Ejercicios)
Verbs with the first person singular irregular. Exercises. Verbos con 1º persona singular irregular (Ejercicios)
How do we ask? Questions. Exercises. ¿Cómo preguntamos?:/ Preguntas (Ejercicios)
How to ask for permisssion or authorization Para pedir permiso o autorización
Verb to Go. Verbo Ir
Direct Object Pronoun. Pronombre OD:/ (Ejercicios)
Postion of the Pronouns. Posición de los pronombres
Dialogues at the restaurant. Diálogos en el Restaurante
Verb to Like. Exercises. Verbo Gustar (Ejercicios)
Verbs to Like and to seem, look or resemble. Verbos Gustar y Parecer
The Weather. El Clima
Immediate Future with the verb to go, preposition A and Infinitive. Futuro perifrástico (Ir + A + Infinitivo)
Indefinite and Negative Expressions. Expresiones indefinidas y negativas (Ejercicios)
Adverbs ending in mente. Adverbios en -mente
Regular Verbs ser, estar, haber, ir gustar and exercises. Verbos regulares, Ser, Estar, Haber, Ir, Gustar (Ejercicios)
Verb to Be. Usage. Verbo Ser (Usos)
The gender of professions. El género de las profesiones
Agreement. Concordancia
Possessives. Posesivos
Verbs Ser and Estar Ser / Estar
Verb There is, There are Verbo Haber
Verbs Ser, Estar, Haber and Tener Verbos Ser / estar / Haber / Tener
Regular verbs ending in AR Verbos regulares en Presente con terminación -AR
Exercises with number replacement Ejercicios de sustitución de número
Questions and Answers Preguntas y Respuestas
Regular Verbs in the Present ending in ER, IR Verbos regulares en Presente con terminación -ER / -IR
Direct Object. Objeto Directo
Regular and Irregular Verbs. Verbos Regulares e irregulares